CSCI 3005 – Programming Assignment 3 solved


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In English, some words are commonly followed by other words, giving the
pair of words a special meaning. Sample word pairs include expressions
such as “poetic justice” and “egg white.” The fact that a given word w is
commonly followed by another word v can be represented as a directed
graph containing the edge (w, v).
Your task is to use the breadth-first search algorithm studied in class to
perform various operations on a graph of word pairs. In developing your
solution, you are to use the class provided by the
instructor. Data for your program will be obtained from text files in which
each line contains two words representing a valid word pair in the graph.
Your solution is to be implemented as a class named WordPairs
containing the following public methods:
WordPairs(String filename): a constructor that reads in the data
from a text file which contains a series of lines. Each line has two words
separated by a single space.
String wordChain(String first, String last): returns the
shortest sequence of word pairs that begins with first and ends with last,
using the format below (returns [] if there is no such sequence).
[first word1,word1 word2, …,wordn last]
int chainLength(String first, String last): returns the number of word pairs in the
shortest chain that begins with first and ends with last. Return Integer.MAX_VALUE if none exists.
int reachableFrom(String word): returns the number of distinct words that are part of all
chains that begin with word. Assume that a word is always reachable from itself.
int reachableFrom(String word, int maxLength): returns the number of distinct words
that are part of all chains of maxLength that begin with word. For instance, given the sample graph
above, the method call reachableFrom(“a”, 1) would return 4.
String reachableWords(String word, int maxLength): returns a String containing the
distinct words that are part all chains of maxLength that begin with word. The reachable words should
be grouped by level, using the format
[word1, word2]
[word3, word4, word5]

[…,…, wordn]
String cycle(String word): returns the shortest sequence of word pairs that begin and ends
with word, using the format below (returns [] if there is no such sequence).
[word word1,word1 word2, …,wordn word]
The program and sample text files have been provided for partial testing. Submit
your WordPairs,java (and any other .java files developed as part of your solution) to Mimir for testing.
You should submit neither nor any data files nor any .class files.