CSCE 240 Homework 5 GradeBook solved


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Now that you have implemented the C++ version of a class you might have implemented in CSCE 146,
you will utilize one of the language-specific features of C++. Operator overloading is necessary in C++ to
utilize templates; templates are equivalent to generics in Java.
The GradeBook object provides a means to manage sets of grades. In this version of GradeBook, you
will provide operator overloads. Read the given header file documentation for instructions on how the methods should behave.
I have provided you a basic test app which you can use to ensure that your code is, at least partially,
correct. I would suggest a more rigorous testing scheme to ensure that your methods handle missing data.
You will receive 0.5 points for each passed test (see test-all) as illustrated in the test files, for a maximum of two points. There will be an additional point for compiling against all the tests. In addition, you
will receive up to two points for correct style for a total of 5 points. This assignment will be weighted at
three points.
Late assignments will lose 10% per day late, with no assignment begin accepted after 3 days (at 100%
reduction in points).