cs4410 Computer Graphics hw5 solved


Category: You will receive a download link of the .ZIP file upon Payment


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• Write a WebGL program that meets the following requirements. Name your source code hw5.html and
– The program models a 3D cylinder and displays it using wireframe rendering (see Fig. 1).
– The model must consist of top face (n-gon), bottom face (n-gon), and side faces (rectangles).
– Each n-gon (top/bottom faces) must consist of n triangles in the form of triangle fan (see Fig. 1).
– Each of the side rectangles must consist of 2 triangles (see Fig. 1).
– The cylinder must be rotating constantly to show the model from various angles (see video).
Figure 1: WireCylinder
What to submit:
• Submit all your source files (.html, .js) that are needed for compilation, including library files/folders. Missing library files/folders will lead to point deduction.
• Make sure your library folder/files are in the right location relative to your main program (.html), such that
when your main program (.html) is clicked as is, it should run without problem.
How to submit:
• Use Canvas Assignment Submission system to submit your source files.
• Make sure to zip all your files/folders into hw5.zip, then submit your hw5.zip as a single file.
• Do all the assignments on Chrome Development Tools using HTML, JavaScript, and GLSL ES.
• At the top of each source file, provide comments specifying the author, date, and a brief description of the file.
• Source code must contain enough comments here and there to make it easy enough to follow. Insufficient
comments could lead to point deduction.
• Incomplete program will get almost no credit (e.g., program does not run due to compile errors or program
terminates prematurely due to run-time errors).
• Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s code. If identical (or nearly identical) submissions are found among
students, every student involved will get automatic zero for the assignment. The same goes for copying
existing code from online source.
• If a student makes multiple submissions, only the last submission will be considered valid.