
CS3820 PLC: Homework 2 solved

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For this homework, you will gain further practice with higher-order functions, pattern-matching,
and list operations. You will also gain further practice implementing languages, in this case a language called ShapeLang for describing graphics. You will also begin using the Functor, Applicative,
and Monad type classes.
I am posting the homework with still some more problems to write, so you can get started. I will
update the homework soon with the remaining problems.
How to Turn In Your Solution
You should create a directory called hw2 (exactly this!) in your personal repository, and add
your Haskell files to this directory. Then push the directory (and all your Haskell files) up to
As for hw0, you can check that you have submitted correctly by going to the URL for your subversion
repository. Also, as for hw0, please use exactly the file names we are requesting (so do not change
the names of these files).
Partners Allowed
You may work by yourself or with one partner (no more). See instructions for hw1 on the protocol
you should use if you do work with a partner.
How To Get Help
You can post questions in the hw2 section on Piazza.
You are also welcome to come to our office hours. See the course’s Google Calendar, linked from
the page for the class, for the locations and times for office hours.
1 Reading
Read Chapters 7, 8 and 12 of Programming in Haskell.
2 Positional Notation [35 points]
Positional notation (“base-n notation”) is the general scheme for representing numbers that encompasses the decimal notation we standardly use. In this problem you will implement some operations
related to positional notation. A number in positional notation is a list of digits. We will write
these from least to most significant. So we will write 134 as the list [4,3,1] in our Haskell code.
The code for this section is in Positional.hs. The problems below are each worth 7 points each.
See Chapter 7 for some inspiration.
1. Implement the toPos function which takes an integer x and a base b, and converts x to base-b
positional notation. So if x is 8 and n is 2, toPos should return [0,0,0,1] as this is the
base-2 (i.e., binary) representation of 8.
2. Implement fromPos that takes a number in positional notation and a base, and returns the
integer which that positional notation represents. So fromPos b undoes what toPos b did
(it will return the starting number x).
3. Next we will convert Pos to Expr, a type for basic arithmetic expressions. For this, first
make Expr an instance of the Show typeclass. Your show function for Exprs should always
put parentheses around plus and times expressions (only), not trying to omit them in some
4. Fill in the definition of toExpr to convert a Pos to an Expr, where you show the sums of
powers of the base explicitly. For example, toPos 3 11 should return [2,0,1], which your
toExpr function should convert to an Expr that prints as:
((2 * 1) + ((0 * 3) + (1 * 9)))
5. Define addPos so that it takes in a base and two positional representations, and returns the
sum of those representations as another legal positional number with respect to that base.
Your algorithm is not allowed to convert the positional numbers to Integers, add, and convert
back. Instead, you should implement the grade-school algorithm for adding positionally
represented numbers with a carry.
3 Stars in Scalar Vector Graphics [39 points]
In this problem, you will implement code to generate a description of a star in Scalar Vector Graphics (SVG) format. Example stars generated by my solution are provided in the sample-output
directory. Of course you are not expected to know the SVG format for this problem. You can glean
everything you need to know from the sample output or online. If you open one of the sample
output files in a web browser, you will see the rendered star. The provided Tests.hs generates
those stars from your solution (it just generates files with a blue circle by default until you write
the code below).
Your goal in this problem is to implement the showStar function, which takes in the following
• tx: amount along the x-axis to translate the star, where the top left corner of a page is
coordinate (0,0).
• ty: amount in the y-axis to translate the star.
• r: the radius of the star (distance from the center to each point of the star)
• sep: the “separation” (my term, not sure if there is a standard one), which controls how thick
the points of the star are
• n: the number of points of the star.
Of course you will have to write a number of helper functions, that seek to generate the coordinates
of the lines connecting the points of the star. Here is a high-level description of how to do this:
1. Generate n evenly spaced points around a circle of radius r. To generate the k’th point, you
use the coordinates
(r ∗ (cos((k ∗ 2π)/n)), r ∗ (sin((k ∗ 2π)/n)))
Amazingly, all those functions are available in the Haskell prelude including pi! You will need
to convert integers to floats using fromIntegral, and from floats to integers using round. Be
careful about where you put your calls to fromIntegral so you do not truncate your floating
point computation too early (resulting in the wrong points).
2. Generate a list of edges, where an edge is a pair of points. You should do this by connecting
the k’th point from the ones you generated around the circle, to the k+sep’th point (wrapping
around to the front of the list of points if you exceed n).
3. Show each edge as an SVG line (you can see the sample-output files for examples).
4. showStar can then put the above functions together to generate a string with all the lines.
The provided writeStar function will then call this with appropriate HTML boilerplate to
show the SVG.
A correct solution is worth 39 points. If you have trouble finishing, you can just generate the
points around the circle as a polygon, as in sample-output/polygon.html. This easier alternative
is worth 20 points. (You would change your showStar to show these polygons, so your output
would still go in star1.html etc. when the main function of Tests.hs is run. You would just have
polygons in those files instead of stars.)
Bonus: create a file called FancyStar.hs with a main :: IO () function that calls a function
showFancyStar to create fancyStar1.html through fancyStar4.html. Fancy stars are whatever
you want them to be, but have to have some extra wrinkles on top of plain old stars. We will look
at submitted fancy stars in class (non-anonymously) [4 bonus points].
4 Functors and the IO Monad [25 points]
In FuncEx.hs fill in the following [5 points each]:
1. implement map2 to map a function down two levels of list structure; similarly map3.
2. implement mapTree2 to do the same sort of thing as map2 but for the Tree data structure.
3. implement print2 that takes in two showable things and prints them out on two separate
lines, using the IO monad.
4. Define a function fmap2 with its type, which can fmap any function through two layers of
a Functor f. Specialized to lists, this will be equivalent to the map2 function in Basics.hs,
and also to mapTree2.
5. Fill in the definition of function printShowables so that given a list of showable values, it
prints each of them using putStrLn, in the IO monad.