CS32 Project 4 Cyber Spider solved


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Didn’t you read the text in red on the previous page? Before writing a single line of code or reading the rest of this document, you MUST first read AND THEN RE-READ the Requirements and Other Thoughts section. Print out that page, tape it to your wall or on the mattress above your bunk bed, etc. And read it over and over. The NachenSmall Software Corporation has been contacted by the U.S. National Cyber Command (NCC), the national cybersecurity defense service, about creating a software program to discover latent computer attack campaigns.

If you’re not familiar with cyberattacks, most of them come in the form of malicious files (e.g., badfile.exe or malicious.pdf). A user is either tricked into downloading such a malicious file, or the file is injected into the victim’s machine automatically (and invisibly) when the user browses a malicious website (e.g., www.badwebsite.com). Once the malicious program has been downloaded and executed on the victim’s computer, it may install other malicious programs (e.g., badfile.exe creates and runs spyware.exe), gather intelligence, or hunt for other computers to attack. Occasionally, such a malicious program will also communicate back to its master “Command and Control” server on the Internet (e.g., badfile.exe connects to www.masterbadsrvr.com) to obtain new directives from the attacker.

According to the NCC, due to an earlier classified government program, every single government-owned computer already monitors and collects exhaustive log data on each of the following activities: • Every time a software file F is downloaded from a particular website W to a particular computer C, the following is logged: {C, W, F} • Every time a software file F creates another software file G on a particular computer C, the following is logged: {C, F, G} • Every time a software file F contacts a website W on a particular computer C, the following is logged: {C, F, W} So for example, if government computer m1001 downloaded foo.exe from website www.trash.com, then the government security software running on that computer would detect this activity and add a new entry to the end of its local log data file detailing the activity: {m1001, www.trash.com, foo.exe} Each government computer then submits its collected logs, once per hour, to NCC headquarters where they are stored in aggregate.

The government now has trillions of 4 lines of telemetry1 log data of the type described above, and has a hypothesis that they can search through this data to identify as yet undiscovered cyberattacks. The NCC believes that by “spidering” or “crawling” through these trillions of lines of collected telemetry log data, and correlating this data with known threat indicators (e.g., file F175.exe is known to be spyware, or website www.xyz.com is known to be a malicious website), that they will be able to discover unknown or latent malicious files or websites that are somehow connected/related to these known indicators. But how? Well, imagine that the government has collected the following three lines of activity logs from its millions of computers (along with millions of other lines, depicted by the … below): {m701, www.xyz.com, F62.exe} {m987, F62.exe, F7883.exe} {m043, F7883.exe, www.somerandomwebsite.com} … The first log line indicates that the file F62.exe was observed being downloaded from website www.xyz.com on government computer m701.

The second line indicates that file F62.exe was observed creating a new file called F7883.exe on government computer m987. Finally, the third line indicates that file F7883.exe was observed initiating a connection to a website called www.somerandomwebsite.com on government computer m043. Now let’s assume that the NCC happens to already know that website www.xyz.com is malicious (perhaps they discovered this fact during a previous investigation), and they want to discover other as yet unknown malicious files and websites that are somehow connected with this known malicious website. How might they do so? Well, they could search through their millions of lines of log data (including the three lines above) for www.xyz.com to discover other malicious entities that are somehow related to this single known malicious entity. For example, by searching through the millions of lines of logs, they will eventually stumble upon the log line: {m701, www.xyz.com, F62.exe} which details that file F62.exe was seen being downloaded from www.xyz.com.

This will lead them to conclude that file F62.exe is likely to be malicious too, since malicious websites are known to host malicious executable files. 1 Telemetry refers to the fact that the data is gathered remotely and sent to the NCC for processing. 2 It’s impossible for a single computer to hold, or for that matter, efficiently search through trillions or more 5 Similarly, once the government discovers that file F62.exe is likely malicious, they can continue searching through the logs. They’ll eventually find this line: {m987, F62.exe, F7883.exe} where they see file F62.exe creating another file called F7883.exe on government machine m987. They may thus infer that F7883.exe is likely to be malicious too, since malicious files generally create other malicious files (a spyware installer might install a spyware program, for example). Further, once they discover that file F7883.exe is malicious, they can continue searching through their logs for connections to this new file.

They will soon discover this log line: {m043, F7883.exe, www.somerandomwebsite.com} This log line indicates that file F7883.exe has connected to a website called www.somerandomwebsite.com on government computer m043. They may thus infer that this website is likely to be malicious as well, since malicious software often contacts malicious websites for new attacker commands. So by starting with a single malicious entity (www.xyz.com) and repeatedly hunting for log lines that detail direct or indirect relationships with this indicator amongst millions of lines of logs, the government hopes to discover all related unknown malicious entities! Of course, things are never so simple.

What if the log line in RED were also observed amongst the government-collected log data: {m701, www.xyz.com, F62.exe} {m987, F62.exe, F7883.exe} {m043, F7883.exe, www.somerandomwebsite.com} {m043, F7883.exe, www.google.com} … A naïve attack discovery algorithm might infer that website www.google.com is malicious too! Why? Since we have discovered that file F7883.exe is malicious, and since we’ve observed it connecting to website www.google.com, that site must be malicious by association! Of course, this would be a false alarm that would make the results of the hunt useless: Any program that contacted www.google.com, like a browser, would be inferred to be malicious, and then any website that browser visited would be, etc. The real malicious sites and programs would be lost among the many false alarms. To combat the problem, the government has one additional criterion that they want to use during this discovery process to reduce the possibility of such false alarms. Specifically, if an entity (e.g., www.google.com, or chrome.exe) is highly prevalent (e.g., found on many machines), then it’s almost certainly likely to be legitimate and not an advanced 6 attack.

Why? Advanced attacks tend to have very limited distribution – to a handful or maybe dozens of victim computers – unlike legitimate software that’s found on thousands or millions of computers. So the NCC has indicated that entities with high prevalence (e.g., chrome.exe) should never be classified as malicious, even if they have a direct or indirect connection to known malicious entities. Such a rule would exclude www.google.com from being classified as a malicious entity even though it’s directly connected with a discovered malicious entity, F7883.exe. That’s the basic idea of what the NCC wants you to do. Starting with one or more known malicious entities, they want you to efficiently search through millions of lines of log data for relationships between these known entities and other entities to discover as-yet unknown malicious entities, repeating this process over and over until the entire web of an attack is discovered. So, in your final CS32 project for Winter 2016, your goal is to build a set of C++ classes that can be used to implement an unknown attack detection system… a Cyber Spider that crawls the attack web.

Your classes MUST be able to identify unknown threats (files and URLs) by discovering relationships between them and known threat indicators (known bad files and known bad URLs) through the analysis of log data of the types described above ({C,W,F}, {C,F,G}, and {C,F,W}). However, rather than requiring you to analyze trillions of lines of log data, your program will have to analyze only hundreds of thousands to millions of log lines to prove that the general approach works. Lucky you – this makes the problem much simpler2 ! If you’re able to prove to NachenSmall’s reclusive and bizarre CEO, Carey Nachenberg, that you have the programming skills to build the unknown attack detection tool described in this specification, he’ll hire you to build the complete project, and you’ll be famous… at least among the hundred or so people who comprise the top secret National Cyber Command security community. Malicious Entity Discovery The NCC has specified that the following rules MUST be used to discover unknown malicious files and websites: Given the following inputs: 1. An aggregated set of millions of lines of log data of the form described above 2 It’s impossible for a single computer to hold, or for that matter, efficiently search through trillions or more pieces of data.

So in modern “big-data” analytics systems, we split up and distribute such data across hundreds or even thousands of separate computers, then use distributed analysis tools to analyze the data in a coordinated way across all of these computers. If you’re interested in how this might be done at scale, search for “hadoop” and “cassandra” – these are two distributed big-data systems that would be useful in implementing a full-scale Cyber Spider system like the one described above (capable of analyzing trillions or quadrillions of pieces of data). Or even better, join Carey at Symantec – we do this kind of thing! J 7 2. A set of known malicious entities (e.g., a list of one or more bad files and/or websites) 3. A prevalence threshold value Pgood (e.g., Pgood =12) that can be used to determine whether an entity is too popular to be considered malicious: If the number of log lines that refer to entity E is greater than or equal to Pgood, then E is considered legitimate because it’s too popular to be an advanced attack3 . A new entity E can be determined to be malicious based on the following criteria: 1. If there exists a “download” relationship where a file F is downloaded from a website W, and website W has been identified as a malicious entity, and the downloaded file F has a prevalence lower than Pgood, then the downloaded file MUST also be designated a malicious entity. For example, if www.bad.com is currently known to be malicious4 , file foo.exe is referenced fewer than Pgood times within the logs, and a log line like the following exists that indicates that file foo.exe was downloaded from website www.bad.com on machine m1234: {m1234, www.bad.com, foo.exe} then foo.exe will be determined to be malicious as well. 2. If there exists a “download” relationship where a file F is downloaded from a website W, and file F has been identified as a malicious entity, and website W (from which F was downloaded) has a prevalence lower than Pgood, then website W MUST also be designated a malicious entity. For example, if bar.exe is currently known to be malicious, and www.barbar.com occurs fewer than Pgood times within the logs, and a log line like the following exists (which indicates that file bar.exe was downloaded from www.barbar.com on government computer m640): {m640, www.barbar.com, bar.exe} then www.barbar.com will be determined to be malicious as well. 3. If there exists a “creation” relationship where a file F creates a file G on a particular machine, and file F has been identified as a malicious entity, and file G has a prevalence lower than Pgood, then the created file G MUST be designated as a malicious entity. 3 Advanced attacks are, as a rule, of limited prevalence, since the attacker doesn’t want to infect hundreds or thousands of computers and increase the odds that their threat will be discovered. 4 The website might be known to be malicious either (a) because it was provided in the set of known malicious entities, or (b) it was subsequently discovered to be malicious by these rules. 8 For example, if bar.exe is currently known to be malicious, and bletch.exe occurs fewer than Pgood times within the logs, and a log line like the following exists (which details the creation of file bletch.exe by file bar.exe on computer m989): {m989, bar.exe, bletch.exe} then bletch.exe will be determined to be malicious as well. 4. If there exists a “creation” relationship where a file F creates a file G on a particular machine, and file G has been identified as a malicious entity, and file F has a prevalence lower than Pgood, then the creating file F MUST be designated as a malicious entity. For example, if bar.exe is currently known to be malicious, and my_installer.exe occurs fewer than Pgood times within the logs, and a log line like the following exists (indicating that file bar.exe was created by file my_installer.exe on machine m721): {m721, my_installer.exe, bar.exe} then my_installer.exe will be determined to be malicious as well. 5. If there exists a “connect” relationship where a file F connects to a website W, and website W has been identified as a malicious entity, and the connecting file F has a prevalence lower than Pgood, then the connecting file MUST also be designated a malicious entity. For example, if www.bad.com is currently known to be malicious, file goo.exe is referenced fewer than Pgood times within the logs, and a log line like the following exists (indicating that goo.exe connected to www.bad.com on machine m6542): {m6542, goo.exe, www.bad.com} then goo.exe will be determined to be malicious as well. 6. If there exists a “connect” relationship where a file F connects to a website W, and file F has been identified as a malicious entity, and website W has a prevalence lower than Pgood, then website W MUST also be designated a malicious entity. For example, if bar.exe is currently known to be malicious, and www.unknown.com occurs fewer than Pgood times within the logs, and a log line like the following exists (indicating that file bar.exe connected to www.unknown.com on computer m897340): 9 {m897340, bar.exe, www.unknown.com} then website www.unknown.com MUST be determined to be malicious as well. Based on the NCC’s requirements, these six rules MUST be applied transitively. This means that every time a new entity E has been determined to be malicious, the six rules above MUST be re-applied to all relevant entities connected to E, and so on. For example, given the following log lines collected from millions of government computers: {m562, a.exe, b.exe} {m109, c.exe, b.exe} {m109, explorer.exe, d.exe} {m562, c.exe, www.attacker.com} {m1174, q.exe, www.attacker.com} {m3455, c.exe, www.google.com} {m3455, www.google.com, a.exe} … And given the following entity prevalence values taken from across the entire set of logs: P(a.exe) = 2 P(b.exe) = 2 P(c.exe) = 3 P(d.exe) = 4 P(q.exe) = 1 P(www.attacker.com) = 2 P(www.google.com) = 1,352,980 And given the initial knowledge that file a.exe is known to be malicious, and that we want to treat all entities with prevalence larger than or equal to Pgood = 10 as legitimate, then we may subsequently infer: 1. That b.exe is bad (through rule 3, above, a.exe taints b.exe) 2. That c.exe is bad (through rule 4, above, b.exe taints c.exe) 3. That www.attacker.com is bad (through rule 6, above, c.exe taints www.attacker.com) 4. That q.exe is bad (through rule 5, above, www.attacker.com taints q.exe) This transitivity quality ensures that we discover new malicious entities that aren’t necessarily directly connected to known-malicious entities. For example, in step 4 above we have determined that q.exe is malicious, even though there is no direct link between q.exe and our only originally-known bad file a.exe. Also note that we do not infer that www.google.com is bad, even though it is connected to a.exe and c.exe, and these files are known or were discovered to be malicious. This is because Google’s prevalence P(www.google.com) within the logs is greater than our threshold value of 10. Similarly, we don’t infer that d.exe is malicious, since it has no direct connection to a known or inferred malicious entity. 10 So, based on the principle of transitivity, once we discover a new malicious entity through a connection with an existing, known malicious entity, we can use this newlyclassified malicious entity to discover other, more distant malicious entities. This process continues until we’ve run out of new connections to/from the expanding group of all known malicious entities. In practice, since advanced attacks tend to be of limited size – targeting dozens or fewer victims, leveraging perhaps hundreds of malicious files and websites – this transitive discovery process can be performed very quickly, even when hunting across literally trillions of lines of log data… that is, if you use the right data structures and algorithms! Organizing the Data For Efficient Discovery of Malicious Entities So how might you go about searching through millions of lines of logs (of the form {Machine#, First Entity, Second Entity}, e.g., {m1234, foo.exe, www.foobar.com}) to discover unknown malicious entities? Well, if you wanted to use a really slow but simple approach, you could just repeatedly search through the entire collection of logs a line at a time, something like this: Inputs: 1. A set of known-bad entities Sbad 2. A prevalence threshold, Pgood 3. A log containing millions of lines, each of the form: {MachineID, Entity1, Entity2} 4. A prevalence function P(e) that returns the prevalence of entity e across all of the logs (i.e., if e occurs on 5 log lines, then P(e) = 5) Algorithm: Do the following: Starting at the beginning of the log, iterate through each log line L: If L.Entity1 is in set Sbad, and P(L.entity2) < Pgood then Add the L.Entity2 to Sbad If L.Entity2 is in set Sbad, and P(L.entity1) < Pgood then Add the L.Entity1 to Sbad while Sbad has had at least one entity added during the previous loop As you can see, our pseudocode’s outer loop will run over and over and over, adding newly discovered entities to its Sbad set during each pass through the log lines. Only once the function completes a full pass through the log lines without discovering a new bad entity will it stop looping and return its list of discovered bad entities. If you remember anything from our big-O lectures, you’ll notice that the above function is extremely slow. For instance, consider a log file with five billion lines, and which contains the following five lines spread out amongst those five billions lines: 11 m99793, splat.exe, www.cNc.com // file splat.exe contacted website www.cNc.com m02238, pfft.exe, www.cNc.com // file pfft.exe contacted website www.cNc.com m52902, hmm.exe , pfft.exe // file hmm.exe created file pfft.exe m52902, hmm.exe, www.google.com // file hmm.exe contacts website www.google.com m00001, www.virus.com , hmm.exe // file hmm.exe was downloaded from www.virus.com Imagine if we were to run our above algorithm, starting with an Sbad set that includes only {www.virus.com}: 1. The first iteration of the loop would iterate through all five billion log lines and discover that file hmm.exe is malicious (due to its direct connection with knownbad website www.virus.com), adding it to the Sbad set. 2. The second iteration of the loop would iterate again through all five billion log lines and discover that file pfft.exe is malicious (due to its connection with newlydiscovered bad file hmm.exe), adding it to the Sbad set. It would also see the connection between hmm.exe to www.google.com, but it would not add www.google.com to the Sbad set because of www.google.com’s high prevalence. 3. The third iteration of the loop would iterate yet again through all five billion log lines and discover that website www.cNc.com is malicious (due to its connection with newly-discovered malicious file pfft.exe), adding it to the Sbad set. 4. The fourth iteration of the loop would iterate yet again through all five billion items and discover that file splat.exe is malicious (due to its connection with newly-discovered malicious website www.cNC.com), adding it to the Sbad set. 5. The fifth iteration of the loop would iterate yet again through all five billion items and discover no new malicious entities. 6. Finally, detecting that no new malicious entities were discovered during that iteration of the loop, the function would return the set of malicious items in the Sbad set: hmm.exe pfft.exe splat.exe www.cNc.com www.virus.com Clearly, we can do this more efficiently! For example, rather than repeatedly iterating through the billions of lines of logs, could we somehow leverage a hash table or binary search tree to speed things up? Of course, the answer is yes! For example, we could perform a single pass through our five billion log lines and construct a hash table-based map that associates each first entity Entity1 to its associated second entity Entity2 for all five billion log lines. Amongst the other lines in the hash table, it would contain: www.virus.com à hmm.exe hmm.exe à pfft.exe, www.google.com 12 pfft.exe à www.cNc.com splat.exe à www.cNc.com … Now, once our hash table was fully constructed, if we want to discover all entities associated with a given entity X (e.g., hmm.exe), we can simply look up X in our hash table and find all related entities {S1, S2, …} that were seen associated with X. So, referring back to the previous five-billion line log example, starting with the knowledge that www.virus.com is malicious, we could look it up in our hash table (in constant time), and discover that it’s associated with hmm.exe. We could then look up hmm.exe in our hash table (again, in constant time) and discover that it’s associated with pfft.exe (and google.exe, which we’d ignore due to high prevalence). We could then look up pfft.exe in our hash table (in constant time) and discover that it’s associated with www.cNc.com. In just a handful of steps, we could identify almost every malicious entity related in some way to our initial malicious entity www.virus.com. All we had to do was perform a single (slow) pass through our five-billion lines of logs to insert them into a hash table, and then all further processing is extremely fast. But wait, we have a small problem! While we’ve discovered most of our malicious entities, our improved algorithm failed to discover splat.exe, because there was no mapping between www.cNc.com and splat.exe in our hash table (since it only maps from source entities to target entities). OK, so our solution isn’t perfect, but it’s a good start. Perhaps you can think about how you’d update your data structure (or create a secondary data structure) to enable detection of both forward and reverse associations! So as you can see, by leveraging a hash table (or perhaps multiple hash tables), we can drastically speed up the search process to discover unknown malicious entities. One of your challenges in this assignment is to figure out an efficient set of data structures and algorithms to digest the log data in order to facilitate an extremely efficient discovery of all malicious indicators. The idea is that you’ll process your input log lines once and insert them into an efficient set of data structures. Then, you can repeatedly search through these efficient data structures to detect new attacks, without having to continually slog through the original log data. What Do You Need to Do? Question: So, at a high level, what do you need to build to complete Project #4? Answer: You’ll be building two complete classes, detailed below: 13 Class #1: You need to build a multimap class called DiskMultiMap that implements a disk-based, open hash table-based multimap: 1. You need to create a new disk-based multimap class based on an open hash table. By disk-based, we mean that the hash table’s data is stored entirely in a disk file rather than in your computer’s RAM. We’ll explain how to do this in the sections below. 2. Your multimap MUST be able to associate each key string with one or more pairs of string values, where each pair is of the form {S1, S2}. So for example, it MUST be able to associate “hmm.exe” with the pair of values {“pfft.exe”, “m52902”}. 3. Since this is a multimap, it MUST support multiple associations with the same key. So adding: “hmm.exe” à {“pfft.exe”, “m52902”} “hmm.exe” à {“pfft.exe”, “m52902”} “hmm.exe” à {“pfft.exe”, “m10001”} “blah.exe” à {“bletch.exe”, “m0003”} MUST result in your multi-map holding the following mappings: “hmm.exe” à {“pfft.exe”, “m52902”}, {“pfft.exe”, “m52902”}, {“pfft.exe”, “m10001”} “blah.exe” à {“bletch.exe”, “m0003”} So in the above, the string “hmm.exe” is associated with three different pairs. 4. You need to be able to efficiently search in the hash table given a key, and use your own hand-written iterators to iterate through discovered associations. 5. You need to be able to efficiently delete all items matching a particular {key, S1, S2} combination. For example, if the user issued a command to delete all mappings that exactly match “hmm.exe” à{“pfft.exe”, “m52902”}, from the table above, the resulting hash table would look like this: “hmm.exe” à{“pfft.exe”, “m10001”} “blah.exe” à {“bletch.exe”, “m0003”} Class #2: You need to build a class called IntelWeb: 1. This class MUST be able to “digest” the entire contents of one or more log data files and organize this information into an efficient disk-based data structure that can be “crawled” to discover malicious entities (the discovery process should be an improved version of the one described in the section above). 2. Given a set of known malicious entities as input, this class MUST be able to “crawl” through your previously built, disk-based data structure to discover the presence of these known malicious entities, as well as associated, unknown malicious entities within the log data. It MUST then return all discovered 14 malicious entities as well as context around all references to the discovered malicious entities (i.e., one or more log entries, {M#, E1, E2}, that detail each discovered malicious entity’s relationship(s) with other entities, malicious or legitimate). What Will We Provide? 1. We’ll provide a header file, InteractionTuple.h that contains a definition for the InteractionTuple struct. You MUST NOT modify this file in any way, but you may include it as necessary in your other header and cpp files. You will not submit this header file as part of your assignment – we will use our original version to test your program. 2. We’ll provide a header file, MultiMapTuple.h that contains a definition for the MultiMapTuple struct. You MUST NOT modify this file in any way, but you may include it as necessary in your other header and cpp files. You will not submit this header file as part of your assignment – we will use our original version to test your program. 3. We’ll provide a class called BinaryFile.h that allows you to read and write data to a binary data file. We’ll explain more about what a binary data file is in the BinaryFile section below. You MUST NOT modify this header file in any way, but you may include it and use it as necessary in your other header and cpp files. You will not submit this header file as part of your assignment – we will use our original version to test your program. 4. We’ll provide you with two additional header files that define skeleton class definitions for your DiskMultiMap and IntelWeb classes: DiskMultiMap.h which holds our provided DiskMultiMap skeleton class. IntelWeb.h which holds our provided IntelWeb skeleton class. You will need to modify these header files as part of your assignment: 1. You MUST NOT add any new public member functions or public data members to these classes. Doing so will result in a ZERO score on this project. 2. You MUST implement proper working versions of our provided skeleton public functions in these classes. 3. You may add new private data members and private member functions to these classes, as required, to support your member function implementations. 5. We’ll provide a simple main.cpp file that lets you test your overall Cyber Spider implementation. You can compile this main.cpp file (and our other provided 15 header files) with your own source files to build a complete working test program. You can then run this program from a Windows command line interpreter (cmd.exe) or from a Mac OS X Terminal window. You can read all about our provide main.cpp program in the Test Harness Section of this document. We suggest reading the Test Harness section after reading the rest of the document, since it will make a lot more sense then. 6. We’ll provide you with a test data generator program, called p4gen, that produces synthetic telemetry log data files that you can use to test your implementation. To use the p4gen program to create some test data, use the following command line: p4gen sources.dat malicious.dat numEevents numMachines outputlog.dat sources.dat is a file that we will provide that contains a list of the top thousand or so legitimate website domains on the internet (e.g., www.cbs.com, www.yahoo.com, etc.). These will be used to generate random log lines that include URLs. The file malicious.dat is a file that you must create that includes any malicious telemetry log lines that you wish to have dispersed throughout your generated test log files. For example, you might include the following lines in malicious.dat: m918471 www.virus.com/downloads virusinstaller.exe m918471 virusinstaller.exe spyware.exe m918471 spyware.exe www.attackercontrolnetwork.com m1002973 unknown.exe www.attackercontrolnetwork.com numEvents specifies how many total synthetic log lines (not including your malicious lines) will be produced by the p4gen program. numMachines specifies how many different machines should be represented in the synthetic logs. The p4gen program then generates a set of random log data lines and outputs them to the file outputlog.dat. So, for example, if you ran p4gen like this (using our provided sources.dat and the malicious.dat file above): p4gen.exe sources.dat malicious.dat 5 3 testlog1.dat it might produce the following testlog1.dat file, which includes both the randomly generated log lines and your specified malicious log lines: m918471 www.virus.com/downloads virusinstaller.exe m1 http://delta.com/eay/ hq.exe 16 m2 http://nicovideo.jp/cvsc/ fd.exe m2 fd.exe bwk.exe m2 fd.exe dux.exe m2 dux.exe fozv.exe m918471 virusinstaller.exe spyware.exe m1 http://taboola.com/ggxr/nrvy/t/ kj.exe m918471 spyware.exe www.attackercontrolnetwork.com m1 http://softonic.com/q/ y.exe m0 http://feedly.com/z/ ik.exe m1002973 unknown.exe www.attackercontrolnetwork.com m0 ik.exe kka.exe m0 kka.exe s.exe m0 kka.exe http://jrj.com.cn/ycx/xt/ m0 s.exe gyp.exe You can use the p4gen tool to generate large log files with hundreds of thousands of entries to test your program with. Deep-dive: The BinaryFile Class As mentioned above, we are providing you with a class named BinaryFile that you can use to write data to and read data from a file on disk. The data will be stored on disk in binary form as opposed to a newline-delimited text form. You can think of a binary disk file as an analog of standard C++ vector, except that the data is stored on disk instead of in RAM. The disk file starts out empty (just like a vector), but can be expanded to any size up to the capacity of your hard drive when you write data into the file. Here’s how you might create a new binary file: #include “BinaryFile.h” int main() { BinaryFile bf; // create a BinaryFile object bool success = bf.createNew(“myfile.dat”); // create a new file if (!success) cout << “Error! Unable to create myfile.dat\n”; else cout << “Successfully created file myfile.dat\n”; … } // bf’s destructor closes the file Note: If a file of the given name already exists, createNew() will wipe out the contents of that file, leaving it empty (0 bytes long) and opened ready for use. 17 Here’s how you would open an existing binary data file that was created earlier (without wiping out its contents upon opening it): #include “BinaryFile.h” int main() { BinaryFile bf; bool success = bf.openExisting(“myfile.dat”); if (!success) cout << “Error! Unable to find myfile.dat\n”; else cout << “Successfully opened existing file myfile.dat\n”; … } // bf’s destructor closes the file Once you have opened a binary data file, you can write data into the file at any offset you want. (The offset is the number of bytes from the beginning of the file, which is at offset 0.) To write some data, you use one of the two forms of the BinaryFile::write() method: bool write(const char* s, size_t length, BinaryFile::Offset toOffset); bool write(const SomeType& x, BinaryFile::Offset toOffset); In both forms, the last argument is an integer, the number of bytes from the start of the file at which to start writing data. (BinaryFile::Offset is a typedef for a large integer type.) In the first form, the data written will be length number of characters starting with the character pointed to by s. In the second form, SomeType may be one of many possible types (e.g., int, double, BinaryFile::Offset, a struct consisting of an int and two character arrays, and many others); this call writes the value of x to the disk file (in internal binary form) . For example, the following code writes a 5-byte string “David” into offsets 0-4 of the binary file and then writes an int whose value is 987654321 into offsets 7-10 of the binary file (7-10 because on our machine, an int is 4 bytes long in internal binary form: int main() { BinaryFile bf; if (bf.createNew(“myfile.dat”)) { bool success; success = bf.write(“David”, 5, 0); // write 5 chars from “David” if (!success) cout << “Error writing ‘David’ to slots 0-4 of file!\n”; int i = 987654321; success = bf.write(i, 7); if (!success) cout << “Error writing integer i to slot 7-10 of file!\n”; } } The resulting binary data file would be exactly 11 bytes long and contain the following data. For clarity, the top row shows the offset where each piece of data can be found in 18 the binary data file (but this is only for illustration; the offsets would not be stored in the file, of course). Offsets 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Values ‘D’ ‘a’ ‘v’ ‘i’ ‘d’ ?? ?? 987654321 Notice that the code above wrote five bytes of data to the start of the data file (between offsets 0-4), then wrote the value of the integer variable i at offsets 7-10. Since the program did not explicitly write any data to offsets 5 and 6 of the binary data file, these bytes in the file are unknown and their values could be anything (this is shown by the ??s). Notice that we did not ask to write a sixth character from the string, so no zero byte was written to offset 5. We are not showing exactly what byte values are at each of offsets 7 through 10, because the internal binary form of a 4-byte int may be different on different machines (if you’re curious about the details, which you don’t need to know for this project, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endianness). Just know that if we read back an int starting from offset 7, that int’s value will be 987654321. You may write over existing data or append new data to an existing data file as well. For example, suppose we ran the following code after running the example just above. int main() { BinaryFile bf; if (bf.openExisting(“myfile.dat”)) // open previously-created data file { if ( ! bf.write(“Carey”, 5, 2)) cout << “Error writing string to file!\n”; if ( ! bf.write(“Dog”, 3, 11)) cout << “Error writing string to file!\n”; } } Upon completion of this second piece of code, the resulting binary data file would contain the following data: Offsets 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Values ‘D’ ‘a’ ‘C’ ‘a’ ‘r’ ‘e’ ‘y’ 987654321 ‘D’ ‘o’ ‘g’ As you can see, the string “Carey” overwrites the last three characters of “David” and replaced the two unknown characters in byte slots 5 and 6 of the file. Moreover, we expanded the file by three bytes by writing “Dog” in slots 11-13. In addition to writing simple C strings and integers to the data file, you can also write objects of other basic types (e.g., bool, char, int, long, unsigned int, float, double, BinaryFile::Offset). In addition, you can write arrays and structs/classes consisting of these types, which can themselves contain arrays or structs/classes of these types, etc., subject to the following restrictions: • You must not write pointers or arrays or structs/classes containing pointers. • You must not write objects of a struct/class type containing any virtual functions. 19 • You must not write objects of a struct/class type containing both at least one public and at least one private data member. It’s OK if all data members are public (as is typically done with a C-like struct) or all data members are private (as is typically done with a C++ class with interesting behavior). • You must not write objects of a struct/class type with a destructor, copy constructor, or assignment operator that was declared and implemented by the author of the class, not the compiler. In particular, you must not write C++ strings, vectors, lists, etc.; they do not have compiler-generated destructors, for example. Simple C-like structs not containing pointers can be written. For example, the following code saves a Student struct to a binary data file: struct Student { char first[7+1]; // first name up to 7 chars long; 1 char for ‘\0’ int studentID; float GPA; }; int main() { BinaryFile bf; if (bf.createNew(“student.dat”)) { Student s; strcpy(s.first, “Carey”); // this is the way to copy a C string s.studentID = 989105343; s.GPA = 3.62; if ( ! bf.write(s, 0)) cout << “Error writing Student struct to file!\n”; else assert(bf.fileLength() == sizeof(Student)); } } The assertion should never fail; the number of bytes in the binary data file, which is what the fileLength method returns, should be the number of bytes in a Student object, because all we ever wrote was one Student object starting at offset 0. On most machines, this length would be 16, and the file would contain the following data. For clarity, the top row shows the offset where each piece of data can be found in the binary data file, and the second row shows which field in the struct each piece of data is associated with. Neither of the top two rows would actually be stored in the binary data file; they are for illustration only. Only the third row, labeled Values, would be stored in the data file. Note that the strcpy did not touch element 6 and 7 of first. The exact values of each byte at offsets 8 through 15 depend on our machine’s internal representation of ints and floats. Offsets 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Field first studentID GPA Values ‘C’ ‘a’ ‘r’ ‘e’ ‘y’ ‘\0’ ?? ?? 989105343 3.62 20 Once you have written data to a binary data file, you can read data from the file. To read previously-written data, you use the BinaryFile::read() method, which takes one of two forms: bool read(char* s, size_t length, BinaryFile::Offset toOffset); bool read(SomeType& x, BinaryFile::Offset toOffset); In both forms, the last argument is an integer, the number of bytes from the start of the file at which to start reading data. In the first form, length number of characters will be read into storage starting at the character pointed to by s. In the second form, SomeType may be any type that is allowed to be written); this call reads a value from the disk file (in internal binary form) and stores it in x. Here’s an example program that opens the data file created in the previous example and reads several of the previously-saved values: int main() { BinaryFile bf; if (bf.openExisting(“student.dat”)) { Student s; if ( ! bf.read(s, 0)) cout << “Error reading Student struct from file!\n”; else { cout << “First name: ” << s.first << endl; cout << “Student ID: ” << s.studentID << endl; cout << “GPA : ” << s.GPA << endl; } } } And here’s another example that just reads in the studentID value that had been previously stored at offsets 8-11: int main() { BinaryFile bf; if (bf.openExisting(“student.dat”)) { int studID; if ( ! bf.read(studID, 8)) cout << “Error reading integer from file!\n”; else cout << “Student ID: ” << studID << endl; } } Notice how we are able to read in just a piece of the larger struct (just the integer studentID value) as long as we knew its offset (8) and its type (int). As far as the binary data file is concerned, it just holds a bunch of bytes, so you can read any data from any offset in the file you like (but the results might be nonsense if you don’t pay attention to offest and type; bf.read(studID, 5) would put an unusual int value in studID, both because 21 the bytes starting at offset 5 were not written as an int, and because of the unknown values at offsets 6 and 7). If you attempt to read data that does not yet exist in the file (i.e., past the end of the file), the read() method will return false. For example, what if we tried to read the student’s GPA from offsets 13-16 rather than from 12-15 where it is stored: int main() { BinaryFile bf; if (bf.openExisting(“student.dat”)) { float GPA; if ( ! bf.read(GPA, 13)) cout << “Error reading float from file!\n”; else cout << “GPA: ” << GPA << endl; } } The above would write the error message, since it attempts to read 4 bytes of data from locations 13-16 in the data file. However, our previously-created data file only has a total of 16 bytes (numbered 0 through 15): Offsets 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Fields First studentID GPA Values ‘C’ ‘a’ ‘r’ ‘e’ ‘y’ ‘\0’ ?? ?? 989105343 3.62 Therefore, the read() method would fail, since it would only be able to read 3 of the 4 bytes it requested (bytes 13,14, and 15). Byte 16 does not exist in the current data file. When a BinaryFile is destroyed, the file is closed, which ensures that the data written to the file is indeed safely saved. If you wish to close a BinaryFile earlier, perhaps to use the same object when opening the file later, you can call BinaryFile::close(), as in this silly example: void f(BinaryFile& bf, string s) { // c_str() is a string method that returns a const char* assert(bf.write(s.c_str(), s.size(), 10)); // offsets 0 to 9 unknown if (s.size() >= 4) { char buffer[4+1]; assert(bf.read(buffer, 4, 11); buffer[4] = ‘\0’; if (strcmp(buffer, “avid”) == 0)) bf.close(); } } int main() { BinaryFile testf; if (testf.createNew(“test.dat”)) 22 f(testf, “David”); if (testf.isOpen()) assert(testf.write(“Hello”, 5, 0)); else { if (testf.openExisting(“test2.dat”)) cout << testf.fileLength() << endl; } } Notice that the method BinaryFile::isOpen() lets you test whether the file is open. If a read() or write() call on a BinaryFile returns false, then most further operations on that BinaryFile will return false until you close it. What can you do with binary files? Using the BinaryFile class you can implement a disk-based version of virtually any data structure that can be stored in RAM. There are two differences between RAM-based and disk-based data structures: 1. You must explicitly decide where to store each data structure in the binary data file. In contrast, when you create a new variable (or use a new expression to allocate a dynamic object) in RAM, C++ decides where in memory to put the object. 2. You can’t use pointers in a binary data file. Instead, you must use offset values (of type BinaryFile::Offset) to specify where in the data file a piece of data is located. So, for example, here’s how we might implement a simple linked list of nodes (called DiskNodes) in a binary data file. In this example, we assume we’re using a machine where a BinaryFile::Offset value is 4 bytes long and a DiskNode is 8 bytes long. We’ll store our head pointer as a BinaryFile::Offset variable in bytes 0-3 of the binary file. We’ll store our first DiskNode in bytes 4-11 of the binary file. Finally, we’ll store our second DiskNode in bytes 12-19 of the binary file. Normally we wouldn’t use hard-coded offsets like 0, 4 and 12 to specify locations in the file. However, for the purposes of this example, we’ll do so. In more carefully written code, sizeof(BinaryFile::Offset) and sizeof(DiskNode) would be the way we’d talk about the number of bytes occupied by objects of the indicated types. struct DiskNode { DiskNode(int v, BinaryFile::Offset n) : value(v), next(n) {} int value; BinaryFile::Offset next; // instead of a DiskNode * }; int main() { 23 BinaryFile bf; if (bf.createNew(“linkedlist.dat”)) { // First, we write the head “pointer” at the start of the file. // this indicates that our first node is at offset 4 in the // binary data file BinaryFile::Offset offsetOfFirstNode = 4; // like a head pointer bf.write(offsetOfFirstNode, 0); // Save the first node at offset 4 in the binary file. // Note that the head “pointer” at the start of the file // will “point” to this node. Also note that we specify that // the next node is at offset 12 in the file. DiskNode firstNode(12345, 12); bf.write(firstNode, 4); // Write the next node at offset 12 in the file. Note that // we use a next value of zero. This is our choice for the // equivalent of nullptr to indicate the end of the linked list. // The value zero as our choice implies we never will put // a DiskNode itself at offset 0 if it’s part of a linked list. DiskNode secondNode(56789, 0); bf.write(secondNode, 12); } } This would result in the following being saved to the data file: Offsets 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Fields offsetOfFirstNode firstNode.value firstNode.next secondNode.value secondNode.next Values 4 12345 12 56789 0 And would represent the following logical data structure: So as you can see, you can implement complex data structures directly within disk files. You’ll need to use a technique like this to implement your own disk-based open hash table for this project! 4 value: 12345 next: 12 offsetOfFirstNode value: 56789 next: 0 24 Details: The Classes You MUST Write You MUST write correct versions of the following classes to obtain full credit on this project. Each class MUST work correctly with our provided code, requiring no modifications to the public interfaces of the other class or to our provided structs or our provided BinaryFile.h or main.cpp files to make them work with your code. Doing so will result in a zero score on that part of the project. DiskMultiMap Class You MUST write a class named DiskMultiMap that lets the user: 1. Efficiently associate a given string key with one or more pairs of string values, where each pair contains a value string and a context string. That means that each association is between a single key, e.g. “foo.exe” and one or more pairs of data, where each pair holds two strings, e.g. {“bar.exe”, “m1234”}, or {“www.yahoo.com”, “m5678”}. 2. Efficiently look up items by a key string, and receive an iterator to enumerate all matching associations. 3. Efficiently delete existing associations with a given key. All strings that will be added to the DiskMultiMap should be no more than 120 characters long (and thus representable as a C string in storage 121 bytes long). You should check for this in your code, and return an error if this is not the case. Your implementation MUST use an open hash table, and the hash table data structure MUST be stored a binary disk file rather than in RAM. Here’s the interface that you MUST implement in your DiskMultiMap class: class DiskMultiMap { public: // You must implement this public nested DiskMultiMap::Iterator type class Iterator { public: Iterator(); // You must have a default constructor Iterator(/* You may have any parameters you like here */); bool isValid() const; Iterator& operator++(); MultiMapTuple operator*(); }; DiskMultiMap(); ~DiskMultiMap(); bool createNew(const std::string& filename, unsigned int numBuckets); bool openExisting(const std::string& filename); 25 void close(); bool insert(const std::string& key, const std::string& value, const std::string& context); Iterator search(const std::string& key); int erase(const std::string& key, const std::string& value, const std::string& context); }; You must implement all of this class’s public member functions. You may add any private data members and private member functions you like to help you implement this class. However, you MUST NOT add any additional public member functions or data members to this class. Doing so will result in a score of ZERO on the project. DiskMultiMap() and ~DiskMultiMap() You MUST implement a constructor and destructor for your DiskMultiMap. The constructor MUST initialize your object. When the destructor returns, the disk file associated with the hash table must have been closed (either previously by a client calling DiskMultiMap::close() or by the destructor itself). bool createNew(const std::string& filename, unsigned int numBuckets) You MUST implement the createNew() method. This method MUST create an empty, open hash table in a binary disk file with the specified filename, with the specified number of empty buckets. If there is already an existing disk file with the same filename at the time that the createNew() method is called, then your createNew() method MUST overwrite the original file with a brand-new file (our BinaryFile::createNew() method will automatically perform this overwriting for you). Once the hash table has been created, you may then proceed to add new associations, search through it, or delete associations with the object’s other methods. Hint: An on-disk hash table typically has a header structure (that holds the number of buckets in the hash table, and perhaps information on how to locate previously-deleted nodes for reuse when the user adds a new association to the table), then an “array” of N bucket structures that each contain a file offset leading to the bucket’s list of respective nodes, followed by the actual node structures themselves that actually hold the associations. Remember the limitations on what you can store in a binary disk file (see p. 18): You can not to store C++ strings in your disk-based hash table, so don’t try! This means that any time you want to store a C++ string in your hash table, you’ll be required to produce a C string from that string (easily done with the c_str member function). If your DiskMultiMap object already has been used to open or create a disk-based hash table, and the createNew() method is called, your method MUST first close the currentlyopen data file, and then proceed with creating the newly specified data file. 26 If your method fails for any reason, it MUST return false. Otherwise, if it succeeds it MUST return true. This method MUST run in O(B) time where B is the number of buckets in the hash table. bool openExisting(const std::string& filename) You MUST implement the openExisting() method. This method MUST open a previously-created disk-based hash table with the specified filename. If the specified disk file does not exist on the hard drive, then your method MUST return false. If your method succeeds in opening the specified file, then it MUST return true. Once the hash table has been opened, you may then proceed to search through it, add new associations, or delete associations. If your DiskMultiMap object already has been used to open or create a disk-based hash table, and the openExisting() method is called, your method MUST first close the currently-open data file, and then proceed with opening the newly specified data file. This method MUST run in O(1) time. void close() You MUST implement the close() method. This method is used to ensure that all data written to your hash table is safely saved to the binary disk file, and the binary disk file is closed. If a client doesn’t call this method, then your DiskMultiMap destructor MUST close the binary disk file. Obviously, the client should only call the close() method if they first called the createNew() or openExisting() methods to create/open a hash table data file. Otherwise, the close() method should do nothing, as it should is called on an alreadyclosed file. This method MUST run in O(1) time. bool insert(const std::string& key, const std::string& value, const std::string& context) You MUST implement the insert() method. This method adds a new association to the disk-based hash table associating the specified key, e.g. “foo.exe”, with the associated value and context strings, e.g. “www.google.com” and “m12345”. Since you’re implementing a multimap, your insert function MUST be able to properly store duplicate associations. Consider this code: int main() { DiskMultiMap x; 27 x.createNew(“myhashtable.dat”,100); // empty, with 100 buckets x.insert(“hmm.exe”, “pfft.exe”, “m52902”); x.insert(“hmm.exe”, “pfft.exe”, “m52902”); x.insert(“hmm.exe”, “pfft.exe”, “m10001”); x.insert(“blah.exe”, “bletch.exe”, “m0003”); } The above would result in your hash table holding the following associations (although not necessarily in the ordering shown below. We place no restrictions on what order your associations are stored in your hash table): “hmm.exe” à {“pfft.exe”, “m52902”}, {“pfft.exe”, “m52902”}, {“pfft.exe”, “m10001”} “blah.exe” à {“bletch.exe”, “m0003”} Upon successful insertion, this method returns true. Each key, value and context field MUST be NO MORE THAN 120 characters long, meaning that each of these fields can safely fit within a 121-byte traditional C string. Your insert() method MUST return false if the user tries to insert any key, value or context field with more than 120 or more characters. Your insert method MUST first attempt to reuse storage for previously deleted nodes to add new associations, growing the disk file to add a new node to the hash table only if no previously-deleted node storage is available for reuse. Therefore, your class must keep track of where all deleted nodes are within the disk file and ensure there’s a mechanism to locate these deleted nodes efficiently. When adding new data in the space that was used by a previously deleted node, you’ll overwrite the spot in the disk file that held the previous node’s data with your new node’s data. You MUST NOT use an in-memory data structure to keep track of the previously-deleted nodes to be reused (e.g., a vector of offsets); the information that lets you efficiently locate an available node must be stored in the disk file. (This is because (1) there might be a tremendous number of them, and (2) if our program finishes, so the DiskMultiMap object goes away but the disk file remains, then another program can create a DiskMultiMap, open it using the existing disk file, and have that DiskMultiMap be able to continue using the on-disk multimap, including being able to efficiently locate the available nodes that became available during the execution of the previous program.) You may use any valid hash function you like to decide in what bucket to place each association. One convenient hash function you can use is C++’s built-in hash template that is defined in the C++ header file. You can search online for how to use this template to hash your strings (Stack Overflow can help). You may also use a hash function like FNV-1a. Just remember, if you define your own hash function from scratch, make sure it distributes your items uniformly across the buckets! It might make sense to do some experiments to verify such even distribution before assuming your selfdefined hash function is appropriate. 28 Remember, this method MUST insert the new association directly into your hash table’s disk file, NOT to an in-memory hash table! This means that every valid insert call will result in one or more modifications to your hash table’s on-disk data structures! This method MUST run in O(N/B) time assuming your hash table holds a generally diverse set of N items and has B buckets. If you are inserting an association with a particular key X, and the hash table already holds K associations with key X, then this method may run in O(K) time. Iterator search(const std::string& key) You MUST implement the search() method. This method is used to find all associations in the hash table that match the specified key string. Your method MUST return a DiskMultiMap::Iterator object, which is analogous to a C++ iterator. The user can then use this iterator to enumerate all associations that matched the specified key string. If no associations matched the specified key string, then the Iterator returned must be invalid (i.e., one for which DiskMultiMap::Iterator::isValid() returns false). Here’s how you might use the search() method – look for the bold parts: int main() { DiskMultiMap x; x.createNew(“myhashtable.dat”,100); // empty, with 100 buckets x.insert(“hmm.exe”, “pfft.exe”, “m52902”); x.insert(“hmm.exe”, “pfft.exe”, “m52902”); x.insert(“hmm.exe”, “pfft.exe”, “m10001”); x.insert(“blah.exe”, “bletch.exe”, “m0003”); DiskMultiMap::Iterator it = x.search(“hmm.exe”); if (it.isValid()) { cout << “I found at least 1 item with a key of hmm.exe\n”; do { MultiMapTuple m = *it; // get the association cout << “The key is: ” << m.key << endl; cout << “The value is: ” << m.value << endl; cout << “The context is: ” << m.context << endl; cout << endl; ++it; // advance iterator to the next matching item } while (it.isValid()); } } The above code might print: I found at least 1 item with a key of hmm.exe The key was: hmm.exe The value was: pfft.exe 29 The context was: m52902 The key was: hmm.exe The value was: pfft.exe The context was: m52902 The key was: hmm.exe The value was: pfft.exe The context was: m00001 Here’s another example: int main() { DiskMultiMap x; x.createNew(“myhashtable.dat”,100); // empty, with 100 buckets x.insert(“hmm.exe”, “pfft.exe”, “m52902”); x.insert(“hmm.exe”, “pfft.exe”, “m52902”); x.insert(“hmm.exe”, “pfft.exe”, “m10001”); x.insert(“blah.exe”, “bletch.exe”, “m0003”); DiskMultiMap::Iterator it = x.search(“goober.exe”); if ( ! it.isValid()) cout << “I couldn’t find goober.exe\n”; } The above code would print: I couldn’t find goober.exe As you can see, your DiskMultiMap’s search() method (and the returned Iterator) works similarly to the C++ find() methods provided by the STL associative container classes! This method MUST run in O(N/B) time assuming your hash table holds a generally diverse set of N items and has B buckets. If you are searching for an item with a particular key X, and the hash table holds K associations with key X, then this method may run in O(K) time. int erase(const std::string& key, const std::string& value, const std::string& context) You MUST implement the erase() method. This method MUST remove all associations in the hash table that exactly match the specified key, value, and context strings passed in and return the number of associations removed. Your hash table MUST somehow track the location of all deleted nodes, so these nodes can be reused should one or more new associations later be added to the hash table after deletion. Here’s an example how your erase() method might be used: 30 int main() { DiskMultiMap x; x.createNew(“myhashtable.dat”,100); // empty, with 100 buckets x.insert(“hmm.exe”, “pfft.exe”, “m52902”); x.insert(“hmm.exe”, “pfft.exe”, “m52902”); x.insert(“hmm.exe”, “pfft.exe”, “m10001”); x.insert(“blah.exe”, “bletch.exe”, “m0003”); // line 1 if (x.erase(“hmm.exe”, “pfft.exe”, “m52902”) == 2) cout << “Just erased 2 items from the table!\n”; // line 2 if (x.erase(“hmm.exe”, “pfft.exe”, “m10001”) > 0) cout << “Just erased at least 1 item from the table!\n”; // line 3 if (x.erase(“blah.exe”, “bletch.exe”, “m66666”) == 0) cout << “I didn’t erase this item cause it wasn’t there\n”; } After the insertions, the hash table contains the following associations: “hmm.exe” à {“pfft.exe”, “m52902”}, {“pfft.exe”, “m52902”}, {“pfft.exe”, “m10001”} “blah.exe” à {“bletch.exe”, “m0003”} After line 1 executes, the hash table is left with the following entries: “hmm.exe” à {“pfft.exe”, “m10001”} “blah.exe” à {“bletch.exe”, “m0003”} After line 2 executes, the hash table is be left with the following entry: “blah.exe” à {“bletch.exe”, “m0003”} After line 3 executes, the hash table is unchanged, and still contains: “blah.exe” à {“bletch.exe”, “m0003”} The hash table is unchanged because line 3’s erase() call specified a non-matching context value of m66666. This method MUST run in O(N/B) time assuming your hash table holds a generally diverse set of N items and has B buckets. If you are erasing items with a particular key X, and the hash table holds K associations with key X, then this method may run in O(K) time. 31 The Nested DiskMultiMap::Iterator Class An Iterator object is used to enumerate through the items in a DiskMultiMap after you have searched for an item using the DiskMultiMap::search() method. A general example of how to use the Iterator class is shown in the DiskMultiMap::search() section above. An Iterator pointing into a DiskMultiMap is conceptually pointing to an association in that DiskMultiMap. Incrementing that Iterator makes it point to the next association with the same key, if there is one. If an Iterator object points into a DiskMultiMap when a member function other than search() is called on that DiskMultiMap, then the behavior of further operations on that Iterator, except for assigning to it or destroying it, is not defined by this spec. Roughly speaking, if a DiskMultiMap’s contents change, you can’t assume any Iterators currently being used with it are still reliable to use. Notice that since this spec leaves the behavior undefined in this case, your implementation may do whatever it likes in this case, even crashing. Typically, you don’t write any special code to detect such a situation (which is often impossible or expensive to do), so you just allow your normal code to do what it does, letting the chips fall where they may. You must implement all of this class’s public member functions. You may add any private data members and private member functions you like to help you implement this class. However, with two exceptions, you MUST NOT add any additional public member functions or data members to this class. Doing so will result in a score of ZERO on the project. The exceptions are (1) if you wish, you may add Iterator constructor(s) with whatever parameters you like, and (2) if the compiler-generated destructor, copy constructor, and assignment operator for Iterator don’t behave correctly, you must declare and implement them. For the descriptions below, we talk about an Iterator being in a valid or invalid state. An iterator is in a valid state if it points to an association in a DiskMultiMap; otherwise, it is in an invalid state. Iterator() The default constructor must create an Iterator in an invalid state. This constructor must run in O(1) time. Other Iterator constructors You may write other Iterator constructors with whatever parameters you like. It is your choice whether the Iterator created by any such constructor is in a valid or invalid state. 32 If the Iterator created is in a valid state, then it must Any such constructor MUST run in O(N/B) time or better, assuming that is being initialized to point into a hash table holding a generally diverse set of N items, with B buckets. Iterator destructor, copy constructor, and assignment operator The Iterator class must have a public destructor, copy constructor and assignment operator, either declared and implemented by you or left unmentioned so that the compiler will generate them for you. If you design your class well, the compilergenerated versions of these operations will do the right thing. Each of these operations must run in O(1) time. bool isValid() const This method MUST return true if the iterator is in a valid state, and false otherwise. This method MUST always run in O(1) time. Iterator& operator++() You MUST implement a prefix increment operator (but not a decrement operator or a postfix increment operator) for the Iterator class. This operator MUST do nothing if the Iterator it’s called on is invalid. Otherwise, the ++ operator MUST advance the Iterator to the next association in the DiskMultiMap with the same key as the association the Iterator currently points to, if there is one; if there is no next association with the same key, then the ++ operator MUST change the Iterator’s state to invalid. The method returns a reference to the Iterator it’s called on. This method MUST run in O(N/B) time or less, assuming that is called on an Iterator pointing into a hash table holding a generally diverse set of N items, with B total buckets. MultiMapTuple operator*() You MUST implement the unary * operator for your Iterator class – this is the dereference operator, and it allows you to examine an association pointed to by a valid Iterator, using syntax akin to that of dereferencing a C++ pointer or an STL iterator. The * operator MUST return an object of type MultiMapTuple: struct MultiMapTuple { std::string key; std::string value; std::string context; }; 33 If the Iterator is in an invalid state, each string in the MultiMapTuple returned is the empty string. Otherwise, the key, value and context strings of the MultiMapTuple returned have values equal to the key, value, and context components of the association the Iterator points to. This method MUST run in O(1) time. Note: Reading data from a disk file is literally thousands or millions of times slower than reading data from your computer’s RAM, so consider the performance consequences of the following code: void someFunc() { DiskMultiMap x; … DiskMultiMap::Iterator myIt = x.search(“foobar”); if (myIt.isValid()) { // This first access results in a slow disk read, since // we have to get the data from the disk string v = (*myIt).value; // This next access retrieves the same data as the line // above, so ideally should not read from the disk again, // but instead use data saved inside the Iterator from // the previous call string c = (*myIt).context; … // Now advance the Iterator ++myIt; if (myIt.isValid()) { // Since the Iterator points to a different // association, this use of * will result in // another disk read v = (*myIt).value; } } } If operator*() stores the disk data read in private data members, then subsequent calls to operator*() on the same Iterator value can retireve the information from those data members instead of doing another disk read to the same node. Of course, the programmer could have avoided the second read by coding this way: … MultiMapTuple m = *myIt; string v = m.value; string c = m.context; Still, as the implementer of this class, we might want to shield our users from having to concern themselves with this big performance difference, especially since there is no 34 equivalent difference with other types that use the same syntax: C++ pointers and STL itertators. You are not required to implement this type of caching in your Iterator, but if you have time, you’re encouraged to try to do so. That said, it’s easy to get this kind of thing wrong, so first save a backup of your program once you get it working without caching. And if you do implement caching, be VERY careful and extensively test your implementation before turning it in! Caching is a critical feature of much modern software, so it’s helpful to understand how it works! IntelWeb Class The IntelWeb class is responsible for loading all of the log data from one or more telemetry log data files, placing this data into a disk-based data structure that can be efficiently searched by your attack discovery algorithm, and discovering new attacks by searching through this data structure. It also allows the user to purge specific telemetry data items from its data structures. Unlike a traditional class that holds its data in RAM-based data structures and variables, your IntelWeb class is required to store all of its data in binary disk-based data files. This is because your class may need to hold huge amounts of data that won’t fit into RAM, so you’ll store this data on disk instead. One cool thing about this approach (of saving data to disk) is that you can create an IntelWeb object, submit a bunch of data to it (which it’ll save in an efficient way to disk), then destroy the object (perhaps because the program finished). Even though the object has been destroyed, its fundamental data structures still exist on disk, and they can be rehydrated by simply re-instantiating the class and opening the existing file (perhaps in a run of a different program or the same program launched later). For example, a week later, you can re-instantiate your class, tell it to operate on all of its previously saved data (which is stored in the binary data file), and then you can continue using it just as you would have during the first run. All of its saved data will be available. Your IntelWeb class will be implemented using your DiskMultiMap class. class IntelWeb { public: IntelWeb(); ~IntelWeb(); bool createNew(const std::string& filePrefix, unsigned int maxDataItems); bool openExisting(const std::string& filePrefix); void close(); bool ingest(const std::string& telemetryFile); 35 unsigned int crawl(const std::vector& indicators, std::vector& badEntitiesFound, std::vector& badInteractions, unsigned int minPrevalenceToBeGood ); bool purge(const std::string& entity); }; You must implement all of this class’s public member functions. You may add any private data members and private member functions you like to help you implement this class. However, you MUST NOT add any additional public member functions or data members to this class. Doing so will result in a score of ZERO on the project. IntelWeb() The IntelWeb constructor MUST initialize each new IntelWeb object. It probably won’t need to do too much work. ~IntelWeb() The IntelWeb destructor MUST cause any open disk files to be closed and must free any dynamically allocated memory that hasn’t already been freed. bool createNew(const std::string& filePrefix, unsigned int maxDataItems) The createNew() method MUST create a set of empty disk-based data structures to hold information about all of the telemetry log data that you’ll be loading from one or more telemetry log data files. Your disk-based data structures MUST consist of one or more DiskMultiMaps, and you MUST not use any other disk files. An IntelWeb object can organize and store its data in one or more DiskMultiMap files as you see fit – your goal is to design a data structure that makes searching through the data structures to discover attacks (in your crawl() method) as efficient as possible. The createNew() method has two parameters. The first parameter is a filename prefix: All of the disk files created for this IntelWeb object MUST have names starting with the same prefix. For example, the call IntelWeb x; x.createNew(“north-american-data”, 2000000); indicates that the disk-based files MUST start with the prefix north-american-data. If your implementation of IntelWeb uses three DiskMultiMaps, then createNew() might choose these names: 36 north-american-data-file-download-hash-table.dat north-american-data-file-create-hash-table.dat north-american-data-file-contact-hash-table.dat or perhaps these names: north-american-dataforward.xyz north-american-data.reverse.pdq north-american-data We place no restrictions on how many DiskMultiMaps your createNew() method creates, or what data the hash tables hold. Your IntelWeb class may use as many DiskMultiMaps as you like and use them to store data in any way you like, so long as you meet the requirements specified in this document. The second parameter to createNew() specifies the expected number of telemetry data items that your data structures will have to hold (e.g., 2,000,000). This parameter can help you to decide the proper size for your hash table(s). Generally, well-performing hash tables have a load factor of at most .75, so your hash tables MUST also have a planned load factor less than or equal to .75 given the value of the second parameter. (You might choose a lower load factor if it noticaeably improves your efficiency.) Once you decide on the number of buckets, you do NOT have to change that number if it later turns out the number of telemetry data items is different than the expected number that was passed to createNew(). If the createNew() method is able to successfully create its required empty disk-based data structures, then it MUST return true, leaving the created files open for access. Otherwise, if there is any problem (e.g., one or more of your data files cannot be created), it MUST close any successfully-opened data files (so that all data files end up closed) and return false. Once your empty disk-based data structures have been created, the user will presumably use the ingest() method to ingest one or more telemetry data files and store their information within your data structures, the crawl() method to search for attacks, and the purge() method to purge specific telemetry data items from the data structures. The createNew() method MUST close any DiskMultiMaps this IntelWeb object might have created or opened before creating any new ones. If successful, createNew() MUST have overwritten any existing DiskMultiMap disk files with new, empty versions. This method MUST run in O(maxDataItems) time. 37 bool openExisting(const std::string& filePrefix) The openExisting() method is used to open an existing set of DiskMultiMap(s) that were previously created and populated using calls to IntelWeb’s createNew() with the given file prefix and ingest(). Any data previously ingested into these DiskMultiMaps will be available for access after the openExisting() method has been called. If this method is able to successfully open its data structures, then it MUST return true. On the other hand, if there is any problem (e.g., one or more of your data files cannot be opened), this method MUST close any successfully-opened data files (so that all data files end up closed) and return false. Once this method has been called successfully, the user may use the ingest() method to ingest one or more additional telemetry log data files and store their information within your data structures, the crawl() method to search for attacks, and the purge() method to purge specific telemetry data items from the data structures. This method MUST close any DiskMultiMaps this IntelWeb object might have created or opened before opening any new ones. This method MUST run in O(1) time. void close() The close() method is used to close any DiskMultiMaps created or opened by this IntelWeb object. This method MUST run in O(1) time. bool ingest(const std::string& telemetryFile) The ingest() method is used to insert all the data from a telemetry log file of the specified name into your disk-based data structures. While you will ingest data from each telemetry file into your data structures once, you’ll be searching through these structures (using crawl()) over and over and over, so the speed of ingestion is much less important than the speed at which you can search your data structures. So you MUST design your data structures to facilitate fast searching rather than trying to make insertion fast if it will slow down searching. A telemetry log file is a text file that might contain millions of lines of log data. The lines look something like this: m26500 http://delta.com/eay/ hq.exe m491 http://nicovideo.jp/cvsc/ fd.exe 38 m491 fd.exe bwk.exe m491 fd.exe dux.exe m491 dux.exe fozv.exe m7711 http://taboola.com/ggxr/nrvy/t/ kj.exe m9040 http://softonic.com/q/ y.exe m15006 http://feedly.com/z/ ik.exe m15006 ik.exe kka.exe m15006 kka.exe s.exe m15006 kka.exe http://jrj.com.cn/ycx/xt/ m15006 s.exe gyp.exe m19072 http://free.fr/bc/eju/pvab/y/ dpo.exe m3430 http://office365.com/bnpl/ e.exe m3430 e.exe vi.exe … The components of a line can be machine names, program names, or URLs, each of which is a string of non-whitespace characters. The lines are in one of three different formats: File Creation Events A File Creation Event indicates that a program (e.g., foo.exe) created another program (e.g., bar.exe) on a particular machine (e.g., m491). Its format is: machineID creatorFile createdFile And here’s an example of what an actual example might look like: m491 foo.exe bar.exe File Download Events A File Download Event indicates that a given URL (e.g., http://www.viruses.com/downloads) sent a program (e.g., foo.exe) down to a particular machine (e.g., m7711). Its format is: machineID URL downloadedFile And here’s an example of what an actual example might look like: m7711 http://www.viruses.com/downloads foo.exe File Contact Events A File Contact Event indicates that a given program (e.g., foo.exe) contacted a specific 39 URL (e.g., http://www.viruses.com/downloads) on the Internet on a particular machine (e.g., m15006). Its format is: machineID programFile URL And here’s an example of what an actual example might look like: m15006 foo.exe http://www.viruses.com/downloads Here’s how the ingest() method might be used: void someFunc() { IntelWeb x; x.createNew(“mydata”,10000); // create a new set of data files … if (x.ingest(“January-telemetry.dat”)) cout << “Loaded data from January\n”; if (x.ingest(“February-telemetry.dat”)) cout << “Loaded data from February\n”; … } Your ingest() method MUST not store any of the telemetry it loads in RAM-based data structures that last beyond the lifetime of the ingest() method; it MUST store all of its data structures in DiskMultiMap data files on disk. Your ingest() method may use local variables to hold a little telemetry data during ingestion, but once the ingest() method finishes, your IntelWeb object MUST not hold any of the loaded telemetry data in any form in RAM (not in a RAM-based linked list, binary search tree, hash table, etc.). Your ingest() method MUST ensure that it does not improperly damage or overwrite data ingested during earlier calls to ingest(). In other words, the user may call ingest() as many times as they like, and your disk-based data structures MUST maintain every single piece of data ever ingested. This is true even if the user instantiates multiple IntelWeb objects: void someFunc() { IntelWeb x; // create a new set of data files with a prefix of mydata x.createNew(“mydata”, 10000); x.ingest(“January-telemetry.dat”); x.ingest(“February-telemetry.dat”); x.close(); … IntelWeb y; // re-open our mydata data files! y.openExisting(“mydata”); // opens the existing data file! // add March and April’s data y.ingest(“March-telemetry.dat”); y.ingest(“April-telemetry.dat”); y.close(); } 40 After completion of the code snippet above, your IntelWeb class should have created a set of one or more data files that cumulatively contains January’s telemetry, February’s telemetry, March’s telemetry and April’s telemetry. This method MUST run in O(N) time, where N is the total number of lines being ingested from each telemetry data file. unsigned int crawl( const std::vector& indicators, unsigned int minPrevalenceToBeGood, std::vector& badEntitiesFound, std::vector& badInteractions) The crawl() method is responsible for (a) discovering and outputting an ordered vector of all malicious entities found in the previously-ingested telemetry, and (b) outputting an ordered vector of every interaction5 discovered that includes at least one malicious entity, by “crawling” through the ingested telemetry! Given the following inputs: 1. An aggregated set of millions of lines of telemetry – you’ve already digested this telemetry and stored it in the disk-based data structures with the ingest() method! 2. A vector of one or more initially-known malicious entities (e.g., a vector of one or more strings with the names of bad files and/or websites) – these are passed to crawl() in the indicators parameter. 3. A prevalence threshold value Pgood (e.g., Pgood = 12) that can be used to determine whether an entity is too popular to be considered malicious: If the number of telemetry log lines that refer to entity E is greater than or equal to Pgood, then E is considered legitimate (aka not malicious) because it’s too popular to be an advanced attack – this prevalence threshold is the minPrevalenceToBeGood parameter. Your crawl() method MUST: 1. Analyze the ingested telemetry to discover ALL malicious entities, based on application of the Rules below. It MUST store a list of all discovered unique malicious entities into the badEntitiesFound output parameter. 2. Analyze the ingested telemetry to discover all unique interactions involving at least one bad entity, and place these interactions into the badInteractions output parameter. 5 Every line of telemetry represents a single “interaction.” A given interaction details a single event on a single machine, e.g., file a.exe created file b.exe on machine m1234, or website www.foo.com downloaded file c.exe onto machine m5678, or file q.exe contacted website www.virus.com on machine m2352. 41 Your crawl() method MUST discover ALL malicious entities within the provided telemetry, and it MUST place these discovered malicious entities in lexicographical order (i.e., sorted as strings are sorted in increasing order) within the badEntitiesFound parameter. Your crawl() method MUST place entities within the badEntitiesFound only if they were actually observed within the ingested telemetry lines. The badEntitiesFound parameter MUST NOT contain ANY values other than those malware entities discovered within the telemetry, even if the badEntitiesFound vector was not empty upon the call to crawl(). The badEntitiesFound MUST contain only one entry for each malicious entity that was discovered (i.e., your vector MUST not contain any duplicate values). For details on the Rules to use to discover malicious entities, see the section below. If no malicious entities are discovered within the telemetry, then badEntitiesFound must be empty upon completion of the crawl() method. Your crawl() method MUST also place into the badInteractions parameter all unique interactions that include at least one malicious entity. Each interaction MUST be stored in an InteractionTuple variable, which details what machine the interaction took place on (context), the initiator of the interaction (from), and the target of the interaction (to): struct InteractionTuple { std::string from; std::string to; std::string context; }; For example, if we know or discovered that file a.exe is malicious and one of our telemetry lines shows file a.exe creating file b.exe on machine m1234, then your badInteractions vector MUST have an InteractionTuple containing these values: {from=“a.exe”, to=“b.exe”, context=“m1234”} Similarly, if we know that file q.exe is malicious and one of our telemetry lines shows file q.exe contacting good website www.google.com6 on machine m5678, then your badInteractions vector MUST have an InteractionTuple containing these values: {from=“q.exe”, to=“www.google.com”, context=“m5678”} Similarly, if we know that file r.exe is malicious and one of our telemetry lines shows file r.exe was downloaded from good website www.yahoo.com7 on machine m10101, then your badInteractions vector MUST have an InteractionTuple containing these values: {from=“www.yahoo.com”, to=“r.exe”, context=“m10101”} 6 We would consider that www.google.com is good because it has a high enough prevalence in the telemetry logs. 7 Believe it or not, legitimate websites get compromised all the time by hackers and can be used to distribute malware attacks. So this example of a user getting a malware file from yahoo.com, while contrived, is hypothetically possible. 42 Upon completion of the crawl() method, your badInteractions parameter MUST contain a unique instance of every interaction that contains either a from OR a to item that is known or was discovered to be malicious. Your badInteractions MUST NOT contain any interactions that do not contain a known or discovered malicious entity that was actually observed within the telemetry logs. If the same interaction occurs on two different machines, e.g.: {from=“www.yahoo.com”, to=“r.exe”, context=“m10101”} {from=“www.yahoo.com”, to=“r.exe”, context=“m09090”} Then this is considered two unique interactions, and both MUST be added to the badInteractions. After all, we want to know about all interactions with malicious entities, across all machines that the government monitors. However, if you have two or more identical interactions from the same machine, you MUST only add one of them to the badInteractions. So if we observed these two interactions amongst our millions of log lines: {from=“www.yahoo.com”, to=“r.exe”, context=“m10101”} {from=“www.yahoo.com”, to=“r.exe”, context=“m10101”} you MUST only add one of the above interactions to the badInteractions. Items stored in your badInteractions MUST be ordered first by their context (i.e., the machine they occurred on, m1234), second by their from field (i.e., the initiator of the activity, www.yahoo.com), and third by their to field (i.e., the target of the activity, r.exe). The badInteractions MUST only contain one entry for each malicious interaction (i.e., your vector may not contain any duplicates). Your crawl() method MUST return the number of malicious entities it discovered within its ingested telemetry. This includes both known malicious entities (i.e., those passed within the indicators parameter) that were found within the telemetry lines, as well as newly discovered malicious entities that were discovered using the Rules in the next section. Note: You should not return the number of interactions discovered, but the number of malicious entities! You may assume that all filenames, websites, and machine names are case sensitive. For example, “m1234” and “M1234” would represent two different machines, and “a.exe”, and “A.EXE” would represent two different files. While the number of ingested telemetry interactions can be so huge that we are requiring that you store them in disk files, you may assume that the number of malicious entities and bad interactions, while possibly large, is still small enough for them to fit in RAM. (We’d better let you assume this, otherwise you might think you couldn’t fit them into the vector parameters that crawl() must fill!) You may also assume that the 43 number of entities whose prevalence is at least minPrevalenceToBeGood is small enough for them to fit in RAM. This means that you may use in-memory data structures (e.g., STL containers) to help you crawl through the data efficiently. Assuming there are T telemetry lines that refer to known or discovered malicious entities within your ingested telemetry data, your crawl() method MUST complete its operation in O(T) time. It should complete its search VERY quickly. If it takes more than a second or two to discover all malicious entities in millions of telemetry data items, you’ll know you have a poor design (so your crawl() implementation will receive little credit). So how do you go about discovering new malicious entities, and how exactly should your crawl() method store the relationships it discovers in the badInteractions parameter! To find out, read on! Rules To Discover new Malicious Entities An entity MUST be deemed malicious by your crawl() method if (a) the user explicitly specifies that the entity is malicious by passing it in the indicators parameter AND the entity was ALSO present in one or more actual ingested telemetry log lines, or (b) the entity was determined to be malicious based on application of one or more of the following rules: 1. If there exists a “download” relationship within a telemetry line where a file F is downloaded from a website W, and website W has been identified as a malicious entity, and the downloaded file F has a prevalence lower than Pgood, then the downloaded file MUST also be designated a malicious entity. For example, if www.bad.com is currently known to be malicious8 , file foo.exe is referenced fewer than Pgood times within the logs, and a telemetry item like the following exists: {m1234, www.bad.com, foo.exe} then foo.exe will be determined to be malicious as well. 2. If there exists a “download” relationship within a telemetry line where a file F is downloaded from a website W, and file F has been identified as a malicious entity, and website W (where F was downloaded) has a prevalence lower than P, then website W MUST also be designated a malicious entity. 8 The website might be known to be malicious either (a) because it was provided in the set of known malicious entities, or (b) it was subsequently discovered to be malicious by these rules 44 For example, if bar.exe is currently known to be malicious, and www.barbar.com occurs fewer than Pgood times within the logs, and a log line like the following exists (which indicates that file bar.exe was downloaded from www.barbar.com): {m640, www.barbar.com, bar.exe} then www.barbar.com will be determined to be malicious as well. 3. If there exists a “creation” relationship within a telemetry line where a file F creates a file G on a particular machine, and file F has been identified as a malicious entity, and file G has a prevalence lower than Pgood, then the created file G MUST be designated as a malicious entity. For example, if bar.exe is currently known to be malicious, and bletch.exe occurs fewer than Pgood times within the logs, and a log line like the following exists (which details the creation of file bletch.exe by file bar.exe): {m989, bar.exe, bletch.exe} then bletch.exe will be determined to be malicious as well. 4. If there exists a “creation” relationship where a file F creates a file G on a particular machine, and file G has been identified as a malicious entity, and file F has a prevalence lower than Pgood, then the creating file F MUST be designated as a malicious entity. For example, if bar.exe is currently known to be malicious, and my_installer.exe occurs fewer than Pgood times within the logs, and a log line like the following exists (indicating that file bar.exe was created by file my_installer.exe): {m721, my_installer.exe, bar.exe} then my_installer.exe will be determined to be malicious as well. 5. If there exists a “connect” relationship within a telemetry line where a file F connects to a website W, and website W has been identified as a malicious entity, and the connecting file F has a prevalence lower than Pgood, then the connecting file MUST also be designated a malicious entity. For example, if www.bad.com is currently known to be malicious, file goo.exe is referenced fewer than Pgood times within the logs, and a log line like the following exists (indicating that goo.exe connected to www.bad.com): {m6542, goo.exe, www.bad.com} then goo.exe will be determined to be malicious as well. 45 6. If there exists a “connect” relationship within a telemetry line where a file F connects to a website W, and file F has been identified as a malicious entity, and website W has a prevalence lower than Pgood, then website W MUST also be designated a malicious entity. For example, if bar.exe is currently known to be malicious, and www.unknown.com occurs fewer than Pgood times within the logs, and a log line like the following exists (indicating that file bar.exe connected to www.unknown.com): {m897340, bar.exe, www.unknown.com} then www.unknown.com will be determined to be malicious as well. Furthermore, these six rules apply transitively. This means that every time a new entity E has been determined to be malicious, the six rules above MUST be re-applied to all relevant entities that are connected by other telemetry to E, and so on. Computing Entity Prevalence The prevalence of an entity can be determined by counting up all of the telemetry lines that include that entity in any way, including duplicate telemetry items from the same machine. So, given the following telemetry: m1 a.exe b.exe m1 b.exe a.exe m2 a.exe g.exe m2 a.exe g.exe m3 a.exe c.exe The prevalence values would be: P(a.exe) = 5 P(b.exe) = 2 P(c.exe) = 1 P(g.exe) = 2 Applying The 6 Rules to Discover Malicious Entities and Interactions: Example For example, let’s assume that your IntelWeb class were previously asked to ingest() millions of telemetry lines, including the following relevant telemetry lines: m0562 a.exe b.exe 46 m0109 c.exe b.exe m0109 explorer.exe d.exe m0562 c.exe www.attacker.com m0562 c.exe www.attacker.com m1174 q.exe www.attacker.com m3455 c.exe www.google.com m3455 www.google.com a.exe m0007 c.exe www.attacker.com Let’s further assume that after ingesting these millions of telemetry items, your class somehow computed the following entity prevalence values: P(a.exe) = 2 P(b.exe) = 2 P(c.exe) = 5 P(d.exe) = 4 P(q.exe) = 1 P(www.attacker.com) = 4 P(www.google.com) = 1,352,980 Now, let’s assume that the user calls your crawl() method, passing in the following: indicators = {a.exe, www.rare-malicious-website.com} minPrevalenceToBeGood = 1000 That is, the user somehow learned earlier, perhaps from reading a security alert, that these two indicators: a.exe www.rare-malicious-website.com are known to be associated with malicious activity. Further, the user decides that any files or websites that were observed in more than 1,000 telemetry lines cannot possibly be malicious. Given these inputs, our crawl() algorithm MUST subsequently infer: 1. That b.exe is bad (through Rule 3, above, a.exe taints b.exe on m0562) 2. That c.exe is bad (through Rule 4, above, b.exe taints c.exe on m0109) 3. That www.attacker.com is bad (through Rule 6, above, c.exe taints www.attacker.com on m0562 or m0007) 4. That q.exe is bad (through Rule 5, above, www.attacker.com taints q.exe on m1174) The transitivity of the rules ensures that we discover new malicious entities that aren’t necessarily directly adjacent to known-malicious entities. For example, in step 4 above we have determined that q.exe is malicious, even though there is no direct link between q.exe and our only officially-known bad file a.exe. Also note that we MUST not infer that www.google.com is bad, even though it is connected to a.exe and c.exe, and these files are known or were discovered to be 47 malicious. This is because the prevalence of www.google.com, P(www.google.com), within the telemetry logs is greater than or equal to our threshold value of 1,000. Similarly, we don’t infer that d.exe is malicious, since it has no direct connection to a known or inferred malicious entity. So, based on the principle of transitivity, once we discover a new bad entity through a connection with an existing, known bad entity, we can use this newly-classified bad entity to discover other, more distant bad entities. This process continues until we’ve run out of new connections to/from the expanding group of all known bad entities. In practice, since advanced attacks tend to be of limited size – targeting dozens or fewer victims, leveraging at most hundreds of malicious files and websites – this transitive discovery process can be performed very quickly, even when hunting across literally trillions of lines of log data… that is, if you use the right data structures and algorithms! After applying our rules over and over, when our crawl() method returns, badEntitiesFound will contain these entities in this order: a.exe b.exe c.exe q.exe www.attacker.com Note that the items are unique (there are not multiple copies of a.exe even though malicious file a.exe was observed in multiple lines of telemetry), and that they are ordered lexicographically. Also notice that this output doesn’t include www.raremalicious-website.com. Since this entity was not actually found within our telemetry log lines, it MUST NOT be included in the output vector of malicious entities (even though the user indicates that it was malicious by placing it in the indicators parameter). Further, when crawl() returns, badInteractions will contain these discovered interactions, in this order: m0007 c.exe www.attacker.com m0109 c.exe b.exe m0562 a.exe b.exe m0562 c.exe www.attacker.com m1174 q.exe www.attacker.com m3455 c.exe www.google.com m3455 www.google.com a.exe Notice that there are no duplicate items in the list above. Further notice that all of the items are first ordered by their machine number, then by the from field, and then by their to field. 48 Gotchas with the crawl() Method Be careful when writing the crawl() method; it’s very easy to crawl in circles if you don’t take precautions not to do so! For example, consider the following three telemetry items: m1 www.virus.com b.exe m2 b.exe c.exe m3 c.exe www.virus.com That is, on machine 1, www.virus.com downloads b.exe, and on machine 2, b.exe creates c.exe, and finally on machine 3, file c.exe contacts www.virus.com. Now, let’s assume that we naively apply the Rules above, assuming the user specified the website www.virus.com in the malicious indicators parameter. What would happen? A not-so-carefully-designed algorithm would probably start by looking up its one known indicator, www.virus.com, in its data structures. Instantly, it would determine that there was one piece of telemetry where www.virus.com initiated an action of downloading a file b.exe (on machine m1). It would then, using Rule #1, determine that file b.exe is malicious. The algorithm, having discovered a new malicious entity (b.exe), would look up b.exe in its data structures, and discover that b.exe initiated an action of creating a new file c.exe (on machine m2). It would then, using Rule #3, determine that file c.exe is malicious. The algorithm, having again discovered a new malicious entity (c.exe), would look up c.exe in its data structures, and discover that c.exe initiated an action of connecting to a website (on machine m3). It would then, using Rule #6, determine that website www.virus.com is malicious. A not-so-carefully-designed algorithm, having again discovered a new malicious entity (www.virus.com), might look up www.virus.com in its data structures, and discover that www.virus.com initiated an action of downloading a file b.exe (on machine m1). It would then, using Rule #1, determine that file b.exe is malicious. And so on, and so on! Notice that we’ve entered into an endless loop, where we continually re-discover the same malicious entities over and over again: www.virus.com à b.exe à c.exe à www.virus.com à b.exe à c.exe à www.virus.com à b.exe à c.exe à www.virus.com à b.exe à c.exe à www.virus.com à b.exe à c.exe à www.virus.com à b.exe à c.exe à … Your crawl() algorithm MUST take this kind of thing into account and prevent such infinite loops. 49 Hints For Implementing the crawl() Method Here’s a few suggestions that might help you implement your crawl() method: 1. You might want to have a data structure (or two) that lets you quickly look up a given entity (e.g., a.exe or www.virus.com) and find all of the telemetry items associated with this entity. Your ingest() method could construct this data structure from your input telemetry items. For example, given the following telemetry: Machine Initiator Entity Target Entity m1 a.exe b.exe m2 b.exe c.exe m3 a.exe d.exe m4 www.bad.com c.exe You could build an on-disk map data structure that associates each Initiator Entity to all related telemetry items that hold that Initiator Entity: a.exe à {m1,a.exe,b.exe}, {m3, a.exe, d.exe} b.exe à {m2, b.exe, c.exe} www.bad.com à {m4, www.bad.com, c.exe} In this way, if you know that a.exe is bad, you can quickly look up a.exe in the data structure and find the telemetry items that let you determine that b.exe and d.exe are likely bad too. And once you discover that b.exe is bad, you can quickly look it up and discover the telemetry item that indicates that c.exe is bad as well. And then we can look up c.exe and discover that www.bad.com is bad… oh wait – no we can’t! There’s no entry in our simple data structure that allows us to look up c.exe and discover its relationship to www.bad.com. Why? Because our map only maps from Initiator Entity to related telemetry items, not Target Entity to related telemetry items. Maybe you can figure out a way to fix this?!!? Notice that because the number of items involved here is proportional to the number of all telemetry items, you’ll have to use a disk-based data structure, since there are too many items to fit in RAM. 2. If you can’t figure out how to go about hunting for new malicious entities, consider using a variation of the Breadth First Search / Level Order Traversal algorithm (Homework #2 to the rescue here!). Just remember, you’ll have to prevent infinite cycles/loops (as discussed in the section above). Note also that a maze solver or a tree-based traversal starts searching from one place (a start location or a root node), whereas your crawl algorithm will need to start searches from each of the provided malicious indicators; there’s not a single starting point from! 50 Notice that because the storage needed for the items involved here is proportional to the number of malicious telemetry items and the number of items whose prevalence is at least minPrevalenceToBeGood, you’ll be able to fit the necessary data structures in RAM, so can use STL containers, for example. 3. To speed up your crawl() method, you may wish to use caching (also known as memoization). Any time you perform a slow operation (for instance an operation that requires one or more slow disk reads), you can store the result away in a RAM-based cache data structure. The next time you have to perform a slow computation during the same crawl, before you do so, you can consult your inmemory cache data structure. If your cache already holds the answer to your computation, simply use the pre-computed result. If not, then compute the answer the slow way, and store the result in the cache for next time. bool purge(const std::string& entity) The purge command is used to remove ALL references to a specified entity (e.g., a filename or website) from your IntelWeb disk-based data structures. Subsequent crawls of your telemetry using the crawl() method MUST NOT find any references to the specified entry after it’s been purged. For example, let’s assume that you previously ingested the following telemetry items into your IntelWeb log files: Machine Initiator Entity Target Entity m1 a.exe b.exe m1 a.exe b.exe m2 b.exe c.exe m3 a.exe d.exe m4 www.bad.com c.exe Let’s further assume, for the purposes of this example, that your IntelWeb class uses a disk-based map data structure that associates each Initiator Entity to all related telemetry items that hold that Initiator Entity9 : a.exe à {m1,a.exe,b.exe}, {m1,a.exe,b.exe}, {m3, a.exe, d.exe} b.exe à {m2, b.exe, c.exe} www.bad.com à {m4, www.bad.com, c.exe} And let’s further assume that you then used the purge() method, passing in “b.exe”: void someFunc() { 9 By the way, this proposed data organization is on the right track, but is not quite sufficient to meet all of the project’s requirements. 51 IntelWeb x; … //code that loads all of the telemetry above x.purge(“b.exe”); } Your resulting disk-based data structure should look like this after the purge() method finishes (struck-out items have been completely removed from the file): a.exe à {m1,a.exe,b.exe}, {m1,a.exe,b.exe}, {m3, a.exe, d.exe} b.exe à {m2, b.exe, c.exe} www.bad.com à {m4, www.bad.com, c.exe} Be careful when you implement this method – it’s tricky! Notice that we not only had to remove those entries where b.exe was a key (e.g., the second line), but also those entries where b.exe was a value as well (e.g., on the first line) but not directly searchable from the hash table! This method must return true if the specified item was purged from at least one place in your disk-based data file), and false otherwise (e.g., if the specified item was not found and thus could not be purged). This method MUST run in O(M) time assuming there are M items that match the passedin string within your disk-based data structures. Test Harness We have graciously provided you with a simple test harness (in p4tester.cpp) that lets you test your overall Cyber Spider implementation. You can compile this p4tester.cpp file and our other provided header files together with your source files to build a complete working tester program. You can then run this program from a Windows command line interpreter (cmd.exe) or from a Mac OS X Terminal window. Our test harness has five different functions: You can use it to create a new, empty telemetry database You can use the –b option to create an empty database of telemetry information with a prescribed maximum capacity: p4tester -b databasePrefix expectedMaxNumberOfItems For example, if you wanted to create an empty database whose file(s) start with the prefix mydb and that can hold an expected maximum of 100,000 telemetry data items, you would run the following command: 52 p4tester -b mydb 100000 When you use the –b command, our p4tester.cpp code will call IntelWeb::createNew() to build a empty database with a prefix of mydb. You can use it to add telemetry data to an existing database After you’ve created an empty telemetry database with the –b option above, you can use the –i option to ingest data from one or more telemetry log files into your telemetry database: p4tester -i databasePrefix telemetryLogFile For example, if you wanted to ingest telemetry from two telemetry log files called january-telem.txt and february-telem.txt, and add their data to your existing mydb database, you would run the following commands: p4tester -i mydb January-telem.txt p4tester -i mydb February-telem.txt Each use of the -i command adds the telemetry logs from the specified file into the specified database by calling IntelWeb::ingest(). The resulting database should hold the cumulative data submitted across all –i invocations (assuming your IntelWeb implementation is correct!). As described earlier, telemetry log files have lines that look like this: m10672 chrome.exe videogame.exe m10672 chrome.exe http://www.twitch.com m10672 disk-eater.exe disk-killer.exe m22345 firefox.exe http://www.yahoo.com m22345 http://www.yahoo.com program.exe m22345 http://www.disksmasher.com disk-killer.exe m22345 http://www.disksmasher.com datakill.exe m89241 http://www.disksmasher.com disk-shredder.exe Ideally the cumulative amount of telemetry data ingested will be less than the maximum size specified in the build –b command. You can use it to search a database for malicious entities You can use the –s option to search for one or more known-malicious attack indicators within an existing database that you built using the –b and –i commands. This command will find all malicious indicators in your database (including the provided malicious indicators found in the telemetry, and those that are discovered because they are associated with the provided malicious indicators), and output them to a results data file: p4tester -s databasePrefix indicators minGoodPrevalence results 53 For example, let’s say you wanted to search through your previously-built mydb database for a set of known-malicious indicators (provided in the file indicators.txt) to identify new attack indicators that are related to these indicators. Further, let’s assume that you want to specify that any file or URL with at prevalence of at least 12 in the input telemetry should be considered good, even if it’s connected in the telemetry to your one or more of known-malicious indicators. Finally, let’s say you want to save all discovered malicious indicators to a results data file called stuffFound.txt. You would do this: p4tester -s mydb indicators.txt 12 stuffFound.txt The indicators.txt file that you provide to our program should contain one or more known-malicious indicators (names of files and/or websites). For example, it might contain the following lines: http://www.virus.com disk-eater.exe datakill.exe http://www.stealthyattack.com The resulting output file stuffFound.txt that our p4tester.cpp produces will have two sections, separated by an empty line: 1. A list of zero or more discovered indicators (e.g., filenames and/or URLs) 2. A list of zero or more relationships discovered in the database for all of these malicious indicators Here’s an example output data file (e.g., stuffFound.txt): datakill.exe disk-eater.exe disk-killer.exe disk-shredder.exe http://www.disksmasher.com m10672 disk-eater.exe disk-killer.exe m22345 http://www.disksmasher.com datakill.exe m22345 http://www.disksmasher.com disk-killer.exe m89241 disk-shredder.exe http://www.google.com m89241 http://www.disksmasher.com disk-shredder.exe As you can see, the above data file lists every malicious indicator that was discovered in the telemetry as well as a list of all relationships between all of those malicious indicators and other indicators (both good and malicious), showing how each indicator is related and what machine the relationship was observed on. Both sets of results will be outputted in the same order that your IntelWeb::crawl() method places them in its badEntitiesFound and interactionsFound output parameters. So if both sets of results are not written in lexicographical order, you’ll know your crawl() method has a bug. 54 You can use it to purge entities from a database You can use the –p option to purge all references to one or more entities within an existing database: p4tester -p databasePrefix purgeFile For example, let’s say you wanted to search through your existing mydb database for a set of entities (provided in the file omit.txt) that are known to be legitimate but that are being falsely identified as malicious by your program, and delete these items from the database so that they no longer get discovered. You could do this: p4tester –p mydb omit.txt Your omit.txt file contains one or more lines each containing an indicator (the name of a file or website) that you wish to purge from your database. For example, it might contain the following lines: http://www.somelegitimatewebsite.com alegitimateprogram.exe You can use it to create a graphical webpage of your results You can use the –w option to take a results data file (created with the –s option) that lists all malicious indicators and relationships (e.g., stuffFound.txt from above) and generate an html file (viewable with your web browser) that visually shows the relationships between the various malicious entities: p4tester -w results graphtemplate.html resultgraph.html (We have provided you with a file called graphtemplate.html that is required to produce the final results.html file – make sure this file is in the same directory/folder as the p4tester executable file.) For example, let’s say you had previously searched through your database for malicious indicators with the –s command and produced a stuffFound.txt file with all discovered indicators and relationships. You could then use the –w command to produce an output html file that visually shows these relationships: p4tester –w stuffFound.txt graphtemplate.html graph.html The graph.html file will now contain HTML and javascript code that you can view in your web browser. To view the created html file, simply use Windows Explorer or OS X Finder to find the html file and double click on it. The file should then be loaded and rendered in your web browser and look something like this: 55 All discovered malicious files will be shown as red bubbles, all discovered malicious websites will be shown as orange bubbles, and all legitimate websites with connections to your malicious entities will be shown as green bubbles. As you can see, each file bubble (e.g., ccccc.exe) is tagged with the machine that the file was observed on, for example “m11” or “m10”. Arrows show the direction of the activity – if file a.exe created file b.exe, the arrow would point from the bubble labeled a.exe to the bubble labeled b.exe. Note: Do not use Internet Explorer to view this HTML file as IE does not appear to properly render the edges (arrows) between the nodes. Instead try using Chrome or Firefox. Requirements and Other Thoughts Make sure to read this entire section before beginning your project! 1. You should back up your code to a flash drive or an online repository like dropbox, github, or Google Drive frequently (e.g., after creating a new function successfully). If you come to us and complain that your computer crashed and you lost all of your work, we’ll ask you where your backups are. 2. In Visual C++, make sure to change your project from UNICODE to Multi Byte Character set, by going to Project à Properties à Configuration Properties à General à Character Set 3. No matter what you do and how much you finish, make sure your project builds and at least runs (even if it crashes after a while). WHATEVER YOU DO, don’t turn in code that doesn’t build. 56 4. Whatever you do, DO NOT add any new public member functions or public data members to the DiskMultiMap or IntelWeb classes! 5. The entire project can be completed in roughly 800 lines of C++ code beyond what we’ve already written for you, so if your program is getting much larger than this, talk to a TA – you’re probably doing something wrong. 6. Be sure to make copious use of the C++ STL – it can make things much easier for you! 7. If you need to define your own comparison operators for our InteractionTuple struct, feel free to do so! However you MUST place this function within IntelWeb.h as an inline function or within IntelWeb.cpp. 8. If you don’t think you can finish the whole project in time, try to build your hash table without the ability to erase items – if you do so, its on-disk data structure will be much simpler since it won’t have to keep a list of available nodes. Then leave the DiskMultiMap::erase() and IntelWeb::purge() methods for last. MAKE SURE TO BACK UP YOUR WORKING CODE PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTING THESE METHODS, AS THEY’LL RESULT IN LARGE CHANGES THAT MAY CAUSE LARGE BUGS. 9. Before you write a line of code for a class, think through what data structures and algorithms you’ll need to solve the problem. For example, what file layout will you use for your disk-based open hash table? Do you need to have any additional data stored inside it to properly deal with erased nodes? How will you decide where new nodes go? Plan before you program! 10. Don’t make your program overly complex – use the simplest data structures possible that meet the requirements. 11. You MUST NOT modify any of the code in the files we provide you that you will not turn in; since you’re not turning them in, we will not see those changes. We will incorporate the required files that you turn in into a project with special test versions of the other files. 12. Make sure to implement and test each class independently of the others that depend on it. Once you get the simplest class coded, get it to compile and test it with a number of different unit tests. Only once you have your first class working should you advance to the next class. 13. Try your best to meet our big-O requirements for each method in this spec. If you can’t figure out how, then solve the problem in a simpler, less efficient way, and move on. Then come back and improve the efficiency of your implementation later if you have time. 14. BACK UP FREQUENTLY! We will not accept any excuses if you lose or delete your files. You can still get a good amount of partial credit if you implement most of the project. Why? Because if you fail to complete a class (e.g., DiskMultiMap), we will provide a correct version of that class and test it with the rest of your program. If you implemented the rest of the program properly, it should work perfectly with our version of the class you couldn’t get working, and we can give you credit for those parts of the project you completed. 57 But whatever you do, make sure that ALL CODE THAT YOU TURN IN BUILDS without errors under both Visual Studio and either clang++ or g++! What to Turn In You will turn in five files: DiskMultiMap.h Contains your disk multimap declaration/implementation DiskMultiMap.cpp Contains your disk multimap implementation IntelWeb.h Contains your intel web declaration/implementation IntelWeb.cpp Contains your intel web implementation report.docx, report.doc, or report.txt Contains your report You MUST submit a report that describes: 1. Whether any of your classes have known bugs or other problems that we should know about. For example, if you didn’t finish the IntelWeb::purge() method or it has bugs, tell us. 2. A high-level description of what data structures and algorithms you chose for each of your classes’ non-trivial methods, and for your disk-based data structures. Brief means <1 page of description or pseudocode per class. 3. Whether or not each method satisfies our big-O requirements, and if not, what you did instead and what the big-O is for your version. Grading • 95% of your grade will be assigned based on the correctness of your solution. • 5% of your grade will be based on your report. Good luck!