CS2040 Lab 3 Sorting solved


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One-Day Assignment 1 – T9 Spelling • Reminder regarding output: the format of your output should follow the provided sample output • Eg. this question requires that a “Case #X: ” be printed first, where X is an integer beginning from the value 1 • Not doing so will lead to Kattis flagging your answer as incorrect, even if the main part of the question (printing the keypresses) is otherwise correct Lab 3 – Useful API • Some sorting methods have already been implemented in Java API • The sorting methods provided by Java are sufficient for general use. As such, you will usually not need to code out your own sorting algorithms Lab 3 – Useful API • Arrays.sort(arr) will sort a primitive array (eg. int[]) arr in ascending order using double-pivot quicksort • However, if arr contains an object instead of primitive data types, it will use a sorting algorithm called TimSort (not examinable) • Is stable • Not in-place • Runs in worst case O(n log n) time • Runs in O(n) time if array is almost sorted • Collections.sort(list) will sort a List using TimSort • More on lists in the next lab Lab 3 – Useful API • For the sorting methods provided by the Java API to function, it needs to have a way to determine how one element relates to another • Ie. when comparing two elements, is the first element smaller than/greater than/equal to the second element? • Primitive data types (int, double), their associated wrapper classes, and Strings already have this built in • Some other Java classes have this too, but you’ll likely not use them in this module (eg. Date, Month, Year classes) • For custom classes, you’ll have to add this yourself Lab 3 – Comparing.java Example • The program “Comparing.java” is provided as an example of how to code out comparison methods (covered in the next few slides) • Slides cover the more theoretical parts, which may be a little difficult to understand on their own Lab 3 – Comparable Interface • The Comparable interface is used by Java to determine that an object type has a built-in comparison method • Also referred to in the Java API documentation as natural ordering • An object type that has a built-in comparison method should implement the Comparable interface • Doing so requires the interface’s compareTo(T other) method to be implemented as well • T is a generic type Lab 3 – Comparable Interface • The compareTo(T other) method compares two objects: the object on which this method is called (ie. this), and the object passed in as a parameter • The method should return an integer: • A negative integer if this < other • Zero if this, and other, are equivalent • A positive integer if this > other • See array/list A1/B1 in Comparing.java for an example Lab 3 – Comparator Interface • The Comparator interface is another way to compare two objects • Note that this is in part, a workaround for the Java programming language before Java 8; it did not support function passing then (ie. you can’t pass in a function directly as a parameter) • Rather, you pass in an object, that contains a function • The comparator should then be passed as a parameter into the sort() method Lab 3 – Comparator Interface • Passing in Comparator.reverseOrder() as a comparator will compare elements based on the reverse of the natural ordering • As such, the object stored in the array/list must already have implemented Comparable • See array/list A2/B2 in Comparing.java for an example Lab 3 – Comparator Interface • You can also write a custom Comparator to compare two objects • Need to implement the compare(T first, T second) method • The return value is similar to that in compareTo: • A negative integer if first < second • Zero if first and second are equivalent • A positive integer if first > second • See array/list A3/B3 in Comparing.java for an example • Array/list A4/B4 is a shortcut of the above (declaring the comparator in the sort() method directly • Array/list A5/B5 is a shortcut of the above (lambda methods, may be a bit abstract for first-time use; recommended for advanced users) Lab 3 – Sorting (Arrays) Method name Description Time Arrays.sort(int[] arr) Sorts arr using double-pivot quicksort, if arr contains a primitive data type O(n log n) Arrays.sort(int[] arr, int start, int end) Sorts arr using double-pivot quicksort from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive), if arr contains a primitive data type O(n log n), where n = size of range “int” can also be “double”, “long”, “char” etc. No way to use a comparator for primitive data types Lab 3 – Sorting (Arrays) Method name Description Time Arrays.sort(YourClass[] arr) Sorts arr using Timsort, provided the array contains elements which implement the Comparable interface O(n log n) Arrays.sort(YourClass[] arr, int start, int end) Sorts arr using Timsort from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive), provided the array contains elements which implement the Comparable interface O(n log n), where n = size of range Arrays.sort(YourClass[] arr, Comparator comp) Sorts arr using Timsort, using the provided comparator O(n log n) Arrays.sort(YourClass[] arr, int start, int end, Comparator comp) Sorts arr using Timsort from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive) using the provided comparator O(n log n), where n = size of range Lab 3 – Sorting (Collections) Method name Description Time Collections.sort(List list) Sorts list using Timsort, provided the list contains elements which implement the Comparable interface O(n log n) Collections.sort(List list, Comparator comp) Sorts list using Timsort using the provided comparator O(n log n) No way to sort only within a given range for lists using API Take-Home Assignment 1a – Card Trading • Given T card types, their buy/sell prices, and the N initial cards Anthony has in his deck, determine the maximum amount of money that can be earned while keeping at least 2 or more cards for K different card types • Only one of the following can be done for each card type: • Buy up to 2 cards of that type • Sell all (owned) cards of that type Take-Home Assignment 1a – Card Trading • The “int” data type may be insufficient for this question (its range is up to 2.1 billion); consider using “long” instead • Since buy/sell prices can be up to 1 billion, with 100,000 different card types, the maximum answer could be around 200 trillion • Question asks for a deck with exactly K types of cards which Anthony owns more than 2 of • Does Anthony need to have more than 2 cards of any given type? • No, having more than 2 cards is unnecessary • Should Anthony end up with any card types which he has only one card for? • No, as it does not contribute to a combo, this should not be part of the final deck Take-Home Assignment 1a – Card Trading • Anthony can start off owning pairs of multiple card types already • Should Anthony keep all of his starting pairs of cards to form a complete deck? • No, it may be possible to sell off some cards which have a high selling price, in order to buy even more cards with a cheaper buying price • Otherwise, should Anthony sell off all of his starting cards? • No, some card types have a low selling price, so it may be better to keep them as a combo instead • It might help to consider how much it “costs” to keep a card type as a combo, instead of selling it Take-Home Assignment 1b – Best Relay Team • Given a list of runners, and their times as the first runner/subsequent runners, find the team arrangement that would result in the shortest time taken • Trying all possible permutations of 4 runners would take too long (500C4 (choose 4 different runners) * 4C1 (choose 1 runner to take the first 100m)) = 10 billion+, when n = 500 • Can we try to find all permutations of a smaller subset of runners instead? • If so, is there an easy way to determine which runners we should consider? One-Day Assignment 2 – Sort of Sorting • Given a list of names (strings) • Sort them according to the first two letters of their names • Guaranteed that name has at least two letters • Note: the default comparison method for strings uses the entire string • Some form of stable sort required One-Day Assignment 2 – Sort of Sorting • Again, consider cases which are covered by the sample input, and corner cases which may not be covered: • Covered: • Names with the same first 2 letters: • Poincare • Pochhammmer • Not covered: • Comparing an uppercase letter with a lowercase letter • Zoe • amy