CS160 Computer Science 1 Lab 9 solved


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Objectives Work with Strings Assignment Today’s In Class Lab is about asking the user to enter a string and printing whether it is palindrome or not. Algorithm Ask for a string. For each string entered state whether it is an odd palindrome, and even palindrome, or not a palindrome. Continue to ask for strings until the user enters an empty string. One option that will let you work with the individual characters in a string is to use the square brackets [ ] to access individual characters. You can also use the for loop to iterate through the individual characters in a string. Regardless of the approach, you can then use those characters to build the reverse of the original string. Then compare the original string with reversed string, print the reversed string and the result (whether it is palindrome or not). If it is a palindrome, it is an odd palindrome if there are an odd number of characters in the original string, otherwise it is an even palindrome. Enter a String: radar Reverse string: radar It is an odd palindrome. Enter a String: add Reverse string: dda It is not a palindrome. Enter a String: 1221 Reverse string: 1221 It is an even palindrome. Enter a String: <>