CS151B/EE116C – Homework #1 solved


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Note: When writing assembly code, use only assembly instructions and assembler directives. Do not use
Unless specified otherwise, when writing MIPS assembly code, you must use only the $reg-number
notation (e.g., $0, $22, $5) to specify a register. Any other notation will be considered incorrect.
(0) A) Please complete the online Background Questionnaire by Wednesday, April 4, 8:00am. The
questionnaire is on the UCLA CCLE CS M151B web site. To access the questionnaire, log in
to https://ccle.ucla.edu/ using your UCLA logon ID. Select M151B, LEC 1 – Computer
Systems Architecture. The link to the ‘‘Background Questionnaire’’ is on the first page.
B) Access the class website at:
http://www.cs.ucla.edu/classes/spr ing18/csM151B
If you are enrolled in the class but cannot log in with your user name and password, as
explained in class, contact the instructor.
C) Carefully go over the errata for the book and correct all the errors in your copy. There is a link
to the errata on the class web page. This is important since the errors may confuse you when
you least expect it…
D) Remember to always staple together the pages of your homework solutions. Failure to do so
will result in a deduction of 15 points from the homework score.
(1) Figure B.8.8 on page B-55 illustrates the implementation of the read ports of the register file for the
MIPS datapath. Your task is to design a new register file that has only two registers and each
register has only three bits of data. This new register file has only one read port. Redraw Figure
B.8.8 so that every wire in your diagram corresponds to only 1 bit of data (unlike the diagram in
Figure B.8.8, in which some wires are 5 bits and some wires are 32 bits). Redraw the registers using
D flip-flops. You do not need to show how to implement a D flip-flop or a multiplexer.
(2) Show the minimal sequence of MIPS instructions for the following C statement:
b[i-12] = b[i+j] – x ;
In the C program, b is declared as an array of four-byte integers, and i, j, x are declared as fourbyte integer scalars. Variables i, j, x are stored in, respectively, registers 5, 8, and 13. The base
YT Spring 2018
address of array b is 3,880,220 (note that this is decimal).
(3) Show the minimal sequence of MIPS instructions that extract bits 10 through 17 from register $14
and use that value to replace bits 24 through 31 of register $22, without changing register $14 and
without changing the other 24 bits of register $22. Note that the bit numbering is little endian.
(4) Register $17 holds the value 0x00101100 and register $20 holds the value 0x11227800. The
following code is executed:
slt $20, $0, $17
bne $20, $0, 1
beq $0, $0, 1
addi $20, $20, 2
What is the value of register $20 after the code above is executed ? Explain.
(5) Translate the following MIPS assembly instruction into machine code.
lhu $14,45($22)
Show the machine code in binary, one bit per square.
(6) Consider the following C code segment:
while (a[i] != 33) {
if (a[i] > y) z =z+a[i] ;
else z =z-y;
i++ ; }
Assume that all the variable are declared as fourbyte integers. i,y,z are stored in registers
$5,$7,$12, respectively. The base of array a is
stored in register $11. The program was
compiled into the assembly to the right. Convert
the assembly program to machine code. Write
the machine code in the format shown in class,
with the address of each instruction to the left of
the instruction. Note that all values should be
presented in binary.
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addi $15,$0,33
loop: sll $4,$5,2
add $4,$11,$4
lw $4,0($4)
beq $4,$15,next
addi $5,$5,1
slt $3,$7,$4
beq $3,$0,notlt
add $12,$12,$4
j loop
notlt: sub $12,$12,$7
j loop
(7) Consider the seq pseudoinstruction (page A-59).
Produce efficient assembly code implementation of
sgtu $13, $22, $25
Use only real instructions.
Do not use any labels.
Your main goal is to minimize the number of assembly instructions. A secondary goal is to
minimize the number of additional registers used.
State any necessary assumptions.
YT Spring 2018
(8) Add a new pseudoinstruction to the MIPS assembly language. The new pseudoinstruction is
jnerm (jump-not-equal-register-memory): the contents of a specified register are compared to the
word stored at a 32-bit address specified in the pseudoinstruction. If the values are not equal, a
jump is performed to a 32-bit destination address specified in the pseudoinstruction. Both 32-bit
addresses are assumed to be multiples of 4 (you do not need to check this).
For example:
jnerm $5,0x345D2C,0xDABA9878
compares the contents of register 5 to the word stored at address 0x345D2C. If the values compared
are not equal,ajump is performed to address 0xDABA9878.
Show an efficient assembly code implementation of the example above using only real MIPS
instructions. Minimize the use of registers. You cannot use any labels in your assembly code.
State clearly ev ery assumption you make.
(9) Write a MIPS assembly program that will produce different results depending on whether the
processor is big endian or little endian. Specifically, your program must store the value 0 into the
byte at address 129 if the processor is little endian but store the value 1 into the byte at address 129
if the processor is big endian. If necessary, your program may modify bytes 5-15 in main memory
as well as registers $4, $5, and $6. Your program may not modify any other memory locations or
Practice problems: You do not need to hand in a solution to the problems below.
(10) Drawalogic circuit of an adder of two 4-bit numbers. Your design should be simple and modular.
(11) Using the circuit from problem 10 as a building block, show the design of a 4-bit counter that counts down.
The only external input to this circuit is the clock. The output four bits continuously follow the sequence:
… , 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, . . .
Your goal is to minimize the circuitry needed in addition to the module from problem 10.
(12) Instead of using the multiply instruction, it is possible to multiply using shift and add instructions. This may
actually be faster when multiplying by a small constant. Suppose we want to store five times the value of
register $16 into register $17, ignoring any overflow that may occur. Showaminimal sequence of MIPS
instructions for doing this without using a multiply instruction.
Convert your program to machine code. Assume that your program is to be placed in memory starting
address 128. Write the machine code in the format shown in class, with the address of each instruction to
the left of the instruction. Note that all values should be presented in binary.
(13) Consider the abs pseudoinstruction (page A-51). Show an efficient assembly code implementation of
abs $11,$4
Use only real instructions.
Do not use any labels.
State any necessary assumptions.
(14) Consider adding a new pseudoinstruction to the MIPS assembly language. The new instruction is jgt
(jump-greater-than): the values of two registers are compared and if the first one is greater than the second,
control is transferred to an arbitrary 32-bit destination address.
jgt $7,$11,0x3A015432
will jump to location 0x3A015432 if the value in register $7 is greater than the value in register $11. Show
an efficient assembly code implementation of the example above using only real MIPS instructions. State
clearly any assumptions you make.
(15) Consider adding a new pseudoinstruction to the MIPS assembly language. The new pseudoinstruction is
mvmemb (move-memory-byte): a single byte is copied from an arbitrary 32-bit source address to an arbitrary
32-bit destination address.
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mvmemb 0x6ABD,0xDCBA9886
copies the single byte stored in address 0xDCBA9886 to address 0x6ABD.
Show an efficient assembly code implementation of the example above using only real MIPS instructions.
State clearly ev ery assumption you make.
(16) Add a new pseudoinstruction to the MIPS assembly language. The new pseudoinstruction is swaph (swaphalf-words): the least significant 16 bits of the source register become the most significant 16 bits of the
destination register and the most significant 16 bits of the source register become the least significant 16 bits
of the destination register.
For example:
swaph $8, $3
The source register is $3 and the destination register is $8.
Show an efficient assembly code implementation of the example above using only real MIPS instructions.
Minimize the use of registers. You cannot use any labels in your assembly code. State clearly ev ery
assumption you make.
(17) Consider the following MIPS machine instruction, specified in binary:
1010 0010 1100 0101 0000 0000 0000 1100
Prior to the execution of this instruction, some of the registers contain the following values:
$1 = 0x00002345 $2 = 0x000A0080
$5 = 0x07AC6182 $7 = 0x000A0120
$11 = 0x54320010 $22 = 0x00030022
$26 = 0x00300060 $30 = 0x000A0820
Specify all the state changes that will be caused by the execution of this instruction. Be as specific as
possible when indicating what changes and what are the new values. All values must be specified in hex.
Work through this carefully — it is easy to mess up…
(18) Convert the assembly program in the example on pages 92-93 of the book to machine code. Assume that the
program is preceded by the directive
.text 136
Write the machine code in the format shown in class, with the address of each instruction to the left of the
instruction. Note that all values should be presented in binary.
YT Spring 2018