CS1027 LAB 9 Computer Science Fundamentals II solved


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Learning Outcomes
 Design and implement recursive algorithms
 Design and implement iterative algorithms
 Compare iterative and recursive approaches to different methods
 Create a new Java project called Lab9
 Download the file: FibonacciDemo.java
 Save these downloaded files into the Lab9 src folder
Exercise 1 – Iterative vs. recursive methods
For some problems it is possible to design natural algorithmic solutions that are recursive and
solutions that are iterative. One of these problems is that of computing the n-th Fibonacci
number. The Fibonacci numbers are: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21…
1. Open FibonacciDemo.java and examine the code. Carefully read through the ifib()
and rfib() methods to see the iterative and recursive approaches to computing the
Fibonacci numbers respectively. Why does the iterative approach require so many
variables? What are the base cases of the recursive Fibonacci method?
2. Run the program and when asked enter the number 20, 30, 40, 45, 50. Write down the
running times reported by the algorithm.
3. Modify the program to include a new variable called methodCalls2 that keeps track of
the number of calls made to method rfib() when the value of the parameter n is 2 and
prints it out in the main() method. Run the program and enter the value 40. How many
calls are made to rfib() when the value of the parameter n=2? Write down this result.
4. Why is the recursive algorithm for computing Fibonacci numbers so slow compared to
the iterative algorithm? Does the value of methodCalls2 make sense with this rationale?
Exercise 2 – More iterative vs. recursive methods
LAB 9 Computer Science Fundamentals II
1. Create a new class called Abo.java.
2. Consider a mathematical series, Abo, defined as:
 Abo(n) = 0 for n <= 0
 Abo(1) = 1
 Abo(n) = 1 + Abo(n/2), if n > 1 is even
 Abo(n) = 2 + Abo((n+1)/2), if n > 1 is odd
3. In the Abo class, create a method called rabo(int n) that uses recursion to calculate
the value of Abo(n) for a given integer n.
4. Add a main() method and print out the first 20 Abo numbers in the series, i.e. Abo(0)
through Abo(19).
Note: the results should be: 0, 1, 2, 4, 3, 6, 5, 5, 4, 8, 7, 7, 6, 7, 6, 6, 5, 10, 9, 9
5. Create a method called iabo(int n) and try to calculate the series iteratively.
6. It is not impossible to do, but it is much more complex than the recursive method. Why is
this algorithm difficult to design using the iterative approach?
Exercise 3 – Permutations and Recursion
Given a sequence of characters, we want to find and print all possible permutations of these
characters. For example, for the sequence of characters “car”, the possible permutations are
“car”, “cra”, “acr”, “arc”, “rca”, and “rac”. (Note that they don’t have to be actual words.)
1. Create a new class called Permutations.java.
2. Within this class, write a recursive method called permutations(String prefix,
String suffix) that receives as parameters a String prefix and a String and it prints
all permutations of the characters in suffix. The prefix parameter will be empty initially
and then change upon recursive calls to the method (more info below).
3. Parameter prefix will store a permutation of several of the characters of the original
string, while suffix will store the remaining (and not yet permuted) characters of the
original string. Use the following hints and explanations with this method:
 The base case is when suffix is empty. In this case prefix contains a permutation
of all characters of the original string, so the algorithm must just print prefix.
 If suffix is not empty, then the algorithm will consider each one of the characters
c of suffix and for each one of them it will do the following:
 remove character c from suffix to get a new string suff
 append c to prefix to get a new string pre
 invoke permutations(pre, suff)
4. Method length() returns the length of a string, and method charAt(i) returns the
character of a string at index i. To concatenate a character c to a string prefix use
c+prefix. The following algorithm can be used to remove the character at index i from a
LAB 9 Computer Science Fundamentals II
string s:
private static String removeChar(String s, int i) {
return s.substring(0, i) + s.substring(i+1, s.length());
5. You also need to write a method that asks the user to enter a string, and it prints all
permutations of the string’s characters by calling permutations() with that string. The
initial prefix parameter will be an empty string.
6. This is another example of a problem that would be very difficult to solve using an
iterative algorithm. However, the following short recursive algorithm can be used to solve
this problem.
When you have completed the lab, navigate to the weekly module page on OWL and click the
Lab link (where you found this document). Make sure you are in the page for the correct lab.
Upload the files listed below and remember to hit Save and Submit. Check that your submission
went through and look for an automatic OWL email to verify that it was submitted successfully.
 Please only submit the files specified below. Do not attach other files even if they were
part of the lab.
 Do not ZIP or use any other form of compressed file for your files. Attach them
 Submit the lab on time. Late submissions will receive a penalty.
 Forgetting to hit “Submit” is not a valid excuse for submitting late.
 Submitting the files in an incorrect submission page will receive a penalty.
 You may re-submit code if your previous submission was not complete or correct,
however, re-submissions after the regular lab deadline will receive a penalty.
Files to submit
 FibonacciDemo.java
 Abo.java
 Permutations.java