CS/EE 3810 Assignment 4 solved


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1. Read the assembly code below and explain what this procedure is trying to do in 1-2
sentences. Also add a comment for each assembly instruction. Hints: $a0 points to an
array of sorted integers (smallest first). When new-proc is called for the first time,
assume that $a3 is 0, $a1 is 57, and $a2 is 16.
beq $a2, $zero, proc_fail
srl $a2, $a2, 1
add $t0, $a2, $a3
sll $t1, $t0, 2
add $t2, $a0, $t1
lw $t3, 0($t2)
beq $t3, $a1, proc_succ
bgt $t3, $a1, call_again
add $a3, $zero, $t0
addi $sp, $sp, -4
sw $ra, 0($sp)
jal new_proc
lw $ra, 0($sp)
addi $sp, $sp, 4
jr $ra
add $v0, $zero, $t0
jr $ra
addi $v0, $zero, -1
jr $ra
2. Next Square: Write a MIPS assembly program in the MARS simulator that solves the
following problem. Given a number N and its square (N^2), the square of N+1 can be
computed with the following equation: (N+1)^2 = N^2 + 2*N + 1 = N^2 + N + (N +
1). In other words, you can compute the square of N+1 by adding N and N+1 to the
square of N. Your program should have a main routine that (i) prompts the user to
enter the values for N and N^2, (ii) reads in these two integer values and confirms
they are greater than zero (print an error message and exit if this is not true), (iii)
2018/10/7 CS/EE 3810
http://www.cs.utah.edu/~rajeev/cs3810/hw/hw18-4.html 2/2
enters a loop that prints the squares of numbers (N+i) from i=1 to i=3. The loop
should call a procedure “nextsq” to implement the math. Procedure nextsq takes in
arguments X and X^2 and returns the value X^2 + X + (X+1). You may use other
procedures if you wish.
Here are some examples of how your program should behave:
If the inputs to your program are 2 4, the output should be:
Enter N and N^2 (both positive):
Next 3 squares are: 9 16 25
If the inputs to your program are -3 9, the output should be:
Enter N and N^2 (both positive):
The input is erroneous.
3. Compressed Genomic Data: Write a MIPS assembly program in the MARS simulator
that accepts an input string of size less than 40 characters, applies the following
decompression algorithm to the string, and then prints the resulting decompressed
string. In the input string, if a “#” is encountered, the next byte is interpreted as a
number i between 0-255; the output string would then replace the # and its i with i32 consecutive occurrences of the character “A” (see examples below). If i=32 , then
the output string would replace the # and its i with one occurrence of “#”. Similarly,
“$” corresponds to multiple occurrences of the character “C”; “%” corresponds to
multiple occurrences of the character “G”; “&” corresponds to multiple occurrences of
the character “T”. For all other encountered characters, the output string should
simply reproduce that character. We will only test your code with valid inputs, i.e.,
strings of under 40 characters and i > 31. Keep an ASCII table handy. See the
following examples:
Provide an input of less than 40 characters:
4A2#+96$(XY%”TV&&p$ d
The decompressed string is:
Explanation: “#” is followed by “+”, which is ASCII 43, so it was replaced by 11
A’s. “$” is followed by “(“, which is ASCII 40, so it was replaced by 8 C’s. “%” is
followed by double-quote, which is ASCII 34, so it was replaced by 2 G’s. “&” is
followed by “&”, which is ASCII 38, so it was replaced by 6 T’s. “$” is followed by
” ” (space), which is ASCII 32, so it was replaced by “$”.
Provide an input of less than 40 characters:
ab%%& G#)mn
The decompressed string is: