
CS 4641 – Homework 1 solved

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1 Probability
Matt, Marc, Lucas, and Jonah have just been assigned a case. They’re off to examine where Daniel Geoffrey
Sustar (aka D.G.Sustar) stores all the wine he makes. They’ve narrowed it down to four locations in the UK.
Each of them will visit one of these places and survey the locals on whether or not they’ve seen D.G.Sustar
in the area in the past year (with bottles of wine).
Matt will take the London area, Marc will investigate Ireland, Jonah will take on Wales (funny, no?),
and Lucas will go forth into the Highlands (Scotland!).
Five weeks later, they have each surveyed 100 people from their respective lands. They asked the locals
the following question: Have you seen D.G.Sustar in the area over the past year. The locals were allowed to
answer Yes or No. The results of the survey are shown in the table below:
Surveyor Yes No
Matt 58 42
Marc 56 44
Lucas 58 42
Jonah 57 43
Since the survey results are very close, the quartet find 6 more people to survey. The first three have
lived in both London and Ireland over the past year. The remaining three have lived in both Wales and
Scotland. The question that each will be asked is: In which of the two places you have lived in do you think
D.G.Sustar left his wine? The answer can be either location, or both (but cannot be neither).
Suppose that the answers of all remaining participants are independent and that each participant is
equally likely to choose as their answer: location A, location B, or both, where A and B are the two
locations they visited.
Note: If a person answers location A, then the Yes count for that corresponding surveyor will increase by
one, and the No count for the location B surveyor increases by one. Similarly for B. If the person answers
“both A and B”, then the Yes count for both surveyors increases by one.
(a) What is the probability that D.G.Sustar kept his wine in London?
(b) What is the probability that D.G.Sustar kept his wine in Ireland?
(c) What is the probability that D.G.Sustar kept his wine in Scotland?
(d) What is the probability that two locations are equally likely?
2 Information Theory
Suppose the joint probability distribution of two binary random variables X and Y are given as follows.
X\Y 0 1
1 0
(a) Find entropy H(X) and H(Y ).
(b) Find conditional entropy H(X|Y ) and H(Y |X).
(c) Find mutual information I(X; Y ).
(d) Find joint entropy H(X, Y ).
(e) Suppose X and Y are independent. Show that H(Y |X) = H(Y )
(f) Suppose X and Y are independent. Show that H(X, Y ) = H(X) + H(Y )
(g) Show that I(X; X) = H(X)
(h) Show that H(X, Y ) − H(X) = H(Y |X)
For all the above, show your work, step by step. No points will be given otherwise. Also,
for parts e through h, you HAVE to start from the basic definitions of entropy, joint entropy,
and conditional entropy. You cannot use already-proven or “intuitive” theorems about these
concepts. In short – do some math.
3 Classification Methods
(a) In no more than 5 sentences, describe the main difference between bagging and boosting.
(b) ID3-trained decision trees are more resistant to outliers than soft-margin SVMs. Do you
agree? Why or why not?
(c) Mark T if the statement is true, and F otherwise. Explain why in 1-2 sentences. No points
if explanation is incorrect.
• Binary decision trees can model any continuous function.
• A neural network with 4 hidden layers and 200 neurons per layer can model any continuous function.
4 Programming: Neural Networks
Here, you will implement a 2-hidden layer Neural Network. The Assignment 1 – Template.ipynb file
contains all the information you need. You will have to download the Anaconda package manager (anaconda.
com) and use the Jupyter Notebook application in order to open it. You should use the python 2.7 version
of Anaconda. Your submission should be the completed notebook and a PDF or HTML version of it
showing the results (i.e. after you run it, just save it as a PDF/HTML). Your submission will not be
graded if the PDF/HTML file is not submitted.