CS 3013 Project 4 standard file I/O solved


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Project Description
This project compares the performance of standard file I/O using the read() system call for input
with memory-mapped I/O where the mmap() system call allows the contents of a file to be mapped
to memory. Access to the file is then controlled by the virtual memory manager of the operating
system. In both cases, you will need to use the open() and close() system calls for opening and
closing the file for I/O.
For the project, you should write a program proj4 that takes a file name as command-line
argument and computes the percentage of printable characters in the file. To do so you should
use two Linux routines: isprint(), which determines if a byte value is a printable character; and
isspace(), which determines if a byte is a space, newline, tab, etc. Check the man pages of these
routines for details and the needed include file. For this assignment, if either of these routines
return TRUE for a byte value then we will consider it to be “printable.”
The only output from the program should be one line with the number of printable characters
in the file, the total number of bytes in the file and a percentage printed as an integer between 0
and 100 such as:
% ./proj4 testfile
183 printable characters out of 217 bytes, 84%
The default behavior of the program should be to read bytes from the file in chunks of 1024
bytes using the read() system call. You will need to do a byte-by-byte check looking for printable
characters. However your program should have an optional second argument that controls the
chunk size for reading or to tell the program to use memory-mapped file I/O. In the latter case your
program should map the entire contents of the file to memory. The syntax of your program:
proj4 srcfile [size|mmap]
where srcfile is the file on which to determine the percentage of printable characters. If
the optional second argument is an integer then it is the size of bytes to use on each loop when
reading the file using the read() system call. Your program should enforce a chunk size limit of no
more than 8192 (8K) bytes. Your program should traverse the buffer of bytes read on each iteration
and keep track of the number of bytes and printable characters.
If an optional second argument is the literal string “mmap” then your program should not use
the read() system call, but rather use the mmap() system call to map the contents of srcfile
to memory. You should look at the man pages for mmap() and munmap() as well as the sample
program (mmapexample.c or mmapexample.C) for help in using these system calls. Once
your program has mapped the file then it should iterate through all bytes in memory to count
printable characters. You should verify that the file I/O and memory mapped options of your
program show the same output for the same file as a minimal test of correctness.
Performance Analysis
The program functionally portion of the project is worth 13 of the points for the project. For the
remaining two points you need to perform an analysis to see which type of I/O works better for
different size files. For this portion of the project, you should reuse the first part of the doit project,
which allows you to collect system usage statistics. The two usage statistics of interest for this
project are major page faults and the total response (wall-clock) time. A sample invocation of your
proj4 program on itself using doit with the largest read size would be the following where proj4
prints its output and then doit prints the resource usage statistics for the program.
% ./doit proj4 proj4.C 8192
517 printable characters out of 517 bytes, 100%
< resource usage statistics for proj4 process >
At the minimum, you must test your program running under five configurations for input files
of different sizes. The five configurations are standard file I/O with read sizes of 1, 1K, 4K, and
8K bytes as well as with memory mapped I/O. You should determine performance statistics for
each of these configurations on a variety of file sizes. You can look of subdirectories of “/” such
as /boot, which might contain larger files, as you look for a range of file sizes to test. Note: not
all operating system versions (particularly if running within a virtual machine) report major page
faults. If this is the case then simply indicate as much and only report timing results.
Once you have executed your program with different configurations on a range of files, you
should plot your results on two graphs where the file size is on the x-axis and the system statistic
of interest (major page faults or wall-clock time) is on the y-axis. Each graph should have one line
for the results of each configuration.
You should include these graphs as well as a writeup on their significance in a short (1-2
pages of text) report to be submitted along with your source code. You should indicate which
configurations clearly perform better or worse than others on a given performance metric and
whether there is clearly a “best practice” technique to use.
Submission of Project
Use InstructAssist to submit your project using the assignment name “proj4”. You should submit
the source code for your program, a script showing sample executions and a pdf version of your
report if you do the last portion of the project.