CS 281 – Homework #2 solved


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The following relational schema is given for a TV Series database:
Series(SID, SeriesName, Genre)
Actor(AID, Name, Surname, DateOfBirth)
Episode(SID, EpisodeNo, Duration)
PlaysIn(AID, SID, EpisodeNo, Role)
Channel(CID, ChannelName)
AiredOn(SID, EpisodeNo, CID, FirstAirDate)
Write the following queries in SQL, based on the given information. (10 points each)
1. Find the name of the series that are in the “Action” or “Drama” genre.
2. Find the name and the surname of the oldest actor.
3. Find the sum of the duration of all episodes of the series named “Lost”.
4. Find the episode count of the series named “The Mandalorian”.
5. Find the name, the surname, and the date of birth of the actors who play in a series where
an actor with the role of “Wonder Woman” plays. (The actors you find may or may not play
the role of “Wonder Woman”, but they should play in a series where there is “Wonder
Woman” in it.)
6. Find the name of the channels that aired at least 10 episodes of the series named “Seinfeld”.
Assume channel name is not unique.
7. Find the average episode duration of the series in the “Korean Drama” genre.
8. Find the name and the surname of the actors that are older than the oldest actor who plays
the role of “Spider-Man”.
9. For the series named “The Walking Dead”, find the number of episodes that are aired on
each channel. Project the episode count along with the CID of the channel.
10. Find the date of birth of the actors who play in a series that was first aired on 2020-08-28.
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