This homework will cover string manipulation, more on class design, and some GUI
Be sure to name your classes as required by the instructions. Also be sure to use good coding
style and indentation, and to use appropriate and descriptive variable names.
Do not forget about the collaboration policies detailed in homework 1, or about javadocing and
commenting detailed in homeworks 2 and 3.
4.1: Location Class
Create a class called Location, which will represent a location and do some useful things for
us. It will need:
1. 2 string instance variables to store the city and state. They should have the appropriate
visibility / protection.
2. A constructor that takes in 2 strings corresponding to the 2 parts of a location. You may
assume that the 2 parameters for the constructor are not null or empty.
3. 2 getters for the instance variables, following standard Java getter/setter naming
4. The following methods:
a. normalize: changes the location to standard capitalization. For example, if the
original location has a city value of “aTlanTA” and a state value of geOrGIa”,
after “normalize” is called, it should be “Atlanta” and “Georgia”.
b. toString: returns the location as a String, using an abbreviation for the state.
For example, if the location has a city value of “Atlanta” and a state value of
“Georgia”, then the method should return “Atlanta, GA”. For the purposes of this
assignment you may assume the state abbreviation is always the first and last
letter of the state, capitalized.
c. isSameState: takes in another Location object and determines if the location
represented by this location object comes from the same state as the other
location. This method should ignore the capitalization of the state (i.e. it should
treat “Georgia” and “geORgiA” as the same state).
Don’t forget to javadoc the class, constructor, and methods, javadocing parameters where
applicable (see the previous homeworks for an examples of this).
4.2: Welcome Sign Class
Create a class called WelcomeSign that creates a JFrame and JLabels based upon a
Location object. It should have:
1. An instance variable to store the Location, and an instance variable to store the
JFrame. They should have the appropriate visibility / protection.
2. A constructor that takes a Location parameter for the WelcomeSign object to show.
3. In the constructor, create a JFrame and store it into the instance variable from step 1.
Add JPanels and JLabels as appropriate to display the location from the Location
object passed to the constructor. The location displayed should be the result of a
toString performed on the location. Don’t forget to set the default close operation on
the JFrame.
An example would be:
4. You can use Font and Border objects to achieve the effects in the above example:
label.setFont(new Font(“Arial”, Font.ITALIC, 15));
label2.setFont(new Font(“Times New Roman”, Font.BOLD, 25));
panel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(, 5));
5. Lastly, it should have a method named “showWelcomeSign” that will actually show the
6. Don’t forget to javadoc the class, constructor, and methods, javadocing parameters where
applicable (see the previous homeworks for an examples of this)
4.3: Welcome Sign Generator Class
Finally, create a class named WelcomeSignGenerator with a main method that brings together
a Location object and a WelcomeSign object:
1. Prompt the user for the city and the state.
2. Create a Location object, using the values collected above.
3. Normalize the location.
4. Create a WelcomeSign object.
5. Show the welcome sign.
Turn-in Procedure
Turn in the following files on T-Square. When you’re ready, double-check that you have
submitted and not just saved as draft.
All .java files should have a descriptive javadoc comment.
Don’t forget your collaboration statement. You should include a statement with every homework
you submit, even if you worked alone.
Verify the Success of Your HW Turn-In
Practice “safe submission”! Verify that your HW files were truly submitted correctly, the upload
was successful, and that the files compile and run. It is solely your responsibility to turn in your
homework and practice this safe submission safeguard.
1. After uploading the files to T-Square you should receive an email from T-Square listing
the names of the files that were uploaded and received. If you do not get the confirmation
email almost immediately, something is wrong with your HW submission and/or your
email. Even receiving the email does not guarantee that you turned in exactly what you
2. After submitting the files to T-Square, return to the Assignment menu option and this
homework. It should show the submitted files.
3. Download copies of your submitted files from the T-Square Assignment page placing
them in a new folder.
4. Recompile and test those exact files.
5. This helps guard against a few things.
a. It helps insure that you turn in the correct files.
b. It helps you realize if you omit a file or files.**
(If you do discover that you omitted a file, submit all of your files again, not just
the missing one.)
c. Helps find last minute causes of files not compiling and/or running.
**Note: Missing files will not be given any credit, and non-compiling homework solutions will
receive few to zero points. Also recall that late homework (past the grace period of 2 am) will not
be accepted regardless of excuse. Treat the due date with respect. The real due date and time is 8
pm Friday. Do not wait until the last minute!
Extra Credit
1. Make the user prompt a dialog box (an actual Swing pop-up).
2. Make the sign font flash colors on a timer.