1 Introduction
This problem set continues the development begun in Problem Set 4 of a simulator for a
population of simple agents attempting to reach consensus on a choice value. The long-rang
goal of this and following assignment(s) is to simulate the blockchain consensus algorithm
used in Bitcoin cryptocurrency, sometimes called Nakamoto consensus, to see how fast consensus is reached under various assumptions about the speed and reliability of the underlying
network and the honesty of the agents participating in the protocol.
2 Blockchain Background
While not strictly needed for this assignment, a general understanding of blockchains and
Nakamoto consensus will help motivate it.
A blockchain is a sequence of records or blocks that are cryptographically protected to
preserve integrity and prevent various kinds of tampering. A blockchain can be extended
only by someone who knows the solution to a difficult cryptographic puzzle that is derived
from the current blockchain. An agent, called a miner, who wants to extend the blockchain
first has to solve the puzzle for that chain. In general, many miners are working in parallel
to solve the puzzle. Any one who succeeds is able to create a new block of transactions and
append it to the end of the chain. The result is a new longer chain that is verifiably valid.
Once a new chain has been produced, the successful miner sends it around the network
to other miners. When a longer (valid) chain is received from another miner, the recipient
discards the old shorter chain and begins trying to solve the puzzle for the longer chain.
Consensus on the new chain is reached when all of the miners have received the new chain
and discarded their old, shorter, chains.
It is possible that two miners will solve the puzzle at nearly the same time and will
each propose longer but different extensions of the current chain. These new chains will
propagate around the network. Because they are equal length, neither will annihilate the
other, so consensus cannot be reached until a yet longer chain is produced by one of the
minors. As this new chain propagates through the network, miners will discard their old
chains and adopt the new one.
Intuitively, consensus will eventually be reached if there is a unique longest chain in
circulation, and no new chains are created before consensus is reached. The purpose of the
puzzles (also called proof of work is to slow down the process of creating new chains, which
in turn will decrease the likelihood of new chains interfering with the consensus process.
In practice, one does not require that consensus on what the current blockchain is.
Rather, one is interested when consensus is reached on a particular block. For example,
suppose a miner extends a length 10 blockchain c to create a new blockchain whose last
(11th) block is b. Intuitively, b is committed if b is the 11th block of every longer blockchain
2 Problem Set 6
still in circulation. Of course, there is always the possibility that some miner still working
on the old chain c will succeed in creating a new length-11 chain with a different 11th block.
However, the chance of that block not being annihilated as it attempts to infect other miners
is vanishing small under suitable circumstances.
3 Problem
This assignment focuses on a particular space-efficient representation of blockchains. At an
abstract level, a blockchain is just a sequence of blocks. A new blockchain is created by
appending a new block to the end of an existing blockchain. The initial blockchain consists
of a single genesis block. All subsequent blockchains begin with the genesis block.
We ignore the cryptography issues of real blockchains and assume that the only properties of interest in a blockchain are its length and the list of blocks that comprise the
chain. Each block has an associated unique identifier, so there is never the possibility of
two identical blocks being created in different parts of the system.
Figure 1 shows a situation with three active blockchains beginning with blocks Bk2,
Bk3, and Bk4, respectively. Four agents ChA, . . . , ChD have three different current choices
for the blockchain. ChA prefers the chain beginning with Bk2, ChB and ChC both prefer
the chain at Bk4, and ChD prefers the chain at Bk3.
Figure 1: Three active blockchains.
Our blockchain representation has two goals:
1. No block is ever copied.
2. A block is automatically deleted as soon as it becomes inaccessible.
For goal 1, we delete the copy constructor and copy assignment (to prevent accidental
copying), and we use pointers to represent the chain structure as a kind of linked list.
For goal 2, we replace the arrows of Figure 1 with a slight modification of the SPtr
class presented in demo 21a-SmartPointer-v2. Figure 2 shows the smart pointers as white
rectangles inside both the blockchain headers (possessed by the agents) and inside the blocks
Handout #8—November 26, 2018 3
themselves. The dashed white boxes represent the count dynamic extensions in the SPtr
class. Recall that this is a count of the number of SPtr objects having the same target
Bk2 Bk4
2 1
Figure 2: Three active blockchains.
Your job is to implement two new classes, Blockchain and Block, to represent
blockchains. In addition to the SPtr data member, each Block will also have two const
fields, a unique identifier and it’s level in the blockchain tree, where the genesis block is
considered to be at level 0. (The genesis block in Figures 1 and 2 is Bk1.)
Class Blockchain contains a single private data member of type SPtr, which implements
the smart pointer to the most recent block in the chain. It should have several public
1. Blockchain extend() returns a new blockchain created by extending the current
blockchain. The new chain should be stack-allocated and returned by value.
2. print() prints the blocks that comprise a blockchain in order of increasing level. For
example, the output from printing the blockchain ChC in Figure 2 might look like
[0,1] [1,2] [2,4]. Here, the first number of each pair is the block’s level in the
tree and the second number is its UID.
3. operator<<() is the usual inline extension of print().
Other functions that might prove useful include unsigned length(), bool operator==(),
and block* tail() (which returns a regular ¸pointer to the last (most recent) block).
Class Block should have three private data members: serialNo, level, and SPtr.
All three should have the const type qualifier, meaning that they cannot be changed after
initialization. The copy constructor and copy assignment should also be deleted since blocks
are never supposed to be copied. It should also have a public function blkLevel() that
returns the level of the current block.
4 Problem Set 6
Finally, a driver program will need to be written along the lines of class Game in problem set 3 (Think-a-Dot). The driver should create an array bc of 10 blockchains. Each
blockchain should be initialized with a copy of the length-0 blockchain that contains only
the level-0 genesis block.
The driver should support four one-letter commands, some of which take single-digit
Ajk does the assignment bc[j] = bc[k].
Ej extends blockchain bc[j].
P prints the blockchains in array bc[], one per line.
Q quits.
4 Teaching Objectives
• Make use of a slightly expanded version of the smart pointer class SPtr given in class
demo 21a-SmartPointer-v2.
• Make use of class Serial from the same demo to assign unique ID’s to new blocks.
• Learn how to use smart pointers of class SPtr to manage the job of deleting blocks
when they no longer needed.
5 Programming Notes
1. When running your code under valgrind, expect an output line
in use at exit: 4 bytes in 1 blocks
These four bytes are the ones containing the single instance of class Serial. Since
that instance is stored in a static variable, it is never deleted, and that’s okay.
2. Use const wherever possible. In particular, the print() functions are generally const
since they are not supposed to change the data that they are printing.
3. Minor modifications to class SPtr are permissible and necessary. For example, the
typedef for T will need to be changed. Also, you might find it helpful to define
operator->() to behave like the standard -> operator behaves on ordinary C pointers.
You might also want to define a function to return the C pointer target that the SPtr
object manages.
Handout #8—November 26, 2018 5
6 Grading Rubric
Your assignment will be graded according to the scale given in Figure 3 (see below).
# Pts. Item
1. 4 All relevant standards from previous problem sets are followed regarding submission, identification of authorship on all files, and so forth. A
well-formed Makefile or makefile is submitted that specifies compiler
options -O1 -g -Wall -std=c++17. Running make successfully compiles
and links the project and results in an executable file blockchain. Each
function definition is preceded by a comment that describes clearly what
it does.
2. 4 Sample input and output files are submitted that show the program behaves as expected. In particular, you should create a test file that grows
a blockchain structure like the one in Figure 1 and then proceeds to replace some of the blockchains with others. An inaccessible block should
be deleted automatically when the last smart pointer to it is deallocated.
It may be useful to leave the SPtr debugging printout in place that shows
when a block is deleted.
3. 4 The program shows good style. All functions are clean and concise. Inline
initializations, inline functions, and const are used where appropriate.
Variable names are appropriate to the context. Programs are consistently
indented according to the course indenting style. Each class has a separate
.hpp file and, if needed, a separate .cpp file.
4. 4 All of the functionality in section 3 is correctly implemented.
5. 4 Valgrind gives clean output with all storage blocks freed except for the
instantiation of Serial.
20 Total points.
Figure 3: Grading rubric.