CPSC 2430-02 Lab #1 solved


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Lab #1 is a warmup to C++, with a focus on functional decomposition, variable allocation and IO
Do not worry if you do not complete all steps – 2430 students have different backgrounds and work at
difference paces.
At the end of today’s lab, submit your program using the instructions below. Note that the file must
compile (but not necessarily work) to be accepted.
DO NOT USE the class construct.
Follow these steps:
1) Create a file called lab1.cpp
2) Write the skeletal main routine, which should look something like:
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << “Welcome message” << endl; … cout << endl << “End of Lab1 Pgm” << endl; return 0; } 3) Write the code needed to accept integer input from the keyboard until 13 ODD numbers between 10 and 100 have been stored in a standard array structure 4) Output the value along with its array location 5) Put the code from #3 in a function, call the function from main. Be sure the function contains a parameter indicating how many values will be stored. 6) Write a function that returns the maximum value stored in the array and call the function from main. 7) Accept input from the user so that many, different sequences of numbers can be stored 8) Submit your (compiled) program using the following command: /home/fac/sreeder/submit/cpsc2430/lab1_runme