CPSC 219 Assignment 2: Object-Oriented Java, File I/O, Packages, Objects, Enum, Inheritance, Polymorphism solved


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Writing an Object-Oriented program in Java. Continue to use Git version control properly to
store this project. Perform unit testing via JUnit to establish the correctness of portions of the
assignment code created.
Java 16, Git, JUnit 5

Submission Instructions
You must submit your assignment electronically using Gitlab and D2L. Use the Assignment 2
dropbox in D2L for a final codebase electronic submission. You will also share a link to your
GitLab codebase with your TA in that D2L submission. In D2L, you can submit multiple times
over the top of a previous submission. Do not wait until the last minute to attempt to submit.

You are responsible if you attempt this and time runs out. Your assignment must be completed
in Java (not Kotlin or others) and be executable with Java version 20. You must use Gitlab
hosted at https://csgit.ucalgary.ca/ (not GitHub or another Git host). You must use JUnit 5 and
not other unit-testing libraries.


You will complete a Java program, which is an MonstersVsHeroes simulation game. The game is
simple relative to modern fantasy-world video games and will have no graphical portions or any
real degree of user input. This game will load a file that describes the 2D grid world. This
loading process will create Monsters and Heroes based on their location and properties given in
the file.

Then, the program will run a simulation where the monsters/heroes will move and
attack each other without user control. The program will end when the user requests it to end
or when all Monsters, or all Heroes, are no longer alive.

The goal of this assignment is to expose students to an Object-Oriented (OO) program. You will
be provided with an existing framework of code already in an OO format. This means concepts
of the game have been broken off from one single procedural file and stored (encapsulated) in
separate files according to their purpose. Some of these files will be fully complete for students,
some will have parts that need completion, and others will be mostly up to the student to fully
complete. There will be a variety of OO concepts visible throughout the code.

The code will be stored in packages.
Some code is used to start the program, like Main.
Some code will be built as procedural helper classes like Logger/Reader.
Other code will be Enum types like Direction/WeaponType/Symbol and internal State

Some code will be a regular object type like World.
Some code will be abstract, like Entity and other code will extend that abstract code, like
Wall/Hero/Monster, using polymorphism.
This variety of OO code will help students understand a variety of OO concepts, including
encapsulation, polymorphism, enumerations, abstract, and static. Students will also get a
chance to complete File I/O code.

Do not change the existing portions of the code. Complete functions only where indicated and
add functions as specifically requested. You can add helper sub-functions if necessary. YOU
and you will get no credit for code copied from other places (cited code will get a grade of 0 as
you are required to complete the required functions yourself).

Git Requirement: For this assignment, we will have the requirement that you upload your code
to the university csgit.ucalgary.ca hosting site as a private repository shared with your TA (in
addition to submitting it via D2L Dropbox). The minimum expectation for Git usage is that when
you submit your code, the TA can go and view it in Gitlab and see that you’ve made multiple
commits as you edited it before the submission deadline to D2L. To use csgit.ucalgary.ca, you
will need a functional UCIT account username/password.

To Run the Game:
java Main world.txt log.txt 12345
world.txt -> world file in a format that will be described later
log.txt -> file to output logging of game progress to
12345 -> a seed to set random number generator for consistent execution (if you
change this, then the program will run differently when it comes to random-based
Example world.txt file
3 rows x 3 columns grid. First entry is rows, second is columns.

Monster is at (0,0) location with symbol M, health 10, and weapon type of (S)word. Other
WeaponType options are (C)lub and (A)xe. Sword has attack strength of 4, Axe 3, and Club 2.(
All Monsters have a static armour strength of 2 that is not entered via the file.)

Hero is at (2,2) location with symbol H, health 10, attack strength 3, armour strength 1.
When loaded in the game, this would look like the following (note, this is a 3×3 world in the file,
but we are drawing it for viewing with external walls outside the valid array indices as #):
Where # are Walls. M is a Monster, and H is a Hero.

Program Coding Requirement:

This is a recommended order of completion, but each class can be completed/tested in
whatever order you desire.

In World.java
You must complete gameString() (and associated worldString())
public String gameString()
is a World method that changes a World into String for output. An example String looks like the
following for the example input file given above.

There are two halves to what is produced.
First, an image of the map from worldString().
Second, this is followed by tab (\t) separated table of the entities (Monsters/Heroes) loaded
from the file. There are 5 columns in this data.
My header looks like “NAME \tS\tH\tSTATE\tINFO\n”.

The first is the type of the entity, then the symbol of the entity, then health, state
(ALIVE/DEAD), and finally, information unique to that entity type. For monsters this will be the
WeaponType and for heroes this will be their weapon strength, followed by their armor

The data for gameString() is accessible from this.entities.
public String worldString()
is a World method to create the map at the top using the 2D array of entities (Entity[][]) stored
in the field of the current (this) World object. The data for worldString() is accessible from

The grid will be surrounded by WALL (‘#’).
DEAD entities will be indicated by (‘$’).
FLOOR where there is a null for an Entity (‘.’).
mvh.enums.Symbol stores these 3 symbols for you as ‘constants’ in an enumeration type.
Symbol.FLOOR.getSymbol() will get you the floor symbol ‘.’ for example.

ALIVE entities will be indicated by their symbol as entered by the user in the input file.
The value of this method is so that the Main can advance the game, and for each simulation
step Main can output the state of the game. (with this complete, you also now should have an
easier time testing/debugging your code as you move forward).
In Reader.java
public static World loadWorld(File fileWorld)

Class-level procedural function (static method) that will open the provided File and attempt to
create and return a World from it. An example input file ‘world.txt’ was given earlier.

The comma-separated value (csv) world.txt file is as follows:
1. rows on the first line
2. columns on the second line
3. then it should loop rows*columns number of following lines.

Each following line should start with row,col. The first row will be read first across all the
columns left to right (0 -> column_count-1). Then the next row, until row_count-1). This
means in a 3×3 world we’d read row 0 first and read 0,0 then 0,1 and finally 0,2 before
moving on to row 1.

1. An empty location (null), which is just Floor, is indicated by no data following the
2. If data follows the row,col then the data should be for a MONSTER, or HERO type.
• Both types expect a symbol to follow the declaration of type. In the example for the
Monster we chose M but this could be any single letter the user wants. After the symbol
both types will expect a positive integer health number. In the example, both had a
health of 10.

• After that, the remaining entries will be different depending on if the entity is a HERO or
1. Monsters have a single option of a single letter for (S)word, (C)lub, or (A)xe
WeaponType which will determine their weapon strength. Monsters will all have an
armor strength of 2.

2. Heroes have two positive integers. First weapon strength and second armor strength.
Monster/Hero input line format:
Monster line
Hero line

You need to read this file. Create a World object. This world will store null for all the grid
locations to start. This is an empty 2D array of floor locations. You will need to store
Hero/Monster objects into this world at the indicated locations with the provided properties
replacing these null spots. To create Hero/Monster objects you will need to use their
constructors properly and should look at the Entity/Hero/Monster/WeaponType files provided
to understand these classes.

At this point you can load a file and see the World printed at the start of the program.
In Hero.java
public Direction attackWhere(World local)

Heroes receive a 3×3 local world view from the world.getlocal(3, row, column) function
centred on themselves. From this they need to indicate where they plan to attack. Heroes will
scan the provided 3×3 local World grid (top to bottom) in rows and (left to right) in each row. A
Hero will attack the first ALIVE Monster they encounter. A Hero will return null if they do not
find a alive Monster in one of these locations.

They will ignore walls/floor spots, other Heroes,
and DEAD entities. You can use Direction.getDirection to determine what Direction is of attack
would attack a row,column adjustment value.

This is an example of the order of scanning 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Location 0,0 is at scanning spot 1
and would have adjustment values of -1 in row, and -1 in column and
Direction.getDirection(-1,-1) would return NORTHWEST.
public Direction chooseMove(World local)

Heroes receive a 5×5 local World view from the getlocal(5,row,column) function centred on
themselves. In a correct working game, Heroes are first given option to attack, and only if they
return null (indicating they have no-one to attack) will they then instead be given the chance to
move in the direction returned by this function.

From this local World the Hero needs to indicate where they plan to move. This move is a
Direction from the enumeration in mvh.enums.Direction. Heroes will not move if there is an
ALIVE Monster in any of the 8 positions around them (as they will have already decided to
attack this Monster in attackWhere).

If there is no Monster around them, then they will scan
the local the provided 5×5 local World grid (top to bottom) in rows and (left to right) in each
row. A Hero will move towards the first ALIVE Monster they find. This can be expected to be in
the outer ring of the grid as the Hero would have attacked a closer ALIVE Monster. This would
be 1 of the 16 spots given.

If there a Monster in one of those spots, then the Hero will move in the Direction of that
Monster. Direction.getDirection would get us the best move, but since this could be blocked
instead you should use Direction.getDirections which will give you a list of 3 directions to try.

You should only return a Direction if the Direction is a spot that you can moveOnTopOf.
If there is no ALIVE Monster, then the Hero will move NORTHWEST. If the Hero is unable to
move NORTHWEST, they will attempt once to move in one random
Direction.getRandomDirection(). If they can’t move in that one random Direction, then they
will STAY where they are.

In Monster.java
(In summary this works like Hero moving/attacking except the order of scanning and
preferred default direction to move is inverted.)
public Direction attackWhere(World local)

Monsters receive a 3×3 local World view from the world.getlocal(3, row, column) function
centred on themselves. From this they need to indicate where they plan to attack. Monsters
will scan the local the provided 3×3 local World grid (bottom to top) in rows and (right to left) in
each row. A Monster will attack the first ALIVE Hero they encounter.

A Monster will return null
if they do not find an alive Hero in one of these locations. They will ignore walls/floor spots,
other Monsters, and DEAD entities. You can use Direction.getDirection to determine what
Direction is of attack would attack a row,column adjustment value.

This is an example of the order of scanning 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Location -1,0 is at scanning spot 7
and would have adjustment values of -1 in row, and 0 in column and
Direction.getDirection(-1,0) would return NORTH.
public Direction chooseMove(World local)

Monsters receive a 5×5 local World view from the getlocal(5,row,column) function centred on
themselves. In a correct working game, Monsters are first given option to attack, and only if
they return null (indicating they have no-one to attack) will they then instead be given the
chance to move in the direction returned by this function.

From this local World the Monster needs to indicate where they plan to move. This move is a
Direction from the enumeration in mvh.enums.Direction. Monsters will not move if there is an
ALIVE Hero in any of the 8 positions around them (as they will have already decided to attack
this Hero in attackWhere).

If there is no Hero around them, then they will scan the local the
provided 5×5 local World grid (bottom to top) in rows and (right to left) in each row. A Monster
will move towards the first ALIVE Hero they find. This can be expected to be in the outer ring of
the grid as the Monster would have attacked a closer ALIVE Hero. This would be 1 of the 16
spots given.

If there a Hero in one of those spots, then the Monster will move in the Direction of that Hero.
Direction.getDirection would get us the best move, but since this could be blocked you should
use Direction.getDirections which will give you a list of 3 directions to try. You should only
return a Direction if the Direction is a spot that you can moveOnTopOf.

If there is no ALIVE Hero, then the Monster will move SOUTHEAST. If the Monster is unable to
move SOUTHEAST, they will attempt once to move in one random
Direction.getRandomDirection(). If they can’t move in that one random Direction, then they
will STAY where they are.

Unit Testing Requirement:

Unlike assignment 1, this requirement is much more reduced. You should have 3 tests for the
Reader.loadWorld() function, 2 test for world.gameString(), 2 test for world.worldString(), 8 tests total (2
each) for hero.chooseMove(), monster.chooseMove(), hero.attackWhere(), monster.attackWhere().

Make a second version of the assignment. This version should expand on the existing one. In particular it
should add the ability to designate a class for Heroes and types for Monsters. You should add at least 3
classes for Heroes (Mage, Fighter, Rogue) and 3 types for Monsters (Kobold, Drakes, White Dragon).

These classes should result for Heroes in a different weapon/armor strength calculation
(weaponStrength()/armorStrength() should work different for each). The Monster types should each
have a different armor strength and have their own types WeaponTypes (2 or 3 for each). The Kobolds
can easily keep the original 3 types.

Mage/Fighter/Rouge should be sub-class of Hero and Kobold/Drake/White Dragon should be sub-class
of Monster. You should be able to indicate who they are in the input world file using a symbol ‘M’ for
Mage, and ‘W’ for White Dragon for example instead of letting the user use any symbol they want.

At the same time add the ability for the user to add Walls in the middle of the map, as well as traps
(which are visible in the regular program map), visible to Monsters, but not visible to Heroes. Monsters
should avoid traps by considering them to not be valid places to moveOnTopOf(). Once a Trap is
triggered by a Hero it should cause the damage indicated in the configuration file, and then disappear
from the map.

The above map has 3 Monsters ((W)hite Dragon, (D)rake, (K)obold) and 3 Heroes ((M)age,
(F)ighter,(R)ogue). The White Dragon is using (C)old Breath, the Drake (B)ite, and the Kobold is using

Additional Specification

• You must comment your functions with Javadoc comments.
• Use in-line comments to indicate blocks of code and describe decisions or complex expressions.
• Do not use inline conditionals
• Put your name, date, and tutorial into the comments for the Javadoc of the class for your TAs to
identify your work.

• Do not rename the provided files. You must use exactly the requested filenames.
• You should not import ANY libraries (outside java.io/java.util) to complete the regular
assignment. Using these could result in grade of 0 for that portion of the assignment. Citing
code from the internet to complete a function will also result in 0.
• Use constants appropriately. Your TA may note one or two magic numbers as a comment, but
more will result in lost marks.

• Do not change the provided code without discussion with the instructor. If a bug or something is
broken, the instructor should be informed to fix this issue.
• You should not perform function parameter error checking in this assignment when writing your
functions unless specifically requested. The provided code should be designed to assume the
rest of the program only provides your functions valid inputs.

The total grade is out of 50. Bonus marks can reach up to 55 marks if completed.
Game Files (out of 25) [grading for TAs will be assisted using instructor unit tests]
world.gameString()/world.worldString() 4
Reader.readWorld() 5
hero.moveWhere() 5
hero.attackWhere() 3
monster.moveWhere() 5
monster.attackWhere() 3
MvHTest.java (out of 15)
Gitlab Usage (out of 5)
Gitlab account exists, private project exists, at least 1 commit, small commits, regular commits
Style/Commenting (out of 5)
Name/Date/Tutorial, Functions commented, Javadoc, Inline commenting, doesn’t use inline
conditionals, limited magic numbers, don’t change function names, don’t change filenames, etc.

The type system works (3)
The trap/wall system works (1)
The bonus game works after changes correctly (1)
Invite your TA to your private!!!! csgit.ucalgary.ca project for the assignment
Submit the following using the Assignment 2 Dropbox in D2L
1. Reader/World/Monster/Hero.java
2. MvHTest.java (your unit tests)
3. Name of your private csgit.ucalgary.ca repository
4. (If you did bonus please submit a separate .zip file of your second project clearly labeled)