CPS590 Lab04 solved


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There are 3 things to submit for this lab:

Answers to questions: 1,2

All answers and code can be submitted in a single text file.


cloneProcess.c is a program in which the main process spawns a child process.
cloneThread.c is a program in which the main process spawns a thread (lightweight process).

Note that these programs use a file named test.file
Make sure you have test.file in the directory from which you run the executables.

1) Run cloneProcess

Your output should be (except for pids):
The variable was: 9
Part after clone has pid 10992
I am 10993 and my parent is 10992
The variable is now: 9
Read from the file: a

Explain why the file closure and the variable modification are not
recognized (variable has old value, and file still open).

2) Run cloneThread
Your output should be (except for pids):
The variable was: 9
Part after clone has pid 11051
I am 11052 and my parent is 11051
The variable is now: 42
File Read Error: Bad file descriptor

Explain why the file closure and the variable modification ARE
recognized (variable has new value, and file closed).

3) Copy file fork_mpm.c into a file named clone_mpmProcess.c
Modify clone_mpmProcess.c so that it accomplishes the same thing, but by using
clone instead of fork. Your output should be (except for pids):
> clone_mpmProcess

This is process(thread) 11501.
This is process(thread) 11502.

4) Copy clone_mpmProcess.c to clone_mpmThread.c and modify the latter so that
it spawns a thread (lightweight process) instead of a process.
Your output should be (except for pids):
> clone_mpmThread

This is process(thread) 11504.
This is process(thread) 11505.