COSC 220 – Computer Science II Project 1 solved


Category: You will receive a download link of the .ZIP file upon Payment


5/5 - (1 vote)

1 Description
You will create a program that emulates an interactive database of students and
the courses they have taken. The program will use the command-line and allow
a user to 1) create, 2) update, and 3) delete student records (often referred to
as “CRUD” operations). Each student will have the following metadata: name,
date of birth, and major. In addition, each student will have a collection of
courses taken; each of these courses will have a name, department, semester
taken, and grade received.
2 Specifications
The executable should be called StudentDB and will be executed at the command line.
Your main database structure should be its own class, called StudentDB
which contains a singly linked list of students, and methods to create, update,
and delete student records. The database should also have member functions
to access metadata, such as number of students in the database, and to print a
list of the students.
Create a class called Student which will be the data contained in the nodes
of the StudentDB class, along with member methods to update and delete the
student. Each student object will also have as a member attribute the head of
a singly linked list of courses taken by the student.
Each course recorded should be of a class called Course that contains the
name, department, semester, and grade received. All the user to input the class
names, departments, and majors.
To delete a student from the database or a course from a single student, you
can use name-based search (e.g. enter the student’s name, find it, and remove
it from the linked list). More complicated mechanisms are also acceptable as
long as the instructions presented by the program are clear.
The structure of an example database can be visualized as:
Include a README file that outlines the functionality of the program, providing
a brief user-guide.
Any and all user input should be validated!
3 Submission
Upload your project files to the course canvas system in a single .zip file.
Turn in (stapled) printouts of your source code, properly commented and
formatted with your name, course number, and complete description of the code.
Also turn in printouts reflecting several different runs of your program (you
can copy/past from the terminal window). Be sure to test different situations,
show how the program handles erroneous input and different edge cases.
4 Bonus
You may or may not add the following features for extra credit:
• (5 pts) Allow the user to select a student’s major from a pre-populated
list, which is read from a file when the program starts. Allow the user to
add a new one, but then save that option to the file to be used again later.
• (5 pts) Same as above, but for the department field
• (5 pts) Same as above, but for the grade field. You do not have to allow
new grade types to be saved.
• (10 pts) Allow the user to save the database to a file, and load that file
into memory when the program starts.