COSC 220 – Computer Science II Lab 9 solved


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1 Objectives
1. Develop familiarity with function templates
2. Develop familiarity with class templates
3. Practice writing code according to formal specifications and tests
2 Tasks
2.1 In Lab
1. Create a class that will function as a stack, called MyStack and make it a template class:
class MyStack{
struct Node{
T data;
Node* next;
/* Fill in stack operations: push, pop, peek */
(a) To help with this, you may adapt some of your code from the PayRollStack lab, however you
will have to refactor a number of things:
i. If you were using specific members of the PayRoll class, e.g. assigning individual members,
you will have to rely on T having an assignment operator.
ii. The destructor will have to rely on the T destructor as well. Calling delete on a Node will
implicitly call the destructor of its members, including the T inside.
iii. You may need to adapt any print functions to rely on overloaded << operators instead of calling specific getters. (b) You will need to re-structure your #include directives slightly to make sure all the necessary template code is generated. As discussed in class, we have seen several different ways to do this: i. Include the template definitions in the head files. ii. Reverse the #include statements so that the .cpp files are #include’ed from the headers. 1 iii. Explicitly #include the .cpp file from the file with main and also declare template class PayRollQueue after the #includes.
2. Since MyStack relies heavily on dynamic memory, be sure to include a copy constructor, assignment
operator, and destructor.
3. The peek method should just return a copy of the data element of the node on top of the stack (i.e.
just return it by value, relying on the copy constructor).
4. Write a main function to create stacks with PayRoll objects from previous labs, as well as stacks of
int and std::string objects. Then run some basic tests to be confident the different features of the
stack functions.
(a) You should be able to reproduce the results of Lab 4, by now using a stack of type MyStack
intead of a PayRollStack.
5. Add comprehensive tests to main by creating myStack objects using at least three different data types
as the stack values (e.g. MyStack and MyStack). This may include the tests with
PayRoll and int, as above.
6. Include a Makefile to compile your code.
3 Submission
Be sure your code conforms to the above specifications. Upload your project files to the course
canvas system in a single zipped folder: To zip on Linux:
1. To zip a single folder into a single archive called “”:
zip -r folderName
2. To zip multiple files into a zip file called “”:
zip file1.cpp file2.h file3 file4.cpp
Turn in (stapled) printouts of your source code, properly commented and formatted with your name,
course number, and complete description of the code.
Also turn in printouts reflecting several different runs of your program (you can copy/past from the
terminal output window). Be sure to test different situations, show how the program handles erroneous
input and different edge cases.