COSC 220 – Computer Science II Lab 7 solved


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1 Objectives
1. Practice linked lists, dynamic memory
2. Practice recursive algorithms
2 Preliminaries
In this lab, you will work with “bare” lists; that is, linked lists that are not contained in class functionality.
Instead, we will use a recursive view of a linked list as: any “node” that is either 1) null, or 2) pointing to
a linked list. You will implement several linked list methods, many of which will follow the general structure
Node* doSomethingRecursive(Node *head …. ) {
// base case
if (head == null) {
do the ‘‘obvious’’ case
else {
// recursive case
do something at the head of the list, then
call the method on the rest of the list:
doSomethingRecursive(head->next …..)
Keep in mind that the head variable in the above scenario isn’t the real head, but only the head of the linked
list in the current sub-problem.
As an example, if we wanted to implement a search function that returns a pointer to the first node
that contains a given value:
Node* search(Node* head, int target){
if( head == nullptr || head->value == target ){
return head;
} else {
return search(head->next, target);
Then one could call Node* found = search(head, 10) to get a reference to the node in the list.
3 Tasks
1. Begin this lab by defining a basic node structured data type:
struct Node {
int value;
Node* next;
// Constructor, only in C++!
value = 0;
next = nullptr;
// Non-default ctor, okay in C++
Node(int n){
value = n;
next = nullptr;
2. You will add several functions to perform basic list operations, recursively! Do not use any loop
constructs in your implementations. While considering solving the problems, it will often be helpful to
try small examples on paper, tracing through the code thoroughly.
(a) Write a function called length that computes and returns the length of a list. Example call:
int len = length(head).
(b) Write a function called print to print the contents of the list, from the head to the tail.
(c) Write a function called reversePrint to print the contents of the list in reverse.
(d) Write a function to insert a value into a sorted linked list. Example call: head = insertSorted(head, 10);.
(e) Write a function called remove to remove the first node with a passed value from a list. Do not
assume the list is sorted or obeys any extra structure. The function should “unlink” the node from
the list and return a pointer to it, so it can be freed in the calling function, if desired. Example
call: removedNode = remove(head, 3);.
(f) Write a function called appendList to append one list onto the end of another. Example call:
head1 = appendList(head1, head2);.
(g) Write a function called reverse to reverse all the pointers of the list, making the tail node the
new head. You may follow this approach:
i. The base case is when the next pointer of head is nullptr, in which case no operation is
needed. Simply return the address of head.
ii. The recursive case is that, the reverse of the list is given by the head of the current list
appended to the end of reversing all the nodes past the head. This means that you should
recursively call reverse first, storing the pointer returned, then flip the pointer of the current
head node, and return the same value that the recursive call returned.
iii. The return value should be a pointer to the head element of the reversed array segment. That
is, the least recently reversed node.
3. Write a main function to thoroughly test and demonstrate the correctness of each of the above methods
(so, having a print function finished early will be helpful).
4. Include a Makefile to compile your program
5. Run your program under valgrind to verify that there are no memory leaks. Include the output in
your submission.
4 Submission
Upload your project files to the course canvas system in a single zipped folder: To zip on Linux:
1. To zip a single folder into a single archive called “”:
zip -r folderName
2. To zip multiple files into a zip file called “”:
zip file1.cpp file2.h file3 file4.cpp
Turn in (stapled) printouts of your source code, properly commented and formatted with your name,
course number, and complete description of the code.
Also turn in printouts reflecting several different runs of your program (you can copy/past from the
terminal output window). Be sure to test different situations, show how the program handles erroneous
input and different edge cases.