COSC 220 – Computer Science II Lab 2 solved


Category: You will receive a download link of the .ZIP file upon Payment


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1 Objectives
1. Develop a familiarity with the GNU/Linux operating system
2. Use the GCC compiler to compile more complex C++ programs
3. Practice using C++ classes, constructors, and arrays
4. Practice using objects and references to objects
2 Tasks
1. Use three separate files to write the code for this lab: payroll.h, payroll.cpp, and main.cpp
2. In payroll.h, design a PayRoll class that has private data members for an employees name, hourly
pay rate, and number of hours worked.
(a) Use the following header file template to make use of precompiler macros to avoid double declaration errors:
#ifndef PAYROLL_H
#define PAYROLL_H
class PayRoll{
// your class prototypes here
The #ifndef, #define, and #endif commands are the pre-compiler macros that get “executed”
at compile time, and will only produce the inner c++ code once, no matter how many times a
project uses #include “payroll.h”.
(b) Leave all methods undefined in the header file. Use payroll.cpp to define the class methods.
i. You will need to use #include “payroll.h” at the top to include the prototypes.
ii. Your methods will need to be defined with appropriate scope, e.g.
* Calculate and return the total pay for
* this employee
double PayRoll::getPay() {
// implementation here
(c) Add a constructor to take the name and pay rate (dollars per hour) as arguments.
(d) Add public methods to:
i. Set the number of hours worked
ii. Calculate and return the total pay, based on the employees rate and the number of hours
(e) Add a public method to print all the data for the employee in a nice format, including total pay
3. In the main.cpp file, declare and fill an array of seven PayRoll objects (with hard-corded name and
pay rate)
(a) You will need to #include your PayRoll header file at the top.
4. The program should ask the user for the number of hours each employee has worked and will then
display the amount of gross pay each has earned.
5. To compile the code, you will need to need to pass both payroll.cpp and main.cpp to g++ in some
(a) Example 1: This will compile and link the code all at once into the binary called main
g++ main.cpp payroll.cpp -o main
(b) Example 2: This will compile each file separately into object files, then link them into a binary
called main
g++ -c payroll.cpp
g++ -c main.cpp
g++ main.o payroll.o -o main
(c) As your programs become more complex, the second option will save lots of time when you only
need to re-compile some parts of the code, but not all of it. We will see later how to gain this
advantage without having to use so many commands!
6. Input Validation: Do not accept values greater than 60 for the number of hours worked.
7. Once all hours have been entered, display each employee’s name and total wages for that week.
8. Repeat the above four steps, but using an array of pointers to PayRoll objects.
9. Use the sizeof operator to compare the sizes of the arrays, what is the difference and why?
10. Use the addresses of the allocated data to make some claims about where in memory your various
different PayRoll objects are with respect to each other (there will be fourteen total objects created
by the end).
11. Be sure to comment your code appropriate, and answer the above questions in a separate text document
or in a block comment in main.cpp.
3 Submission
Upload your project files to MyClasses in a single .zip file.
Turn in (stapled) printouts of your source code, properly commented and formatted with your name,
course number, and complete description of the code.
Also turn in printouts reflecting several different runs of your program (you can copy/past from the
terminal output window). Be sure to test different situations, show how the program handles erroneous
input and different edge cases.