COSC 220 – Computer Science II Lab 10 solved


Category: You will receive a download link of the .ZIP file upon Payment


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1 Objectives
1. Gain familiarity with c++ class inheritance
2. Begin investigating techniques using polymorphism
2 Tasks
Begin by implementing a class called Employee that satisfies the following prototype:
class Employee {
double payRate;
std::string name;
// non-default constructor
Employee(std::string empName, double empRate);
// returns the amount the employee should be paid
double pay() const;
// prints to stdout the employee information
void print() const;
1. Define a new class called Hourly that inherits from Employee, and has the following behavior:
(a) It contains a variable for the number of hours worked, called hoursWorked.
(b) It has a constructor which takes the same arguments as Employee, and initializes the hours worked
to 0.
(c) Has a method called addHours that increases the hours worked by a specified amount.
(d) Overrides the pay method, returning the payRate times the hoursWorked, to get the total paycheck for that employee. Finally, once this gets called, the hours worked should be reset to 0,
representing that the person has been paid.
(e) Overrides the print method, calling the parent’s print method first. Then it should add a line to
print the total hours worked so far.
2. Create another derived class from Employee, called Executive, with the following extra modifications:
(a) It has a private variable to hold the executive’s bonus pay.
(b) It has a method to set the bonus pay for the employee.
(c) It overrides the pay method and:
i. Computes the pay by using the parent pay method
ii. Adds the executive bonus to that pay.
iii. Resets the bonus to 0, since they have no been paid!
iv. Returns the total pay.
(d) It overrides the print method, but calls the parent print first, then adding a line for the bonus
3. Test your code by creating some instances of each class, demonstrating that each method does what
it is supposed to.
4. Test your code by creating several instances of each class, stored in an array of type Employee* (possible
through Polymorphism!).
5. You may notice that there are some inconsistencies with how the Employee class is printed! Go back
and fix this by using the override and virtual keywords where appropriate.
3 Submission
Upload your project files to the course canvas system in a single zipped folder: To zip on Linux:
1. To zip a single folder into a single archive called “”:
zip -r folderName
2. To zip multiple files into a zip file called “”:
zip file1.cpp file2.h file3 file4.cpp
Turn in (stapled) printouts of your source code, properly commented and formatted with your name,
course number, and complete description of the code.
Also turn in printouts reflecting several different runs of your program (you can copy/past from the
terminal output window). Be sure to test different situations, show how the program handles erroneous
input and different edge cases.