
COSC 1046 – Introduction to Computer Science Assignment #7 solved

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Part A: These questions are to be submitted to the instructor in the form of a Word (or Open
Office) document containing the Java code and appropriate screen capture(s) of the output.
Put both questions in the same word file. The file name must be in the form
ASSIGN7A_YourName where ‘YourName’ is your last name followed by your first name with
no space. Upload the file to CMS.
Problem 7.3, page 277
Show your program working with the data in the question plus the following set of
8 6 2 4 6 3 6 8 7 2 3 4 5 9 0 8
and 18 39 37 8 28 27 18 4 30 37 38 39 18 28.
Special Problem 1: Strings with the Same Letters
A professor assigned a program to his class for which the output is a string of lower-case
letters. Unfortunately, he did not specify an ordering of the characters in the string, so
he is having difficulty grading student submissions. Because of that, he has requested
your help by writing a program that inputs pairs of strings and determines whether or
not the strings have the same letters, though possibly in different orders. Note that
repeated letters are important; the string “abc” and “aabbbcccc” are not viewed as
having the same letters since the second one has more copies of each letter.
The input to be processed will consist of a pair of strings entered by the user. Each
string will need to be converted to lower case – just in case some of the input has upper
case letters. If the first string is the word “end” (in any case), the terminate the program
– otherwise keep looping.
If all the characters in the first string match all the characters in the second string, then
indicate that the two strings are the SAME – otherwise indicate that they are
Hint: Use an array to keep track of how many of each letter you have in the string.
COSC 1046 (F15) – Introduction to Computer Science
Enter the first string: testing
Enter the second string: intestg
They are the same.
Enter the first string: aBc
Enter the second string: aabBBCCcc
They are different.
Enter the first string: AbcaBcbcc
Enter the second string: aabbbCCcc
They are the same.
Enter the first string: EnD
Provide screen shots showing 3 examples of matches (at least 5 characters and not identical)
and 3 non-matching examples.
Part B: Write code and test the solutions for the following problems from the textbook.
Submit the .java files for each question to CMS. The answers are due on November 21
st and
the programs are to be demonstrated to the Teaching Assistant (Tim) by November 24
th. He
will ask questions to make sure you understand the material.
Special Problem 2: What Do I Need to get on the Final Exam
One typical question that students ask professors right before the final exam in a course
is what score they need on the final exam in order to get a grade that they want. Your
task is to write a program that automates the answer to this question.
Your program must be able to handle multiple situations – and therefore loop. The input
for each situation will consist of nonnegative integers that are all at most 100 since we
are assuming any test score will be at least 0 and at most 100.
a) The first integer will be the desired average, d, which will be assumed to be greater
than zero and less than 100. If the integer is negative, then exit the program.
b) The next integer will be the number of tests (including the final exam) – let us call
this k. You may assume that k is at least 2 and at most 10.
COSC 1046 (F15) – Introduction to Computer Science
c) Then, there will be k integers giving the percentage weights for the tests. You may
assume that the sum of the weights is 100 – that is, you do not need to check for
this condition.
d) Finally, the scores on the k – 1 tests before the final are given as input. In other
words, you will provide the grade for all the tests except the final exam and they will
be out of 100.
e) Assuming, again, that a final exam grade is at least 0 and at most 100, determine if
there is a final exam grade that will achieve the desired result. If there is such a
grade, the smallest such is the answer for the case and you will report this. If there
is no valid solution (the answer is >100) then indicate “It is impossible”.
f) You must use at least one array (more likely two arrays) for this question.
What average do you want from the course? 90
How many tests, including the final, are there? 4
Please provide the test weights: 25 25 25 25
Please provide the test grades out of 100: 85 87 91
You can achieve an average of 90 with a final exam grade of: 97
What average do you want from the course? 90
How many tests, including the final, are there? 5
Please provide the test weights: 15 25 15 25 20
Please provide the test grades out of 100: 87 62 47 91
It is impossible to achieve an average of 90.
What average do you want from the course? -1
Problem 8.5, [15] page 306-307:
Modify the program so that it performs subtraction as well. The output would be the
same as the addition – only using a subtraction sign. Print the subtraction results right
after the addition results.