COP3014-Foundations of Computer Science Assignment #8 solved


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1. Read the contents of a data file one record at a time in a dynamic array;
2. Process the data that was read from the data file one record at a time, into
a dynamic array;
3. Print the records in a dynamic array to a datafile using an ofstream
4. Use the operator new to allocate memory for a dynamic array;
5. Use the operator delete to de-allocate the memory allocated by the new;
(basically, making previously used memory available for use again)
6. Copy the content of one dynamic array into another dynamic array
(basically, copying memory from one location to another)
4. Be able to use the fstream library;
5. Be able to use a dynamic array of record records;
6. Be able to use an ifstream object;
7. Be able to use an ofstream object;
This assignment is an extension of Programming Assignment 3. You will implement a
program to manage a dynamic array of call records called “call_stats5.cpp”. I have
provide the driver “call_stats5.cpp” to help you implement this program.
Your input data will be in the file “callstats_data.txt.
The descriptions of the functions you will implement are as follows:
1. Initialize is a void function that has three output formal parameters; a
dynamic array of call records called “call_DB”, an integer called “count”,
and size which is the capacity of the array. Remember, count is the
number of records that are being used in the array and it also represents
the next available cell in the array where a new item can be stored. The
function will read the data from the file “callstats_data.txt” into the
dynamic array call_DB. If call_DB becomes full, the function should call
the function “Double_Size” to double the size (capacity) of call_DB.
2. Is_empty is a Boolean function that has one input integer parameter,
count. count is the number of cells being used. If count == 0 then true is
returned; otherwise false is returned.
3. Is_full is a Boolean function that has two integer input parameters, size
and count. If count == size then true is return; otherwise false. The size is
the capacity which is the total number of cells allocated to call_DB.
4. Search is an integer function that has three formal parameters. The array
of records, call_DB; the input parameter count; the input parameter key
which is the cell phone for the record you are searching for. The function
will return the location of key in call_DB if it is there; otherwise -1 is
5. Add inserts key (cell number) into call_DB. Duplicates cell numbers are
ok; add will prompt the user for the firstname, lastname, relays and call
length. You may call process record to re-process when you add a new
record. The function Add has three output formal parameters; a dynamic
array of call records called “call_DB”, an integer called “count”, and size
which is the capacity of the array.
6. Remove deletes all records with the cell number stored in key. If
duplicate records exist with the same cell number they must all be
7. Double_Size doubles the capacity of call_DB. It has three parameter,
call_DB, count and size. count is an input parameter and size is an output
parameter. First, size is multipled by two; second, memory is allocated
using “call_record *temp=new call_record[size]; third the records in
call_DB are copied into temp with the statement “temp[i]=call_DB[i]”
using a for loop. Forth, the old memory for call_DB is de-allocated using
“delete [ ] call_DB”; Finally, call_DB is set to point to the new memory
pointed to by temp using “call_DB = temp”.
8. Process has two input parameters: call_DB and count. The function
Process will calculate the net cost of a call (net_cost), the tax on a call
(call_tax) and the total cost of the call (total_cost) using the number of
relay stations (relays) and the length in minutes of the call (call_length)
for all call records stored in call_DB. Please consider the following:
a. The tax rate on a call (call_tax) is simply based on the number of
relay stations (relays) used to make the call (0<= relays <=5 then
call_tax = 1%; 6<= relays <=11 then call_tax = 3%; 12<=
relays<=20 then call_tax = 5%; 21<= relays <=50 then call_tax =
8%; relays >50 then call_tax =12%) .
b. The net cost of a call is calculated by the following
formula: net_cost = ( relays / 50 x 0.40 x call_length).
c. The tax on a call is equal to net_cost x call_tax / 100.
d. The total cost of a call (rounded to the nearest hundredth) is
calculated by the following formula: total_cost = net_cost +
call_tax . All tax and cost calculations should be rounded to the
nearest hundredths.
9. Print has two output parameters, call_DB and count. The function will
print every field of every call_record in call_DB to the screen.
10.Destroy_call_DB has one output parameter call_DB. This function will
de-allocate all memory allocated to call_DB. This should be the last
function to be called before the program is exited.
Use the driver “call_stats5.cpp” to help you implement this program.
Output Format for the Function “print”:
Consider the following sample output table when designing and
implementing the function “print”. See section “Format of Output
(The output is in the following order: firstname, lastname, cell phone
number, relays, minutes, net cost, tax rate, call tax, total call cost)
Jean Hayward 9546321555 0 0 0 0.01 0 0
Marlon Brando 5612971340 5 50 2 0.01 0.02 2.02
John Kennedy 3051234567 8 25 1.6 0.03 0.05 1.65
Input Stream:
In the assignment you will declare one ifstream to bind your input to the file
“callstats_data.txt” Whenever a program performs file i/o you must include the
“fstream” library.
Format of the input data file(input filename is “callstats_data.txt”): Do not
include column titles
(The order of the columns are as follows: firstname, lastname, cell phone
number, relays, minutes)
Jean Hayward 9546321555 0 0
Marlon Brando 5612971340 5 50
John Kennedy 3051234567 8 25
Hillary Clinton 7542346622 24 17
George Bush 3054432762 15 30
Barack Obama 9544321011 50 100
Donald Trump 8776219988 87 82
Bernie Sanders 9042224556 4 5
Harry Ford 7877176590 11 1
Michelle Obama 5617278899 20 45
Ann Dunham 9546321555 4 3
Vladimir Putin 5612971340 79 86
Harriet Tubman 3051234567 8 25
Oprah Winfrey 5611234444 24 118
Charlotte Ray 3054432762 115 25
Tina Turner 8776219988 265 22
Shirley Chisholm 9042224556 2 5
Maritza Correla 7877176590 89 67
Margaret Thatcher 5617278899 40 56
Format of Output to screen:
(the order of the columns is as follows: firstname, lastname, cell phone number,
relays, minutes, net cost, tax rate, call tax, total call cost)
Jean Hayward 9546321555 0 0 0 0.01 0 0
Marlon Brando 5612971340 5 50 2 0.01 0.02 2.02
John Kennedy 3051234567 8 25 1.6 0.03 0.05 1.65
Hillary Clinton 7542346622 24 17 3.26 0.08 0.26 3.53
George Bush 3054432762 15 30 3.6 0.05 0.18 3.78
Barack Obama 9544321011 50 100 40 0.08 3.2 43.2
Donald Trump 8776219988 87 82 57.07 0.12 6.85 63.92
Bernie Sanders 9042224556 4 5 0.16 0.01 0 0.16
Harry Ford 7877176590 11 1 0.09 0.03 0 0.09
Michelle Obama 5617278899 20 45 7.2 0.05 0.36 7.56
Ann Dunham 9546321555 4 3 0.1 0.01 0 0.1
Vladimir Putin 5612971340 79 86 54.35 0.12 6.52 60.87
Harriet Tubman 3051234567 8 25 1.6 0.03 0.05 1.65
Oprah Winfrey 5611234444 24 118 22.66 0.08 1.81 24.47
Charlotte Ray 3054432762 115 25 23 0.12 2.76 25.76
Mary Carter 9544321011 43 10 3.44 0.08 0.28 3.72
Tina Turner 8776219988 265 22 46.64 0.12 5.6 52.24
Shirley Chisholm 9042224556 2 5 0.08 0.01 0 0.08
Maritza Correla 7877176590 89 67 47.7 0.12 5.72 53.43
Margaret Thatcher 5617278899 40 56 17.92 0.08 1.43 19.35
Handing in your program
Electronically submit the source file “call_stats5.cpp” in the Assignments
area of blackboard before the due date and time. Remember, no late
assignments will be accepted.