Computer Architecture EECE7352 Homework 1 solved


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Part A:
For the first part of this homework, compile and run the Dhrystone benchmark (drystone.c) on two
different microarchitectural platforms. The benchmark source code is provided on this page
(drystone.c). Start by using the gcc compiler. Note, you may get some warnings while compiling this
benchmark, though it compiles without warnings on the COE X86-64 systems.

In the COE computer system we provide two different ISAs, the ARM/Ubuntu/V8 (the degrees system),
and Intel/Linux/X86-64 (the head nodes Theta, Iota and Zeta) and the Intel/Linux/X86-32 (the systems
alpha and beta). Note, if you login to, the system will select one of the head
nodes for you (you do not have the ability of selecting which of the X86-64 machines you run on).

the 32-bit x86 or ARM V8 systems, you will need to ssh to those systems on port 27 after logging into
the head node (e.g., ssh -p 27). You can also use any system you have available (e.g.,
ARM, MIPS, etc.). If you have difficulty connecting to any system through the VLAB, try the VPN

Note: you may have to adjust the number of LOOPS specified in the source code to get a
reasonable Dhrystone number. You may also have to modify the libraries used to get the C code to
compile (the compilers on the COE machines work fine, though do produce warnings). Try different
numbers of iterations until you get a reasonable result. Also, make multiple runs of Dhrystone to
guarantee you have factored out any sampling or cold-start effects. Generally, 10 runs are enough to
obtain statistical significance. Make sure to discussion this issue in your paper and report on the error in
your measurements.

Run Dhrystone compiled with and without optimization (find out how to use the compiler switches, the
man gcc pages should help). Explain the results you are getting. How does optimization affect the
results obtained on the different architectures and why? There are probably more than a million
different switches you can try. Start by using the -OX switch, where X is (0, 1, 2, 3). This is an openended question, that should challenge everyone to find the switches that most impact this program.

Make sure to explain why a particular switch is giving you good performance (this is the most important
part of the assignment). Give examples that illustrate your reasoning (e.g., provide assembly listings
snipits and explain what the compiler is doing. Please do not just print out the entire listing).
The Intel compiler is also available, so compare your resulting obtained above for X86-64 with using the
Intel compiler, as run on the headnode. To run the Intel compiler, the binary is clang on the Intel-based

For both the X86-64 and ARM, answer the following questions:
1) What are the three most frequently executed functions?
2) What percentage of the entire execution time do they each consume?
3) How does optimization change this percentage and why?
You should use gprof (on Linux on either x86 or ARM) to profile the execution of the program. To run
gprof, you will need to compile your code with debug information (figure out which compiler switch to
use). Gprof will help you to find the “hot” portions of the code.

Besides answering the detailed questions above, write up a summary report on your experiments. If you
are not familiar with these architectures, now is the time to learn them. The vendors provide details on
their instruction sets online.

Part B:
Next we are going to look at the linpack benchmark provided on Canvas. Compile the program on
X86/Linux and provide a detailed analysis how optimizations in the compiler can improve
performance. Note, this is a floating-point benchmark, so you will need to look at using math libraries
and understand floating point extensions and instructions. You only need to complete this problem on
only one ISA, a X86-64.

Part C:
Find a third benchmark on the web (neither Dhrystone nor Linpack). Compile and run it on a system of
your choice. Discuss what the benchmark is designed to measure and discuss the benchmarking results
you obtain on that system. Can you suggest a system where it might run more efficiently? Make sure to
justify your answer.

Part D:
Given the differences between the ARM V8 ISA and the X86 ISA, take a basic block from Dhrystone, and
compare the instructions produced by the compiler targeting each ISA. Please explain each instruction.
Part E:
A benchmark suite is a set of applications used to characterize the performance of a processor or
system. There are many different suites available.

Select two suites, and answer the following
1) What application domain or system architecture is the suite designed to evaluate?
2) How is performance evaluated with the benchmark? What is the metric used to evaluate
3) Cite 2 papers each (a total of 4) where each suite has been used in a research study.
4) Provide your thoughts on how the suite could be improved.