Computational Statistics Homework 4 solved


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Problem 1. The file Utility.dat contains a monthly record of
telephone, electricity, and fuel costs for several years. Naming the
5 columns as Month ,Year, Telephone, Electricity and Fuel,
(a) Import the data set into SAS using the INFILE statement.
(b)Is the true average monthly phone cost higher than $50 per
Problem 2. The file Handinj.dat contains the costs (in Irish
pounds) and lost work days due to hand injuries for workers in
Dublin, Ireland. Naming the four columns as ID,Type, Days and
Cost, respectively;
(a) Import the data set into SAS using the INFILE statement.
(b)Is the average number of Days different for two levels of
Type:work and sports?
Problem 3. The file Wine.dat contains data collected by a student
to assess whether or not temperature and brand affected the taste of
wine.Naming the four columns as Brand, Temperature, Replicate
and Rating, respectively;
(a) Import the data set into SAS using the INFILE statement.
(b). Do the average Rating differ for Brand?
Problem4. The file Wear.dat contains data about the wear on a saw
blade for different cut depths and grit sizes. Naming the three
columns as gritsize, cutdepth and wear, respectively; Note that
gritsize is a alphanumeric variable, rather than numeric variable.
(a) Import data set into SAS using the INFILE statement.
(b) Does wear depend on cutdepth or gritsize? Include an
interaction term in your analysis.
(c)Check the model assumptions.