COMP30020 Project 1 solved


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The objective of this project is to practice and assess your understanding of functional programming and Haskell. You will write code to implement the guessing part of a logical
guessing game.
The Game
There has been a daring daylight robbery committed by a pair of audacious criminals. Your
program’s job is to identify the criminals on the basis of the observations of three eyewitnesses.
You’ve assembled a dozen of the usual suspects and now must work out which pair of them
are the culprits. You will do this by putting them in lineups in pairs, asking your witnesses
to indicate whether you have identified the culprits.
Each eyewitness, though, has a hazy memory, and each mostly only focused on one aspect
of the culprits’ appearance. The first witness mostly paid attention to the height of the
perpetrators (whether Short or Tall); the second only took note of their hair colour (whether
Blond(e), Redhead, or Dark haired); and the third only noticed gender (Male or Female).
The witnesses are not able to describe the perpetrators, they can only recognise them when
they see them, and recognise whether they have the characteristics they observed at the time
of the crime.
You can put pairs of people in a lineup as many times as necessary, and may include the
same person in a lineup multiple times. For each lineup, your witnesses will tell you how
many in the lineup are the people they saw committing the crime, as well as how many of
them have the right height, how many have the right hair colour, and how many are of the
right sex. Each lineup must have exactly two different people, and the order of people in the
lineup is not significant.
Once the witnesses agree that both people in the lineup are guilty, your job is finished
and you can charge the culprits. Naturally, the police chief is keen for you to do this as soon
as possible.
For simplicity, we will identify each suspect by their characteristics, as a three letter
identifier. The first letter indicates the height, either S or T. The second indicates hair colour,
either B, R or D. The third specifies sex, either M or F. The feedback you receive from the
witnesses comprise four numbers: the number of culprits you have identified, the number in
the lineup with the right height, the number with the right hair colour, and the number with
the right sex.
In counting the number with the correct characteristics, we can only count each person
(and each culprit) once. For example, if the lineup has two males and only one of the culprits
were male, that is counted as one correct sex. Likewise, if the lineup has one male and one
female, but both culprits were male, that also counts as one correct sex. Also note that if
one of the suspects in the lineup is identified as a culprit, that person is not counted in the
number of correct heights, hair colours, and sexes.
Here are a few examples:
Culprit Lineup Answer
SBM, SBF SBM, TRF (1,0,0,1)
SBM, SBF TRF, SBM (1,0,0,1)
SBM, SBF TRF, TRM (0,0,0,2)
SBM, TDF TRF, SDM (0,2,1,2)
The Program
You will write Haskell code to determine which suspects to include in each lineup. Each
lineup constitutes a “guess” as to which pair of suspects are the perpetrators, for which your
program will receive feedback. This will require you to write a function to return your initial
lineup, and another to use the feedback from the previous lineup to determine the next one.
The former function will be called once per game, and then the latter function will be called
repeatedly until it produces the correct lineup. You will find it useful to keep information
between guesses; since Haskell is a purely functional language, you cannot use a global or
static variable to store this. Therefore, your initial guess function must return this game
state information, and your next guess function must take the game state as input and return
a new game state as output. You may put any information you like in the game state, but
you must define a type GameState to hold this information. If you do not need to maintain
any game state, you may simply define type GameState = ().
You may use any representation you like for suspects, but you must define a type Person
to hold your representation. The quality of your design is one assessment criterion for this
project, so take care to choose (and document!) a good design. You must also define a
function parsePerson to convert a three-letter string of the form above into a Person. You
must also define functions height, hair, and sex to return the height, hair colour, and sex
of a Person. You may represent height, hair colour, and sex any way you like, as long as the
types are in the Eq class.
You must also write a function initialGuess to return your first guess, and nextGuess
to return your next guess given the results of your previous one.
Here is a summary of the types you must define:
Person Represents a suspect
GameState holds whatever information you need to help decide your next guess based on
the previous one.
Here is a summary of the functions you must define:
parsePerson :: String → Maybe Person
takes a three-character string and returns Just p, where p is the person specified by
that string. If an invalid string is provided, returns Nothing.
height :: Person → whatever you like
Returns the person’s height, represented as any type in the Eq class.
hair :: Person → whatever you like
Returns the person’s hair colour, represented as any type in the Eq class.
sex :: Person → whatever you like
Returns the person’s sex, represented as any type in the Eq class.
feedback :: [Person] → [Person] → (Int,Int,Int,Int)
Takes first a list of the true culprits and second a list of the suspects in your lineup,
and returns a quadruple of correct suspects, correct heights, correct hair colours, and
correct sexes, in that order.
initialGuess :: ([Person],GameState)
Returns your initial lineup and initial game state.
nextGuess :: ([Person],GameState) → (Int,Int,Int,Int) → ([Person],GameState)
takes as input a pair of the previous guess and game state (as returned by initialGuess
and nextGuess), and the feedback to this guess as a quadruple of correct suspects,
correct height, correct hair colour, and correct sex, in that order, and returns a pair of
the next guess and new game state.
You must call your source file Proj1.hs (or Proj1.lhs if you use literate Haskell), and it
must begin with the module declaration:
module Proj1 (Person, parsePerson, height, hair, sex,
GameState, initialGuess, nextGuess, feedback) where
(after any initial documentation comments). Please put all your code in this one file.
I will post a test driver program Proj1Test.hs, which will operate similarly to how I
actually test your code. I will compile and link your code for testing using the command:
ghc -O2 –make Proj1Test
or similar. To run Proj1Test, give it the target as two separate command line arguments,
for example ./Proj1Test TBM SRF would run your code setting the actual culprits as a tall
blond male and a short redhead female. It will then use your Proj1 module to assemble
lineups, showing you all your program’s lineup selections and tell you how many guesses your
program took to guess the culprits.
Your guess 1: SBM SRM
My answer: (0,1,2,1)
Your guess 2: SBF TRM
My answer: (0,2,2,2)
Your guess 3: SRF TBM
My answer: (2,0,0,0)
You got it in 3 guesses!
This project is to be done individually (not in teams). Your project will be assessed on the
following criteria:
10% Correctness of your feedback implementation;
10% Correctness of your initialGuess and nextGuess implementations;
50% Quality of your implementation;
30% Quality of your code and documentation
The correctness of your feedback function will be assessed based on the proportion of
test cases it passes. The correctness of your initialGuess and nextGuess functions will
be assessed based on whether it succeeds in guessing the culprits in the available time. The
correctness of other functions will not be explicitly tested, but will be necessary to the correct
functioning of all the tests.
The quality of your implementation will be assessed based on the number of guesses needed
to find the given targets. All possible culprit pairs will be tested; full marks will be given for
an average of 2.7 guesses or fewer per target, with marks falling on a logarithmic scale as the
number of guesses rises.
Note that timeouts will be imposed on all tests. You will have at least 2 seconds to
guess each target, regardless of how many guesses are needed. Executions taking longer
than that may be unceremoniously terminated, leading to that test being assessed as failing.
Your programs will be compiled with GHC -O2 before testing, so 2 seconds per test is a very
reasonable limit (it should be 100 times more than you need).
The quality of your code will be assessed based on appropriate use of Haskell, including
the design of your data types, as well as on overall (language-independent) good coding
and documentation practices. See the Project Coding Guidelines on the LMS for detailed
suggestions for coding and documentation style. This is worth a substantial fraction of your
project mark; an hour cleaning up and documenting your code before your final submission
will be well rewarded.
You must submit your project through the Maat (Melbourne Automated Appraisal Tool)
system by following the link from the LMS Projects page using your web browser. You may
drag-and-drop your file onto the box for your Proj1.hs file, or click the “Choose” button and
use your browser’s file selection dialog. Either way, once you have provided your file, click
the “Save Submission” button to submit.
Important: you must wait while Maat tests your code. Once it has completed the
appraisal, the window will refresh to show the test results. If any tests fail, the display will
show which of the tests failed, but you will not see the inputs for the failing test case, so you
will need to revisit your code, and reexamine this project specification, to try to see what is
wrong with your code.
It is your responsibility to look over the feedback provided for your submission.
If the test results show any problems, you may correct your code and submit again. You
may submit as often as you like; only your final submission will be assessed.
Late Penalties
Late submissions will incur a penalty of 0.5% of the possible value of that submission per
hour late, including evening and weekend hours. This means that a perfect project that is
much more than 4 days late will receive less than half the marks for the project. If you have
a medical or similar compelling reason for being late, you should contact the lecturer as early
as possible to ask for an extension (preferably before the due date).
1. A very simple approach to this program is to simply guess every possible pair of persons
until you guess right. There are only 66 distinct pairs, so on average it should only take
about 33 lineups, making it perfectly feasible to do in 2 seconds. However, this will give
a poor score for guess quality.
2. A better approach would be only to select lineups that are consistent with the answers
you have received for previous lineups. You can do this by computing the list of all
possible lineups, and removing elements that are inconsistent with any answers you
have received to previous lineups. A possible target is inconsistent with an answer you
have received for a previous lineup if the answer you would receive for that lineup and
that (possible) pair of culprits is different from the answer you actually received for that
You can use your GameState type to store your previous lineups and the corresponding
answers. Or, more efficient and just as easy, store the list of remaining possible targets
in your GameState, and pare it down each time you receive feedback for a lineup. Using
this approach should give you about 80% of the marks for lineup quality.
3. To get full marks for guess quality, you will need to carefully choose each lineup so
that it is most likely to leave a small remaining list of possible lineups. This you can
do by computing, for each remaining possible lineup, the answer you will receive if it
is the actual lineup, and then compute how many of the remaining possible lineups
would yield the same output, and compute the average number of possible lineups that
will remain after each lineup, giving the expected number of remaining possible lineups
for each guess, and choose the lineup with the smallest expected number of remaining
possible lineups.
For example, suppose there are ten remaining candidate lineups, and one lineup gives
the answer (2,0,0,0), three others give (1,0,1,1), and the remaining six give the answer
(0,1,1,2). In this case, if you make that guess, there is a 1 in 10 chance of that being
the right answer (so you are left with that as the only remaining candidate), 3 in 10 of
being left with three candidates, and a 6 in 10 chance of being left with six candidates.
This means on average you would expect this answer to leave you with
× 1 +
× 3 +
× 6 = 4.6
remaining candidates. You can perform a similar computation for every possible lineup,
and select a lineup that gives the minimum expected number of remaining candidates.
Also note that if you do this incorrectly, the worst consequence is that your program
takes more lineups than necessary to find the lineup. As long as you only ever guess
a possible lineup, every guess other than the right one removes at least one possible
lineup, so you will eventually guess the right lineup.
4. Do feel free to discuss the hints on the discussion forum, and to share overall strategy.
If you find a different approach that works well, feel free to share it. But please do not
share code.
5. Note that these are just hints; you are welcome to use any approach you like to solve
this, as long as it is correct and runs within the allowed time.
Note Well:
This project is part of your final assessment, so cheating is not acceptable. Any
form of material exchange with other students or anyone else other than subject
staff regarding this project, whether written, electronic, or any other medium, is
considered cheating, and so is the soliciting of help through public fora. Providing undue assistance is considered as serious as receiving it, and in the case of
similarities that indicate exchange of more than basic ideas, formal disciplinary
action will be taken for all involved parties. If you have questions regarding these
rules, please ask the lecturer.