COMP281 Assignment 1 – C Programming solved


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Problem 1014
Title: Area and circumference of circles
In this exercise you have to compute the area and circumference of a series of circles and output their sum.
Specifically, the program will take two radii of two circles as input (r1 <= r2, both integers) and will output the sum of
the areas and the circumferences of all circles starting with r1 and increasing at each step the radius by ‘1’ until radius
r2 has been reached. As an example, suppose ‘r2-r1 = 2’ then the program has to compute the sum of the areas and
circumferences of three circles with radii r1,r1+1,r2
Remember that the area of a circle equals Pi*r^2 and the circumference equals 2Pi*r.
Set Pi to 3.14
Two integers r1 and r2 with r1<=r2
two floats, sum_of_areas and sum_of_circumferences.
Sample Input:
3 4
Sample Output:
Problem 1017
Title: Product of integers in columns
In this exercise you have to write a program that can compute the product of the numbers (integers in this case) in a
series of columns.
The first number of the input, N, describes the number of columns that will follow, then N columns follow. The first
row will contain the first integer of each column. This number M will indicate how many numbers will follow in the
respective column. Note that this means that not each column needs to be of the same length.
N numbers that represent the product of each column.
Sample Input:
3 2 3 4
1 1 1 2
2 3 2 2
3 4 3
Sample Output:
6 3 8 24
Problem 1025
Title: Largest common factor and smallest common multiple
Input two positive integers. Compute their largest common factor and smallest common multiple.
Input two positive integers.
largest common factor and smallest common multiple.
Sample Input:
2 3
Sample Output:
1 6
Problem 1060
Title: Sort even integers
From the input of 10 numbers, sort only the even integers into ascending order.
Print the list with all odd numbers (including 0) in their corresponding place in the input and the even numbers sorted
into ascending order.
10 integers separated by spaces. (All integers are at most 32 bits)
An evenly sorted list (even numbers in ascending order, odd numbers unchanged)
Sample Input:
5 3 4 2 1 6 8 7 10 9
Sample Output:
1 3 2 4 5 6 8 7 10 9
Sample Input 2:
11 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 1
Sample Output 2:
11 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1
Problem 1030
Title: Precise Division
For 8/13, the 5-th digit after the decimal point is 8.
Given three positive integers a, b, and n (all at most 60000), you are asked to compute a/b and print out the n-th digit
after the decimal point.
a b n (three positive integers)
The n-th digit after the decimal point of a/b
Sample Input:
8 13 5
Sample Output: