COMP 4320 Project 1 solved


Category: You will receive a download link of the .ZIP file upon Payment


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In this project you will implement simple FTP client and server programs that must be
written in C or C++ and execute correctly either in your own computer(s) or in the COE
tux Linux computers. You will also implement segmentation and re-assembly function,
an error detection function and a gremlin function (that can corrupt packets and lose
packets with specified probabilities). The overview of these software components is
shown in Figure 1 below.
The FTP client initiates the communication by sending an FTP request to the FTP server
at a specific IP address and port number. If you are using the COE tux computers, use
only the port numbers that are assigned to your group. You will only implement the PUT
command of the FTP protocol, where the FTP client will send a FTP request to the FTP
server to transfer a data file from the client to the server that will store the file in the file
server system. The FTP request message will be of the following form:
PUT TestFile
Figure 1. Overview of the Software Components
The file, TestFile, to be transferred is originally stored in the local secondary storage
of the client host. The client first reads the file and put them in a buffer and sends the
content of the buffer to the FTP server. Since the requested file is large, the server
application will use the segmentation function to partition the file into smaller segments
that will fit into a packet of size allowable by the network. Each segment is then placed
into a 128-byte packet that is allowed by the network. The packet must contain a header
that contains information for error detection and other protocol information. You may
design your own header fields that are of reasonable sizes. Another field that must be in
the header is a sequence number used in this simple FTP protocol for re-assembly of the
segments back into the original message. The packet is then passed to the error detection
function which, at the client process, will compute the checksum and place the checksum
in the header. The packet is finally passed through the gremlin function and then sent via
the UDP socket to the FTP server. The Gremlin function may randomly cause errors in
some packet while it may randomly drop other packets. This will emulate errors that may
be generated by the network links and routers.
The file is an ASCII file and must be at least 20 Kbytes in size. The file is sent in 128-
byte packets (including the header) until the end of the file is reached. The last packet
will be padded with NULL character if the remaining data of the file is less than 128
bytes. At the end of the file, it transmits 1 byte (NULL character) that indicates the end of
the file. It will then close the file.
Add cout or printf statements in the client program to print the sequence numbers and
data to indicate that client is sending the packets and also receiving packets from the
server, i.e. print each packet sequence number and data (say, only the first 48 bytes of
data) that it sends and receives.
The FTP server program will respond to the client FTP requests. On receiving the PUT
request, the server will receive data of the file in 128-byte packets, i.e. the server will
receive each 128-byte packet in a loop and writes them into a local file system
sequentially. Each packet is processed by the error detection function that will detect
possibility of error based on the checksum. If there are errors in the packet, just print the
error message and the packet sequence number. You do not need to handle errors or lost
packets in this project. The packet is then processed by the segmentation and re-assembly
function that re-assembles all the segments of the file from the packets received into the
original file. When it receives a 1-byte message with a NULL character, then it knows
that the last packet has been received and it closes the file. The server then constructs
FTP response messages by putting the status on the header lines. The header line will be
of the following form:
PUT successfully completed
This FTP server response packet is not processed by the segmentation and re-assembly,
error detection or the Gremlin function.
Add cout or printf statements in the server program to print the sequence numbers
and data to indicate that the server is receiving packets and sending the packets, i.e. print
each packet sequence number and data (say, only the first 48 bytes of data) that it
receives and sends.
Gremlin Function
Your program must allow the probabilities of damaged and lost packets to be input as
arguments when the program is executed. These parameters for packet damage and
lost probabilities are passed to your Gremlin function. You will implement a gremlin
function to simulate three possible scenarios in the transmission line: (1) transmission
error that cause packet corruption, (2) packet loss, and (3) correct delivery. Before the
client process sends each packet through the UDP socket, it first pass the packet to a
gremlin function which will randomly determine, depending on the damage probability,
whether to change (corrupt) some of the bits or pass the packet as it is to the server
receiving function. It will also decide whether some packets will be dropped based on the
loss probability. The gremlin function uses a random-number generator to determine
whether to damage a packet, drop (lose) a packet or pass the packet as it is to the
receiving function. For example, a packet’s loss probability of 0.2 would mean that two
out of ten packets will be dropped.
If it decides to damage a packet, it will decide on how many and which byte to change.
The probability that a given packet will be damaged, P(d), is entered as an argument at
runtime. If the probability of damaging a packet is .3, then three out of every ten packets
will be damaged. If the packet is to be damaged, the probability of changing one byte is
.7, the probability of changing two bytes is .2, and the probability of changing 3 bytes is
.1. Every byte in the packet is equally likely to be damaged. The packet is then passed
from the gremlin function to be sent through the UDP socket.
Error Detection Function
The sending process, e.g. the FTP client, will compute the checksum for the packet that is
to be sent. The checksum is calculated by simply summing all the bytes in the packet.
The checksum is then inserted into the checksum header field of the packet.
The receiving process, e.g. the FTP server, will then use the same algorithm for
computing the checksum that the sending process used. It will calculate the checksum by
summing all the bytes in the received packet. It then compares the computed checksum
with the checksum received in the packet. If the two checksums match, then it assumes
that there is no error, otherwise there is at least an error in the packet.
When the receiving process detects an error in a packet, it will print out a message
indicating the packet’s sequence number and that there is an error in the packet.
In this project, the receiver need not handle errors in packets; instead, it just prints out a
message indicating that the packet has an error and prints the packet sequence number.
The sender does not need to handle the packet error either.
Run the FTP client and FTP server programs for a simple data transfer. Other software,
such as the segmentation and re-assembly, error detection and gremlin functions must
also function correctly. The FTP client and server programs must execute correctly either
on your own computer or the College of Engineering tux Linux workstations. In both
cases, all communication between the client and the server must be through the socket
API with real IP addresses, i.e. you cannot use the 127 loopback IP addresses, e.g. Your computer must be connected to the Internet and you must be able to find
the real IP address assigned to your computer. Use that real IP address for creating your
sockets and for all communication between the client and the server.
If you use Auburn University’s tux Linux workstations you should use different tux
Linux computers for the client and the server processes. The tux computers that are
available for you use through remote access are tux050-tux065, tux237-tux252.
Altogether, there are 32 tux machines. If you are using the tux computers, send me email
with all your group member names and I’ll assign to you open port numbers for the tux
computers so that you can use and avoid interfering with each other’s message
In both environments that you use for your execution environment, capture the execution
trace of the programs. In Linux, use the script command to capture the trace of the
execution of your FTP client and FTP server programs. The execution traces must
contain information when packets are sent or received, when packets are corrupted, and
when packets are lost. Sequence numbers and other relevant information on the packets
must be printed.
Print the content of the input file read by the client program and the output file received
by the server program.
Submit your source codes, the script of the execution traces of the programs, the file that
was sent by the server and the file that was received by the client. Make sure that all the
group member names are clearly marked in the source codes and other files. Submit
these in Canvas on or before the due date.