CMSC-325 Project 1 solved


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An introductory project for the Java2D API, becoming familiarized with simple rendering.

Draws a simple house and background using primitive shapes.

_Note: The “Java2DWeek1Templates” folder contains the java files I was supplied to be used as a template. The result being the “Java2D_Simple_Primitives” project._

###### This project was assigned while attending University of Maryland University College (UMUC)

><h1>Game Design and Development</h1>
><h2>CMSC 325</h2>
><p>A project-driven study of the theory and practice of game design and development. The aim is to build realistic graphical 3-D worlds, animate characters, and add special effects to games. Discussion covers critical mathematical concepts and real-time game physics. Projects include collaborative development of interactive games.</p>