
CMPSCI 645: Homework 2 Normalization solved

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1. Normalization [30 points]
Consider the following relational schema and set of functional dependencies.
R(A,B,C,D,E) CD → E
A → B
(a) [10 points] List all superkey(s) for this relation. Justify your answer in terms of
functional dependencies and closures.
(b) [5 points] Which of these superkeys form a key (i.e., a minimal superkey) for this
(c) [15 points] Decompose R into BCNF. Show your work for partial credit. Your
answer should consist of a list of table names and attributes and an indication of
the keys in each table (either underline the corresponding attributes, or explicitly
state the keys).
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CMPSCI 645 Homework 2
2. Datalog [35 points]
(a) [15 points] Consider the following two datalog programs computing the transitive
T(x,y) :- R(x,y)
T(x,y) :- T(x,z),R(z,y)
T(x,y) :- R(x,y)
T(x,y) :- T(x,z),T(z,y)
Suppose R is a graph that consists of a single path: R(a0, a1), R(a1, a2), . . . , R(an−1, an).
Thus, the transitive closure T computed by both programs consists of all

facts of the form T(ai
, aj ), for 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n. Assume that we evaluate both programs using the semi-naive evaluation algorithm.
i. For a fixed m = 1, . . . n − 1, how many times will the fact T(a1, am+1) be
discovered by P1?
Explain your answer:
ii. How many times will the fact T(a1, am+1) be discovered by P2?
Explain your answer:
CMPSCI 645 Homework 2 Spring 2015
(b) [20 points] Consider a graph where each node x is either a leaf, or has two outgoing
edges (x, y),(x, z). In the former case, we store x in a relation L(x); in the latter
case we store the triple (x, y, z) in a relation T. (Thus, x is a key in T(x, y, z).)
Consider the following game with two players. Players take turns in moving a pebble
on the graph. If the pebble is on a node x, then the player whose turn it is may
move it to one of the two children, y or z. A player wins if it is her turn to move and
the pebble is on a leaf. Write a datalog program that computes the set of starting
nodes from which player 1 has a winning strategy. That is, your program should
compute a relation P1(x) that returns all nodes x such that, if player 1 starts the
game on x (and plays smartly!) then she is guaranteed to win the game.
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CMPSCI 645 Homework 2 Spring 2015
3. Conjunctive Queries [35 points]
(a) [5 points] Find a full semi-join reduction for the query below.
q(x) : −R(x, y), S(y, z), T(y, u)
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CMPSCI 645 Homework 2 Spring 2015
(b) i. [20 points] Indicate for each pair of queries q, q′ below, whether q ⊆ q

. If the
answer is yes, provide a proof; if the answer is no, give a database instance I
on which q(I) 6⊆ q

q(x) : − R(x, y), R(y, z), R(z, x)

(x) : − R(x, y), R(y, z), R(z, u), R(u, v), R(v, z)
Explain your answer:
q(x, y) : − R(x, u, u), R(u, v, w), R(w, w, y)

(x, y) : − R(x, u, v), R(v, v, v), R(v, w, y)
Explain your answer:
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CMPSCI 645 Homework 2 Spring 2015
ii. [10 points] Consider the two conjunctive queries below, and notice that q1 ⊂ q2.
q1(x) =R(x, y), R(y, z)
q2(x) =R(x, y)
1. Find a conjunctive query r(x) s.t. q1 ⊂ r ⊂ q2
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