CECS 456: Machine Learning HW #1 solved


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1. (20 points)Familiarize yourself with the data by completing the show images() function. Include the images you plotted into your report.
2. (30 points)In the assignment, we already extracted two features, (symmetry and average
intensity), to distinguish between 1 and 5. Familiarize yourself with the features by completing
the show features() function and include the 2-D scatter plot into your report. For each
sample, plot the two features with a red ∗ if the label is 1 and a blue + if the label is 5.
3. (30 points)Complete the perceptron() function. You can test your accuracy results using the
“test accuracy()” function in “main.py”.
4. (20 points)Complete the show result() function to plot the test data with the separators.
Include the images you plotted into your report.
Deliverable: You should submit a report that summarizes your results and the “solution.py”
file to the BeachBoard.
Note: Please read the “Readme.txt” carefully before you start this assignment. Please do NOT
change anything in the “main.py” and “helper.py” files when you program.