Bulk Club Class Project solved


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Your team is to write a program that supports the Bulk Club. At least one
class must contain a pointer (a copy constructor needs to be written and
tested). Highlight the above. Your team is to write at least 10 agile stories
(including description, tasks, test scenarios, and story points) before
software is developed). Your team must use an agile management tool
(e.g. Waffle.io), Graphical User Interface (GUI) such as QT, DOXYGEN,
and GIT. Only team members should have access to their repository.
The team must follow the Scrum process (the Scrum master must log all
team meetings and the product owner must document the backlog).
Sprint schedule:
First checkpoint – April 13th
Second checkpoint – April 27th
Final checkpoint – May 11th
Bulk Club has two types of members: Regular and Executive
Member information includes:
– Member name
– Membership number
– Membership type
– Membership expiration date
– Total amount spent (running total)
– Rebate amount (Executive members only)
A rebate of 2% of the total amount spent (not to include sales tax) is paid at
the close of the year to the Executive members. Regular members pay
annual dues of $65.00 and Executive members pay annual dues of
$120.00. Your program will use the following files that will be provided:
– A membership information file (warehouse shoppers) is provided with
the following format:
Customer name
Customer membership number
Type of customer – Regular or Executive
Membership expiration date
Bulk Club Class Project
– Seven sales files are provided with the following format:
Purchase date
Customer membership number
Item purchased
Sales price quantity purchased
Your program should read from the daily sales file and update the
members’ information accordingly. As the sales are processed the total
amount spent and rebate data for each member should be updated. Use
a sales tax rate of 7 3/4% for all revenue totals.
Generate the following displays at any time:
1. A store manager should be able to display a sales report for any
given day. It should include a list of items and quantities sold on that
day as well names of the members who shopped that day. Display
the total revenue for the given day. It should also include number of
Executive members and Regular members who shopped during the
given day. Your team should provide an option to generate the
display by membership type.
2. A store manager should be able to display the total purchases for
each member sorted by membership number. The display should
also include a grand total of all the purchases for all the members.
3. A store manager should be able to display the quantity of each item
sold sorted by item name and the total revenue for each item.
4. A store manager should be able to display the rebate of all the
Executive members sorted by membership number.
5. A store manager should be able to enter a month and obtain a
display of all members whose memberships expire that month as
well as the cost to renew their memberships.
6. An administrator should be able to add/delete Bulk Club members.
7. Your team should provide the capability to create purchases for the
new members to validate your software.
8. An administrator should be able to add (with a corresponding price),
delete items, and change prices from the inventory list.
9. A store manager should be able to enter an item name and display
the quantity of that item sold as well as the total revenue for the
Bulk Club Class Project
10. A store manager should be able to enter a membership number or
name and display the total purchases for that member.
11. Your program should be able to determine if any Regular customer
should convert their membership to Executive status. Display the
number of recommended conversions.
12. An administrator should be able to determine if any Executive
customer should convert their membership to Regular status.
Display the number of recommended conversions.
13. Your software should require the store manager and administrator
to logon to obtain access to your program.
14. Your software should be able to save all changes between
Please let me know your partners by March 25th (two points will be
deducted from your score if you do not meet this deadline). All projects are
due by May 11th
. No late projects will be accepted. Your team must
demonstrate your project before it will be graded. Each teammate must
identify their accomplishments on the project. Not all team members will
necessarily earn the same score. The UML diagrams should be shown
during the Sprint 1 checkpoint.
1. Design a very readable, easy to use interface to demonstrate your
2. Contingency handling should include addressing invalid input.
3. Write at least 10 agile stories (including description, tasks, test
scenarios, and story points) before any software is developed. The
team must follow the Scrum process (the Scrum master must
document all meetings and the product owner must document the
4. Submit a test plan.
5. Submit a UML class diagram, at least three use cases, and at least
three state diagrams, and one activity diagram with your project.
6. All changes must be persistent between executions.
7. Submit your software, coding standards and team rules.
8. Each team must use a version control system, graphical user
interface tool, automated documentation tool, and an Agile
management tool. (GITHUB, DOXYGEN, WAFFIO.IO, QT, etc.)
9. Each individual must critique their team members via e-mail.
Bulk Club Class Project
10. The planning poker cards must be returned.
11. All artifacts are due on May 11th
The assignment will be graded using the following scale:
Checkpoint 1 6
Checkpoint 2 6
Meet requirements 66
Coding Style/Style Guide 1
User interface 2
Test Plan 4
Adherence to Scrum/Team Rules 4
Big O (1 point for each method) 5
Contingency handling 1
Total 100
Continuous Integration (extra credit) 2
Total with extra credit 102