BIA660 Assignment 5: Clustering and Topic Modeling solved


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In this assignment, you’ll need to use the following dataset:
text_train.json: This file contains a list of documents. It’s used for training models
text_test.json: This file contains a list of documents and their ground-truth labels. It’s used for testing performance.

This file is in the format shown below. Note, each document has a list of labels. You can load these files using
Text Labels
paraglider collides with hot air balloon … [‘Disaster and Accident’, ‘Travel & Transportation’]
faa issues fire warning for lithium … [‘Travel & Transportation’]
…. …

Q1: K-Mean Clustering

Define a function cluster_kmean() as follows:
Take two file name strings as inputs: is the file path of text_train.json, and is the file path of
When generating tfidf weights, set the min_df to 5.

Use KMeans to cluster documents in into 3 clusters by cosine similarity and Euclidean distance
separately. Use sufficient iterations with different initial centroids to make sure clustering converge
Test the clustering model performance using :
Predict the cluster ID for each document in .

Let’s only use the first label in the ground-truth label list of each test document, e.g. for the first document
in the table above, you set the ground_truth label to “Disaster and Accident” only.

Apply majority vote rule to dynamically map the predicted cluster IDs to the ground-truth labels in
. Be sure not to hardcode the mapping (e.g. write code like {0: “Disaster and Accident”}),
because a cluster may corrspond to a different topic in each run. (hint: if you use pandas, look for
“idxmax” function)
Calculate precision/recall/f-score for each label, compare the results from the two clustering models,
and write your analysis in a pdf file
This function has no return.

Print out confusion matrix, precision/recall/f-score.
train_f ile test_f ile
train_f ile
test_f ile
test_f ile
test_f ile

Q2: LDA Clustering

Q2.1. Define a function cluster_lda() as follows:
1. Take two file name strings as inputs: is the file path of text_train.json, and is the file path of
2. Use LDA to train a topic model with documents in and the number of topics = 3. Keep min_df to 5
when generating tfidf weights, as in Q1.

3. Predict the topic distribution of each document in and select the topic with highest probability. Similar to
Q1, apply majority vote rule to map the topics to the labels and show the classification report.
4. Return the array of topic proportion array

Q2.2. Find similar documents
Define a function find_similar_doc(doc_id, topic_mix) to find top 3 documents that are the most similar to a
selected one with index doc_id using the topic proportion array topic_mix.

You can calculate the cosine or Euclidean distance between two documents using the topic proportion array
Return the IDs of these similar documents.

Q2.3. Provide a pdf document which contains:
performance comparison between Q1 and Q2.1
describe how you tune the model parameters, e.g. alpha, max_iter etc. in Q2.1.
discuss how effective the method in Q2.2 is to find similar documents, compared with the tfidf weight cosine
similarity we used before.

Q3 (Bonus): Biterm Topic Model (BTM)

There are many variants of LDA model. BTM is one designed for short text, while lDA in general expects documents
with rich content.

Read this paper carefully
( and try to understand
the design

Try the following experiments:
Script a few thousand tweets by different hastags
Run LDA and BTM respectively to discover topics among the collected tweets. BTM package can be
found at (
Compare the performance of each model. If one model works better, explain why it works better,
Summarize your experiment in a pdf document.

Note there is no absolute right or wrong answer in this experiment. All you need is to give a try and understand how
BTM works and differences between BTM and LDA

Note: Due to randomness involved in these alogorithms, you may get the same result as what I showed below.
However, your result should be close after you tune parameters carefully.
In [5]: from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
# addd your import
train_f ile test_f ile
train_f ile K
test_f ile

In [6]: # Q1
def cluster_kmean(train_file, test_file):

# add your code here

return None

In [11]: # Q2
def cluster_lda(train_file, test_file):

topic_assign = None

# add your code here

return topic_assign
def find_similar(doc_id, topic_assign):

docs = None

# add your code here

return docs

In [12]: if __name__ == “__main__”:

# Due to randomness, you won’t get the exact result
# as shown here, but your result should be close
# if you tune the parameters carefully

# Q1
cluster_kmean(‘../../dataset/train_text.json’, \

# Q2
topic_assign =cluster_lda(‘../../dataset/train_text.json’, \
doc_ids = find_similar(10, topic_assign)
print (“docs similar to {0}: {1}”.format(10, doc_ids))

actual_class Disaster and Accident News and Economy Travel & Transportation
0 61 2 152
1 109 7 25
2 40 197 7
Cluster 0: Topic Travel & Transportation
Cluster 1: Topic Disaster and Accident
Cluster 2: Topic News and Economy
precision recall f1-score support
Disaster and Accident 0.77 0.52 0.62 210
News and Economy 0.81 0.96 0.88 206
Travel & Transportation 0.71 0.83 0.76 184
micro avg 0.76 0.76 0.76 600
macro avg 0.76 0.77 0.75 600
weighted avg 0.76 0.76 0.75 600
actual_class Disaster and Accident News and Economy Travel & Transportation
0 174 34 174
1 31 166 10
2 5 6 0
Cluster 0: Topic Disaster and Accident
Cluster 1: Topic News and Economy
Cluster 2: Topic News and Economy
precision recall f1-score support

Disaster and Accident 0.46 0.83 0.59 210
News and Economy 0.79 0.83 0.81 206
Travel & Transportation 0.00 0.00 0.00 184
micro avg 0.58 0.58 0.58 600
macro avg 0.41 0.55 0.47 600
weighted avg 0.43 0.58 0.48 600

/Users/rliu/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/metrics/class UndefinedMetricWarning: Precision and F-score are ill-defined
and being set to 0.0 in labels with no predicted samples.
‘precision’, ‘predicted’, average, warn_for)

In [ ]:
iteration: 1 of max_iter: 25
iteration: 2 of max_iter: 25
iteration: 3 of max_iter: 25
iteration: 4 of max_iter: 25
iteration: 5 of max_iter: 25, perplexity: 3494.8408
iteration: 6 of max_iter: 25
iteration: 7 of max_iter: 25
iteration: 8 of max_iter: 25
iteration: 9 of max_iter: 25
iteration: 10 of max_iter: 25, perplexity: 3416.5917
iteration: 11 of max_iter: 25
iteration: 12 of max_iter: 25
iteration: 13 of max_iter: 25
iteration: 14 of max_iter: 25
iteration: 15 of max_iter: 25, perplexity: 3382.7160
iteration: 16 of max_iter: 25
iteration: 17 of max_iter: 25
iteration: 18 of max_iter: 25
iteration: 19 of max_iter: 25
iteration: 20 of max_iter: 25, perplexity: 3377.7126
iteration: 21 of max_iter: 25
iteration: 22 of max_iter: 25
iteration: 23 of max_iter: 25
iteration: 24 of max_iter: 25
iteration: 25 of max_iter: 25, perplexity: 3375.9923
actual_class Disaster and Accident News and Economy Travel & Transportation
0 30 18 138
1 12 182 8
2 168 6 38
Cluster 0: Topic Travel & Transportation
Cluster 1: Topic News and Economy
Cluster 2: Topic Disaster and Accident
precision recall f1-score support
Disaster and Accident 0.79 0.80 0.80 210
News and Economy 0.90 0.88 0.89 206
Travel & Transportation 0.74 0.75 0.75 184
micro avg 0.81 0.81 0.81 600
macro avg 0.81 0.81 0.81 600
weighted avg 0.81 0.81 0.81 600
0 Travel & Transportation
1 News and Economy
2 Disaster and Accident
dtype: object
docs similar to 10: [337 38 222]