INF 3380 Assignment No. 2 Parallel implementations of matrix multiplication solved


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Matrix multiplication
Multiplication between matrix A (of dimension m × `) and matrix B (of
dimension ` × n) will produce a result matrix C (of dimension m × n). More
specifically, each element of the result matrix is calculated as
ci,j = ai,0b0,j + ai,1b1,j + . . . + ai,`−1b`−1,j =
ai,kbk,j .
Task 1: MPI implementation
Note: Each student only needs to program one MPI implementation out of
the following two alternatives.
Alternative one: row-wise 1D block partitioning
The starting point for the parallelization is that both the A and B matrices
are partitioned by a row-wise 1D block partitioning among the MPI processes.
As result of the parallel computation, the C matrix is also distributed among
the MPI processes by a row-wise 1D block partitioning. It should be generally
assumed that the number of rows in the three matrices, m or `, may not be
divisible by the number of MPI processes.
Alternative two: 2D block partitioning
As described in Chapter 8.2.2 of the textbook, A. Grama, G. Karypis, V. Kumar and A. Gupta, Introduction to Parallel Computing, you can parallelize the matrix multiplication by Cannon’s algorithm.
Note that we now assume a general case where the matrices are rectangular (thus not necessarily square). You can, however, assume that the
square root of the number of MPI processes is an integer, so that all the
three matrices are to be partitioned into an equal number of blocks in the
horizontal and vertical directions. Last but not least, the numbers of rows
and columns of the A, B, C matrices may not be perfectly divisible by the
number of blocks in both directions.
Common requirements for both alternatives
An MPI program should be implemented such that it can
• accept two file names at run-time,
• let process 0 read the A and B matrices from the two data files,
• let process 0 distribute the pieces of A and B, by either a 1D or a 2D
partitioning, to all the other processes,
• calculate C = A ∗ B in parallel,
• let process 0 gather, from all the other processes, the different pieces
of C,
• let process 0 write out the entire C matrix to an output data file.
Task 2: OpenMP-MPI implementation
The student should extend her/his MPI program from Task 1, so that OpenMP
is used within each MPI process for the computation-intensive parts.
Input of matrix
For the sake of I/O efficiency, it is assumed that the A and B matrices are
stored in binary formatted data files. More specifically, the following function
can be used to read in a matrix stored in a binary file:
void read_matrix_binaryformat (char* filename, double*** matrix,
int* num_rows, int* num_cols)
int i;
FILE* fp = fopen (filename,”rb”);
fread (num_rows, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
fread (num_cols, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
/* storage allocation of the matrix */
*matrix = (double**)malloc((*num_rows)*sizeof(double*));
(*matrix)[0] = (double*)malloc((*num_rows)*(*num_cols)*sizeof(double));
for (i=1; i<(*num_rows); i++)
(*matrix)[i] = (*matrix)[i-1]+(*num_cols);
/* read in the entire matrix */
fread ((*matrix)[0], sizeof(double), (*num_rows)*(*num_cols), fp);
fclose (fp);
For example, suppose the following three variables are declared:
double **matrix;
int num_rows;
int num_cols;
Then, a matrix stored in file mat.bin can be read in by calling read matrix binaryformat
as follows:
read_matrix_binaryformat (“mat.bin”, &matrix, &num_rows, &num_cols);
Output of matrix
Similarly, the multiplication result matrix C should be written to file in
binary format by using the following function:
void write_matrix_binaryformat (char* filename, double** matrix,
int num_rows, int num_cols)
FILE *fp = fopen (filename,”wb”);
fwrite (&num_rows, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
fwrite (&num_cols, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
fwrite (matrix[0], sizeof(double), num_rows*num_cols, fp);
fclose (fp);
Examples of A and B matrices
From the website of INF3380, the following matrices (in binary format) can
be downloaded for code debugging and testing:
small matrix a.bin of dimension 100 × 50
small matrix b.bin of dimension 50 × 100
large matrix a.bin of dimension 1000 × 500
large matrix b.bin of dimension 500 × 1000
The two corresponding result C matrices can also be downloaded for
small matrix c.bin of dimension 100 × 100
large matrix c.bin of dimension 1000 × 1000