INFO 284 Assignment Naive Bayes for Sentiment Analysis solved


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The goal of this group project assignment is to obtain practical knowledge
of the naive Bayes algorithm by creating a classifier, without using the
scikit-learn library, that can predict whether a movie review is positive
or negative. This is a common text categorisation task which is known as
sentiment analysis. The words used in a review provide excellent cues for
the sentiment of the reviewer towards the movie. For example, words such
as love, fantastic, and avoid, awful, disappointed are very informative in predicting the following reviews:
+ …I loved this. And didn’t it look fantastic?! I love these afternoon popcorn
– …Avoid this super duper awful movie…if you watched it you will be disappointed…
A dataset of movie reviews (similar to the ones above) is provided together
with their associated binary sentiment labels. It contains 50,000 reviews
split evenly into 25k train and 25k test sets.
In the entire collection, no more than 30 reviews are allowed for any
given movie because reviews for the same movie tend to have correlated
ratings. Further, the train and test sets contain a disjoint set of movies, so
no significant performance is obtained by memorizing movie-unique terms
and their associated with observed labels. In the labeled train/test sets, a
negative review has a score <= 4 out of 10, and a positive review has a score
>= 7 out of 10. Thus reviews with more neutral ratings are not included in
the train/test sets.
The data can be found in a folder The folder contains the following files: imdb.vocab, imdbEr.txt, README, test (folder), train (folder).
The test folder contains: labeledBow.feat, neg (folder), pos(folder), urls_neg.txt,
urls_pos.txt. The train folder contains: labeledBow.feat neg (folder), pos(folder),
unsup(folder), unsupBow.feat, urls_neg.txt, urls_pos.txt, urls_unsup.txt.
Discrete Naive Bayes
We want a classifier that can calculate the probability that a review is
positive or negative, i.e., given a new review x, estimate P(y = 1|x) and
P(y = 0|x). These are known as the posterior probabilities of the positive
(y = 1) and negative (y = 0) class. To calculate the posterior probability for
y, we use the Bayes rule:
P(y|x) = P(x|y)P(y)
Note that a review x is a vector consisting of attributes wi
, i = 1, . . . , n,
x = w1, . . . , wn. Here, we will use the words wi contained in a review x as
attributes, which is a representation known as the unigram model.
In the naive Bayes model, each attribute wi
is conditionally independent
from any other attribute in the review x. This means that the presence of
one word in a review has no effect on the probability of a different word
being present in the same review.
Taking into account attributes and their conditional independence, we
can reformulate the Bayes rule for the positive class as follows:
P(y = 1|x) =
i=1 P(wi
|y = 1)
P(y = 1)
i=1 P(wi
|y = 1)
P(y = 1) + Qn
i=1 P(wi
|y = 0)
P(y = 0).
Notice in the equation above that the order of words in a review is disregarded, and they are treated simply as a set of unordered attributes. This
is known as the bag of words model of documents.
Finally, since many probability values will be multiplied in the previous
equation, to avoid rounding errors, we will use the logaritham of the posterior
log(P(y = 1|x)) =
i=1 P(wi
|y = 1)
P(y = 1)
i=1 P(wi
|y = 1)
P(y = 1) + Qn
i=1 P(wi
|y = 0)
P(y = 0
You will need to estimate two sets of parameters from the training set to build
your classifier. The first is the prior probabilities of the class P(y = yk). For
each class yk ∈ {0, 1}, this results to the number of reviews labeled with the
particular class from the total number of reviews in the training set.
The second set of parameters to estimate are the likelihood probabilities
P(w = wi
|y = yk), for each word wi
in the the vocabulary V (which consists
of a set of unique words from all reviews in the training set). The likelihood
probability of the word wi given class yk is the number of times wi occurs in
a review with label yk from the total number of reviews in the training set
labeled with yk.
What to so
• Write a Python code for the described classifier without using the
scikit-learn library. The scikit-learn library is in whole off limits.
• Try out your classifier on the test set and calculate the error rate that
you observe.
• Create an evaluation (prediction) function that can be used on the
command line to evaluate a short review that you can write yourself.
• When a review contains a word that is not in the dictionary, the posterior class probabilities are zero.
To overcome the problem you can use a smoothing technique known
as Laplace smoothing and calculate the likelihood probabilities as:
Pˆ(w = wi
|y = yk) = #R{w = wi ∧ y = yk} + 1
#R{y = yk} + |V |
where the #R{} operator denotes the number of elements in the training set of reviews R that satisfy the constraint in the brackets, and |V |
is the cardinality of the vocabulary.
What to submit
All documents should be compressed in a zip file.
• The code in a digital form. Do not submit the data sets.
• A small text file on how to run the code. A necessary condition for
the assignment to be admissible is that the examiner can run the code
(regardless of operating system). If the examiner is unable to run the
code 0 points will be given for the entire assignment!
• Between 1000 – 5000 characters of report on the performance of your
classifier, the error rates for the training and test data sets, and an
explanation of that performance and how you can improve it.