CIND-110 Assignment I On Reverse/Forward Engineer Existing Datasets solved


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1. From the link below, download the RAR file (eclipse20161117.rar), then
uncompress it. Next save the SQL file (eclipse20161117.sql) on your
local machine.EclipseDataset
2. Make sure that MySQLWorkbench tool established a connection to the
target database server on your machine.
3. After a connection is established to the database server, execute/run
the SQL file using the SQL Editor panel.
4. The output from SQL statements execution should appear as a single
dataset that combines five different relations (t change, t file, t history,
t people, t revision).
5. The description of the attributes of each table can be found using the
following link. Dataset Details
6. Use MySQLWorkbench tool to specify the primary and foreign keys for
each table in your database to uncover the relationship between different entities. For each relationship, define the cardinality and direction;
whether it is one-to-many, one-to-one, or many-to-many.
7. Use MySQLWorkbench tool to reverse engineer the existing database
into a logical data model, and SUBMIT the generated data model
in .MWB format along with a screen-shot either in .JPG or .PNG
format. Note that, the submitted logical model should cover tables,
attributes, keys, mandatory role constraints, and referential integrity
with no regards to the physical implementation.
8. Use workbench tool to forward engineer the logical data model, and
SUBMIT the generated script in .SQL format. Note that, the submitted script should cover only the structure of the tables and not the
data stored in them.
9. Bonus Question: SUBMIT a script that covers the data stored in
the tables along with the structure of those tables.
Reference: X. Yang, R. G. Kula, N. Yoshida and H. Iida, ”Mining the Modern Code Review
Repositories: A Dataset of People, Process and Product,” 2016 IEEE/ACM 13th Working Conference on
Mining Software Repositories (MSR), Austin, TX, 2016, pp. 460-463.