
SYSC 2100 Assignment 4: Queues and Sorting solved

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1. Write recursive versions of selectionSort and bubbleSort. Call them recursiveSelectionSort and recursiveBubbleSort respectively. Example method specification: public static > void recursiveSelectionSort (T[] theArray, int n) public static > void recursiveBubbleSort (T[] theArray, int n) 2. Consider the language L={w$w’: w is a possibly empty string of characters other than $, w’ = reverse(w)} For example “abc$cba” is a string of that language. “abc$cbd” is not. Write a Java recognition method for this language that uses both a queue and a stack. Thus, as you traverse the input string, you insert each character of w into a queue and each character of w’ into a stack. Assume that each input string contains exactly one $. Use JCF’s implementations of the queue and the stack. Name your method isInLanguage. Example method specification: public static boolean isInLanguage (String str) 3. When you enter characters at a keyboard, the system must retain them in the order in which you typed them. It could use a queue for this purpose. Once the characters are in a queue, the system can process them as necessary. For example, if you had typed an integer –without any mistakes, but possibly preceded or followed by blanks –the queue would contain digits and 2 possibly blanks. If the digits are 2, 4, and 7, entered as “ 2 4 7” (notice the spaces all over the place), the system should convert them into a decimal value 247. Implement a Java method convertToNumber that uses a queue to convert a sequence of character digits into an integer. You can assume that only spaces and single digits are entered by the user. Example method specification: public static int convertToNumber (String str) Submission Requirements: Submit your assignment, only the source file, using cuLearn. Your program should compile and run as is in the default lab environment, and the code should be well documented. Submit all the files individually without using any archive or compression. Marks will be based on: • Completeness of your submission • Correct solution to the problem • Following good coding style • Sufficient and high-quality in-line comments • Adhering to the submission requirements (in particular the naming convention and the submission of uncompressed source files only) The due date is based on the time of the cuLearn server and will be strictly enforced. If you are concerned about missing the deadline, here is a tip: multiple submissions are allowed. So you can always submit a (partial) solution early, and resubmit an improved solution later. This way, you will reduce the risk of running late, for whatever reason (slow computers/networks, unsynchronized clocks, failure of the Internet connection at home, etc.). In cuLearn, you can manage the submission until the deadline, taking it back, deleting/adding files, etc, and resubmitting it. The system also provides online feedback whether you submitted something for an assignment. It may take a while to learn the submission process, so I would encourage you to experiment with it early and contact the TA(s) in case you have problems, as only assignments properly and timely submitted using cuLearn will be marked and will earn you assignment credits.