
Assignment 4 – Civil Advocacy App solved

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Uses: Location Services, Internet, Google APIs, Images, Picasso Library, Implicit Intents, TextView Links App Highlights: • This app will acquire and display an interactive list of political officials that represent the current location (or a specified location) at each level of government. • Android Fused Location Provider services will be used to determine the user’s current location. • The Google Civic Information API will be used to acquire the government official data (via REST service and JSON results). • You will need to use a different layout for landscape orientation for 2 of the activities in this application. Those details are specified later in the document. • Clicking on an official’s list entry opens a detailed view of that individual government representative. • Clicking on the photo of an official will display a Photo Activity, showing a larger version of the photo. • An “About” activity will show application information (Author, Copyright data & Version) • Your manifest should add permissions for ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION (and ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) and INTERNET • The application is made up of 4 activities, shown below: 1) Main Activity RecyclerView list of government officials (List scrolls up & down) Display of current location (or user-specified location) Options Menu items for “about” information and manual location entry Click on a government official’s entry to open a new activity containing detailed information on the selected individual. No separate landscape layout is needed for the Main Activity. CS 442 Mobile Applications Development (Android Section) © Christopher Hield 2 of 16 Photo of official (where available). NOTE, a default image should be displayed when a photo is not specified (see below, middle) Placeholder image should be displayed while photo is loading (see below right) Clicking on the photo opens Photo Detail Activity Social Media (only display data that is provided). All are clickable – implicit intents. Possible data items: – Facebook – Twitter – YouTube Party logo for Democratic & Republican. Otherwise, no logo 2) Official Activity Contact Information (only display data that is provided). All are clickable – implicit intents. Possible data items: – Office Address – Phone Number – Email address – Website The background color of this activity is based upon the official’s political party: Republican = RED, Democratic = BLUE, Otherwise use BLACK A ScrollView must be used here in case the information does not completely fit on the visible screen. Basic official data -Office (i.e., U.S. Senator) -Name (i.e., Tammy Duckworth) -Party (i.e., Democratic) Scrolls Down Display of current location (or user-specified location) CS 442 Mobile Applications Development (Android Section) © Christopher Hield 3 of 16 3) Photo Detail Activity “Full-sized” image of official (where available). NOTE: This activity should not open if the representative’s image is not specified. Basic official data 1) Office (i.e., U.S. Senator) 2) Name (i.e., Richard J. Durbin) The background color of this activity is based upon the official’s political party: Republican = RED, Democratic = BLUE, Otherwise use BLACK Party logo for Democratic & Republican. Otherwise, no logo Display of current location (or user-specified location) Placeholder while image is downloading CS 442 Mobile Applications Development (Android Section) © Christopher Hield 4 of 16 Required Landscape Layouts App Title API Attribution (clickable link to Note: This is a TextView with the text underlined, and an onClick defined to go to the Google Civic Information URL). Full-sized background image Application information (Author, Copyright data & Version) No separate landscape layout is needed for the About Activity. Photo Activity Scrolls Official Activity Down 4) About Activity CS 442 Mobile Applications Development (Android Section) © Christopher Hield 5 of 16 Internet Data: Downloading data for the government officials requires a download via the Google Civic Information API. The Civic Information API lets you enter an address, a city/state, or a zip code to look up the data properties for the elected officials in those districts. NOTE: You MUST sign up with Google to get an API key. Your API KEY must be supplied with all Google Civic Information API queries. You can get a free API key by following the instructions at: Follow the instructions for “Acquiring and using an API key”. The type of credential you need to create is “API Key” (not “OAuth client ID” and not “Service account key”). This is a very quick and easy process. The API key will be a long string of characters. The results of Civic Information API calls are returned in JSON format. The content of the returned results is described later in this section. Query Format: For example, if your API Key was “ABC123xyz” and the address was “1600 N Wells St, Chicago, IL”, your full URL would be: W North Ave, Chicago, IL For example, if your API Key was “ABC123xyz” and the address was “Denver, CO”, your full URL would be:, CO NOTE: Internet calls must be made using Android Volley Google Civic Information API Results Example: The JSON Object results you receive contains 4 sections, described in detail below. The normalizedInput section contains location details for the results provided. The divisions section lists political geographic divisions, like a country, state, county, or legislative district (we do not need this section for our application). The offices section lists the political positions governing the specified location. The officials section lists people presently serving in the offices specified in the offices section. High-level view of JSON Object results: { “normalizedInput”: {  We need this section, it is accessed as a JSONObject (described later) …  Data will be here }, “kind”: “civicinfo#representativeInfoResponse”,  We do not need this “divisions”: {  We do not need this …  Data will be here, we do not need this section }, “offices”: [  We need this section, it is accessed as a JSONArray (described later) …  Data will be here ], “officials”: [  We need this section, it is accessed as a JSONArray (described later) …  Data will be here ] } CS 442 Mobile Applications Development (Android Section) © Christopher Hield 6 of 16 JSON Section Details (omitting those sections we will not use): 1) The “normalizedInput” JSONObject contains the following: “normalizedInput”: { “line1”: “1350 N Wells St”,  We want this for the location display in our activities “city”: “Chicago”,  We want this for the location display in our activities “state”: “IL”,  We want this for the location display in our activities “zip”: “60610”  We want this for the location display in our activities }, 2) The “offices” JSONArray contains the following: “offices”: [ { “name”: “President of the United States”, “divisionId”: “ocd-division/country:us”, “levels”: [ “country” ], “roles”: [ “headOfState”, “headOfGovernment” ], “officialIndices”: [ 0 ] }, { “name”: “United States Senate”, “divisionId”: “ocd-division/country:us/state:il”, “levels”: [ “country” ], “roles”: [ “legislatorUpperBody” ], “officialIndices”: [ 2, 3 ] }, …  The above sections repeat many times, once per government office ], We want this, the “office” title We want this, it is the index into the “officials” JSONArray (see the next section) which contains the details of the person that holds this office. NOTE: There can be more than one index as time offices have multiple representatives. We want this, the “office” title We want this, it is the index into the “officials” JSONArray (see the next section) which contains the details of the person that holds this office. NOTE: There can be more than one index as time offices have multiple representatives. CS 442 Mobile Applications Development (Android Section) © Christopher Hield 7 of 16 3) The “officials” JSONArray contains the following: “officials”: [ { “name”: “Joseph R. Biden”, “address”: [ { “line1”: “The White House”, “line2”: “1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW”, “city”: “Washington”, “state”: “DC”, “zip”: “20500” } ], “party”: “Democratic Party”, “phones”: [ “(202) 456-1111” ], “urls”: [ “” ], “emails”: [ “” ] “photoUrl”: “”, “channels”: [ { “type”: “Facebook”, “id”: “whitehouse” }, { “type”: “Twitter”, “id”: “whitehouse” }, { “type”: “YouTube”, “id”: “whitehouse” } ] }, { …  The above section repeats many times, once per government official. Remember – the first official in the JSONArray is index 0. The second official in this JSONArray is index 1, the third second official in this JSONArray is index 2, and so on. } ] This is the first JSONObject is the first official (index 0). This index corresponds to the “officialIndices” we found in the “offices” section earlier. This is the name of the person that holds this office. This is the Address (check for possible line1, line2 & line3 – concatenate them into one String), City, State & Zip Code of this person’s office This is the political party of this person: “Republican”, “Democratic/Democrat”, or “Unknown”. Note this section might also be omitted – consider that as party “Unknown”. This person’s office phone number. There may be more than one – just use the first entry. Note this section might also be omitted. This person’s office web site. There may be more than one – just use the first entry. Note this section might also be omitted. This person’s office email address. There may be more than one – use only the first entry. Note this section might also be omitted. This is the URL to the person’s photo. Note this section might also be omitted. In this case, use a “place holder” photo. These are the user ids for the related social media channels. There will be up to three entries. Possible entries are: • Facebook • Twitter • YouTube Some or all of these 3 social channel items might be omitted. CS 442 Mobile Applications Development (Android Section) © Christopher Hield 8 of 16 Using Picasso for Photo Downloads Downloading the photos of the officials in the Official Activity and the Photo Activity must use the Picasso library (as was discussed in class). Note that you can turn on the Picasso logging if necessary, to get info on what the Picasso library is doing by adding he following to your code once you have created the Picasso object: picasso.setLoggingEnabled(true); Social Media Implicit Intent Examples The following are examples of how you should code the social-media implicit intents (some of these have been seen already in class examples, but are reproduced here for convenience): Twitter (example onClick method to be associated with the Twitter ImageView icon): public void twitterClicked(View v) { Intent intent = null; String name = ; try { // get the Twitter app if possible getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(“”, 0); intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(“twitter://user?screen_name=” + name)); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); } catch (Exception e) { // no Twitter app, revert to browser intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(“” + name)); } startActivity(intent); } Facebook (example onClick method to be associated with the Facebook ImageView icon): public void facebookClicked(View v) { String FACEBOOK_URL = “” + ; String urlToUse; PackageManager packageManager = getPackageManager(); try { int versionCode = packageManager.getPackageInfo(“com.facebook.katana”, 0).versionCode; if (versionCode >= 3002850) { //newer versions of fb app urlToUse = “fb://facewebmodal/f?href=” + FACEBOOK_URL; } else { //older versions of fb app urlToUse = “fb://page/” + channels.get(“Facebook”); } } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { urlToUse = FACEBOOK_URL; //normal web url } Intent facebookIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); facebookIntent.setData(Uri.parse(urlToUse)); startActivity(facebookIntent); } CS 442 Mobile Applications Development (Android Section) © Christopher Hield 9 of 16 YouTube (example onClick method to be associated with the YouTube ImageView icon): public void youTubeClicked(View v) { String name = ; Intent intent = null; try { intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.setPackage(“”); intent.setData(Uri.parse(“” + name)); startActivity(intent); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) { startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(“” + name))); } } CS 442 Mobile Applications Development (Android Section) © Christopher Hield 10 of 16 Provided Icons To insure a consistent and professional appearance of our application, the following image files are being provided to you for use in this assignment. You can simply download them, add them to your Android Studio project, and use them with your ImageViews. About Activity Background Default Official Image Bad photo URL image Placeholder Image Separator Image (to add to the end of your list entry layout) Facebook icon Twitter icon YouTube icon Launcher Icon Democratic Party Logo Republican Party Logo CS 442 Mobile Applications Development (Android Section) © Christopher Hield 11 of 16 Application Behavior Diagrams: 1) Main Activity The “info” options menu item opens the “About” activity. Each political official entry displays the office (upper-left) and the official’s name and political party (lower-right). The political party is in parenthesis. A separator image should be added to the end of each list entry to create a nice break between entries. The “Location” options menu item opens an alert dialog that allows the user to enter a city/state or zip code manually. Click on an entry to open the individual Representative Activity There is no need for a longpress/click capability here. RecyclerView list entries have their own layout Location information comes from the normalizedInput section of the JSON download. On startup, the application should use the device’s current location zip code to populate the list with officials. CS 442 Mobile Applications Development (Android Section) © Christopher Hield 12 of 16 2) Manually setting the location 3) Opening the About Activity CS 442 Mobile Applications Development (Android Section) © Christopher Hield 13 of 16 4) Viewing an Individual Official 5) Interactive links on the official’s activity: Click on an entry to open the individual Official Activity Scrolls Down Social media links. Where supplied, the official’s social media links will be displayed using the social media’s icon. If available, the icon is present – if not it is absent (the icon should not be displayed). Click on the photo (where available) to open the Photo Activity Click the Party Logo when present to go to the political party’s website: Dem: Rep: Click on the address (where available) to open the office location in Google Maps Click on the phone number (where available) to open the Phone App with the phone number preloaded) Click on the Email Address (where available) to open the email app with this address pre-loaded in the new message Click on the Website address (where available) to open the website in a browser. Clicking on these will open the related app (if installed) or will default to opening the site in a web browser. Scrolls Up CS 442 Mobile Applications Development (Android Section) © Christopher Hield 14 of 16 6) Viewing an individual Official’s Photo Activity: 7) If no location or no internet connection: Click on the Photo to open the Photo Activity On StartUp or new specified location query Official Activity Photo Activity Data cannot be accessed/loaded without an internet connection. CS 442 Mobile Applications Development (Android Section) © Christopher Hield 15 of 16 Development Plan 1) Create the base app: a. MainActivity with RecyclerView b. Official Class c. RecyclerView Adapter d. RecyclerView ViewHolder e. Create fake “dummy” officials to populate the list in the MainActivity onCreate. f. Add the onClick methods. The onClick can open a Toast message for now. g. Address options-menu item opens the dialog, on entry you can open a Toast message for now. h. Create the About Activity – opens when MainActivity “About” options menu item is selected. 2) Add the location code. a. Add the location code that determines the device’s zip code (this happens in onCreate). b. Instead of using that zip code to make the Google API call, you can open a Toast message that displays the zip code for now. 3) Add the Official Activity: a. This activity opens when an entry in the list of elected officials is clicked on. b. You can use the data in your test (dummy) “official” objects to test this activity. c. Any test data you don’t have (i.e., missing data) should be properly handled in your activity. d. The social media ImageView onClick’s should open a Toast message that displays the name of the social media for now. e. Remember to create the separate layout for landscape orientation. 4) Add the Google Civic Information API elements: a. Create the Volley Google Civic Information API calls and parse the data creating a list of “official” objects. b. Remove the use of dummy data from your app (now you will have real data). c. Remove the location Toast message. Instead, here you use the device’s zip code (or a manually entered location) to make the API call. d. This should result in a populated list of Official objects in your MainActivity that is then displayed in the RecyclerView. e. Add the Photo Activity, opened when an official’s photo is clicked in the Official Activity f. Remember to create the separate layout for landscape orientation. 5) Test the app very thoroughly and review your implementation against all requirements multiple times. CS 442 Mobile Applications Development (Android Section) © Christopher Hield 16 of 16 Assignment Assistance The TAs for our course are available to assist you with your assignment if needed. Questions on assignment requirements and course concepts can be sent to the instructor. Submissions & Grading 1) Submissions must consist of your zipped project folder (please execute Build =>Clean Project before generating the zip file). 2) Submissions should reflect the concepts and practices we cover in class, and the requirements specified in this document. 3) Late submissions will be penalized by 10% per week late. (i.e., from one second late to 1 week late: 10% penalty, from one week late to 2 weeks late: 20% penalty, etc.). NO SUBMISSIONS CAN BE MADE BEYOND 2 WEEKS LATE. 4) Grading will be based upon the presence and proper functionality of all features and behaviors described in this document. NOTE: All descriptions and images constitute the requirements for this assignment. 5) Grading will be performed with the following SDK details: o Project Compile & Target SDK Version: 30 o Project Minimum SDK Version: 25 6) Grading will be performed on emulator devices with the following characteristics: Resolution Details Example Emulators 1080 x 1920 With Playstore Pixel, Pixel 2, Nexus 5, Nexus 5X 1080 x 2220 or 2280 With Playstore Pixel 3a, Pixel 4 If you do not understand anything in this handout, please ask. Otherwise the assumption is that you understand the content. Unsure? Ask!