COMP 30070 Assignment #3: Mixed Doubles Tennis Agency solved


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COMP 30070  1. The MDT (Mixed Doubles Tennis) Agency provides a service whereby it matches players with other players of the opposite sex to create teams of two players. Every player has a name, a proficiency (integer, 1..10 where 1=beginner and 10=elite player) and the minimum desired proficiency of their teammate (also integer, 1..10). A sample data set for the women players is provided in women.txt, and for the men in men.txt. The format of each line in each input file is: You may assume there is always the same number of men as women. Implement classes in Ruby to model the MDT Agency and its players, and write a script in main.rb that loads the agency with data from women_players.txt and men_players.txt and then outputs the state of the agency. The expected output for the given input files is: MALE Players: Luke, proficiency: 6, seeks proficiency >= 5. … Sean, proficiency: 4. Seeks proficiency >= 4. FEMALE Players: Michelle, proficiency: 8, seeks proficiency >= 8. … Mary, proficiency: 5, seeks proficiency >= 5. Advice: Simplest solution is to create two classes, Agency and Player, and to use arrays to store the male and female players in the Agency class. 2. A team is a male and female player that the agency has paired together. The satisfaction of each player on the team is zero (perfect satisfaction) if the proficiency of their teammate is greater than, or equal to, the minimum proficiency they require in a teammate. Otherwise it’s the gap between these two numbers, which is always negative. The satisfaction of a team is defined as the average satisfaction of its two members. Add a create_teams method to the Agency class that pairs each man and woman together based on proficiency, i.e. the most proficient man with the most proficient woman, and so on. Add also a teams_to_s method and hence extend main.rb to output the teams. Expected output for the given input files is: (Mary, Bob) Satisfaction: -1.5 (Alice, Sean) Satisfaction: 0.0 (Lucy, Mike) Satisfaction: -2.0 (Michelle, Luke) Satisfaction: -1.0 (Patricia, John) Satisfaction: 0.0 3. Add an each_player iterator to the Agency class that passes each player to the given block. Use this iterator in main.rb to output the names of the elite (i.e., proficiency greater than or equal to 9) players. 4. The create_teams method will not produce the best set of teams in the general case. The fitness of a set of teams is defined as the sum of the satisfaction of all the teams. Implement a steepest-ascent hill climb to try to improve overall team fitness as follows. Starting with the set of teams created by the create_teams method of (2) above, try swapping each man with every other man in turn. Apply the best swap found, and then start the swapping process afresh. Stop when no further useful swaps can be found. The create_teams method achieves a fitness of -4.5 on the sample data given. Steepest-ascent hill climbing can improve this to -2.0. Update main.rb to output the new, improved set of teams. 5. [OPTIONAL] A colleague tells you that they are implementing steepest-ascent hill climb to solve an optimisation problem they have involving the placement of electrical transformers, and asks for a copy of your code. You (after groaning inwardly) explain to them what a Template Method is, and then refactor your solution to (4) so that the algorithm for performing a steepest-ascent hill climb is separated from the details of tennis teams, and can be reused in another context. Submission As usual, develop your solution under Git source code control, and push regularly to your COMP30070 Assignment 3 repository in GitHub. Unit tests are expected, but ‘light’ testing suffices. Read the assignment guidelines to make sure you’re not throwing away marks needlessly.