Assignment 2: Streamed databases solved


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Aim: To guide you to understand streamed data bases
Scenario: After taking special leave for your graduation ceremony and true to your images as
“Professore” you are asked by your manager at work to make a A3 poster on Streamed Databases.
You know your team members do understand basic DB principles – but they have never heard about
“streamed databases”. They think KAFKA is some swearword… Your poster will be put up above the
coffee machine, for the team members to study while they make coffee.
Keep academic integrity in mind: this means you cannot copy from any source; you need to provide
a reference list and you may not work in groups.
Assessment will take the form of a single % mark. The mark allocated is awarded from your
manager’s perspective.
You need to AT LEAST include a basic description; architecture; data flow; and useful applications.
You also need an info box for ADDITIONAL READING LINKS. It is very hard to find good material on
any topic on the internet. Sometimes the material is only aimed a selling a commercial product
without proper academic descriptions. This is an opportunity for you to show that you can filter the
I hope you enjoy taking responsibility for your own learning!