CPS 843/CP8307 Assignment 2 – Model Fitting solved


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Introduction to Computer Vision
1 Least Squares Fitting of a Plane
1. [5 points] Write a MATLAB script that generates 500 data points for a plane, z = αx + βy + γ, with additive
Gaussian noise. (HINT: See the MATLAB example in the lecture slides for generating points on a line with
additive noise.)
2. [5 points] Write a MATLAB script to estimate the parameters for the point set in Q1.1 based on all 500 data
points using least-squares fitting. You will need to rewrite the equation of a plane as a non-homogeneous matrix
equation, Ax = b, where x is a vector of unknowns (α, β, γ)
3. [5 points] Print to the screen the absolute error you found between each parameter of the ground truth and
estimated planes?
2 RANSAC-based Image Stitching
The goal of this question is to write a simple mosaic/panorama application. A panorama is a wide-angle image constructed by compositing together a number of images with overlapping fields-of-views in a photographically plausible
Part A:
[30 points] In this part, you will write code to construct a mosaic based on an affine transformation. The images
you will work with are shown in Fig. 1 and can be downloaded here: image 1 and image 2. An example result is
shown in Fig. 2. An affine transformation is equivalent to the composed effects of translation, rotation, isotropic
scaling and shear. Formally, an affine transformation of an image coordinate, x1, is given by the matrix equation
x2 = Tx1 + c. The unknowns are given by the elements in the 2 × 2 matrix T and the 2 × 1 vector c. Rewrite the
affine equation as a non-homogeneous matrix equation, Ax = b, where x is a vector containing the the six unknown
elements of T and c. Since each point correspondence yields two equations and there are six unknowns, a minimum of
three point correspondences are required. (Real mosaics are constructed with a homographic image transformation.
This transformation is more general than an affine transformation. Nonetheless, the same basic robust estimation
architecture you are implementing in this part of the assignment applies when constructing a homography-based
mosaic in Part B.
1. Preprocessing Load both images, convert to single and to grayscale.
Figure 1: Images used to create the Parliament panorama using an affine transformation.
2. Detect keypoints and extract descriptors Compute image features in both images. The feature detector and
descriptor you will be using is SIFT. Use the publicly available VLFeat library to compute SIFT features. The
instructions for setting up VLFeat in MATLAB are available here: instructions. Also, check out the VLFeat
SIFT demo. Compute SIFT feature descriptors using: [f, d] = vl sift(img);
3. Match features Compute distances between every SIFT descriptor in one image and every descriptor in the
other image. You can use this code for fast computation of (squared) Euclidean distance.
4. Prune features Select the closest matches based on the matrix of pairwise descriptor distances obtained above.
You can select all pairs whose descriptor distances are below a specified threshold, or select the top few hundred
descriptor pairs with the smallest pairwise distances.
5. Robust transformation estimation Implement RANSAC to estimate an affine transformation mapping one
image to the other. Use the minimum number of pairwise matches to estimate the affine transformation. Since
you are using the minimum number of pairwise points, the transformation can be estimated using an inverse
transformation rather than least-squares. Inliers are defined as the number of transformed points from image 1
that lie within a user-defined radius of ρ pixels of their pair in image 2. You will need to experiment with the
matching threshold, ρ, and the required number of RANSAC iterations. For randomly sampling matches, you
can use the MATLAB functions randperm or randsample functions.
6. Compute optimal transformation Using all the inliers of the best transformation found using RANSAC (i.e.,
the one with the most inliers), compute the final transformation with least-squares.
7. Create panorama Using the final affine transformation recovered using RANSAC, generate the final mosaic
and display the color mosaic result to the screen; your result should be similar to the result in Fig. 2. Warp
one image onto the other using the estimated transformation. To do this, use MATLAB’s maketform and
imtransform functions. Create a new image big enough to hold the mosaic and composite the two images
into it. You can create the mosaic by taking the pixel with the maximum value from each image. This tends
to produce less artifacts than taking the average of warped images. To create a color mosaic, apply the same
compositing step to each of the color channels separately.
Figure 2: An example (affine) panorama result using the Parliament images.
Part B:
[10 points] In this part, you will write code for constructing a panorama based on a homography transformation.
The images you will work with are shown in Fig. 3 and can be downloaded here: image 1 and image 2. An example
result is shown in Fig. 4. You should reuse the code from Part A but swap out the parts that refer to the affine
transformation with the homography.
The minimum number of point correspondences to estimate a homography is four. Using a homography yields a
set of homogeneous linear equations, AX = 0. The solution to both the system of homogeneous equations consisting
of four point correspondences and homogeneous least squares,
∗ = argmin
kAXk (1)
subject to the constraint
kXk = 1, (2)
is obtained from the singular value decomposition (SVD) of A by the singular vector corresponding to the smallest
singular value: [U,S,V]=svd(A); X = V(:,end);
1. Using your RANSAC-based homography code generate the mosaic using the Egerton Ryerson images and
display the color mosaic result to the screen.
2. Run your code on an image pair of your own choosing and display the color mosaic result to the screen.
Make sure the images you choose have significant overlap; otherwise, you will not be able to establish correspondences. Further, for a homography to be valid, the images can either be obtained from rotating in the same
place OR from multiple vantage points if the scene is planar or approximately planar.
Figure 3: Images used to create the Egerton Ryerson statue panorama using a homography transformation.
Figure 4: An example (homography) panorama result using the Egerton Ryerson statue images.
1. [10 points] Experiment with combining image pairs where establishing correspondence is rendered difficult
because of widely varying images sources. These images should have a Ryerson theme. Possible ideas include:
(i) combining a modern and a historical view1 of the same location, such as these ones and (ii) combining images
taken from different times of day or different seasons. Display the result to the screen and indicate this is for
the bonus in the MATLAB Command Window.
2. [5 points] Experiment with image blending techniques to remove salient seems between images; see Szeliski
(the course textbook) Chapter 9. Display the before and after blending color mosaic results to the screen
and indicate in the MATLAB command window this is for the bonus.
Submission Details
Submit all MATLAB files and images required for the various parts of the assignment to run. Your submission should
include a MATLAB script named a2.m for the grader to run. The script should break up the assignment with pause()
commands, so that the grader can press “Enter” to step through all of your figures and written answers. If your code
does not run we cannot mark it.
1The Ryerson archives may be able to assist with obtaining suitable historical imagery.