Ve203 Assignment 10: Graphs solved


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Exercise 10.1
Determine whether each given graph is planar. Either draw an isomorphic graph without crossing edges, or
prove that the graph is non-planar.
i) u1
ii) u1
u3 u2
u5 u6
iii) u1
u3 u2
u5 u6
(6 Marks)
Exercise 10.2
Show that a full m-ary balanced tree of height h has more than mh−1
leaves. Deduce the second statement of
Corollary 3.4.16 regarding the height of full and balanced trees.
(3 Marks)
Exercise 10.3
One of four coins may be counterfeit. If it is counterfeit, it may be lighter or heavier than the others. How many
weighings are needed, using a balance scale, to determine whether there is a counterfeit coin, and if there is,
whether it is lighter or heavier than the others? Describe an algorithm to find the counterfeit coin (or establish
its non-existence) and determine whether it is lighter or heavier using this number of weighings.
(4 Marks)
Exercise 10.4
Show that Huffman codes are optimal in the sense that they represent a string of symbols using the fewest bits
among all binary prefix codes.
(3 Marks)
Exercise 10.5
Consider the three symbols A, B, and C with frequencies A: 0.80, B: 0.19, C: 0.01.
i) Construct a Huffman code for these three symbols.
(2 Marks)
ii) Form a new set of nine symbols by grouping together blocks of two symbols, AA, AB, AC, BA, BB, BC,
CA, CB, and CC. Construct a Huffman code for these nine symbols, assuming that the occurrences of
symbols in the original text are independent.
(2 Marks)
iii) Compare the average number of bits required to encode text using the Huffman code for the three symbols
in part i) and the Huffman code for the nine blocks of two symbols constructed in part ii). Which is more
(2 Marks)
Exercise 10.6
The tournament sort is a sorting algorithm that works by building an ordered binary tree. We represent the
elements to be sorted by vertices that will become the leaves. We build up the tree one level at a time as we
would construct the tree representing the winners of matches in a tournament.
Working left to right, we compare pairs of consecutive elements, adding a parent vertex labeled with the larger
of the two elements under comparison. We make similar comparisons between labels of vertices at each level
until we reach the root of the tree that is labeled with the largest element.
The tree constructed by the tournament sort of 22,
8, 14, 17, 3, 9, 27, 11 is illustrated in part (a) of the
figure at right. Once the largest element has been
determined, the leaf with this label is relabeled by
−∞, which is defined to be less than every element.
The labels of all vertices on the path from this
vertex up to the root of the tree are recalculated,
as shown in part (b) of the figure. This produces
the second largest element. This process continues
until the entire list has been sorted.
i) Use the tournament sort to sort the list 17,4,
1, 5, 13, 10, 14, 6. Draw the tree at each step.
(2 Marks)
ii) Assuming that n, the number of elements
to be sorted, equals 2k
for some positive integer k, determine the number of comparisons used by the tournament sort to find
the largest element of the list using the tournament sort.
(3 Marks)
iii) How many comparisons does the tournament
sort use to find the second largest, the third
largest, and so on, up to the (n−1)st largest
(or second smallest) element?
(3 Marks)
iv) Show that the tournament sort requires
Θ(n log n) comparisons to sort a list of n elements. [Hint: By inserting the appropriate number of dummy elements defined to
be smaller than all integers, such as −∞, assume that n = 2k
for some positive integer
(3 Marks)
(a) 27 is the largest element.
22 8 14 17 3 9 27 11
22 17 9 27
22 27
(b) 22 is the second largest element.
22 8 14 17 3 9 −∞ 11
22 17 9 11
22 11
(The tournament sort is a variant of the more widely known heap sort.)