Assignment 1: Panoramic Image Stitching solved


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Part 1: 2D Convolution
1. Write a program for the image 2D convolution. It should be able to process any grayscale input image, and operate using the following kernels:
Sobel kernel,
Gaussian kernel,
The 5 Haar-like masks (note, for this part, the user should be able to set the scale of the masks)
2. Provide your conclusions on the outputs of each of the kernels, and how the size of the kernel influences the outputs.
Part 2: SIFT Features and Descriptors
1. Download the images from here: link (
2. Extract SIFT keypoints from im01.jpg using any publicly available SIFT code.
3. In your report, show the keypoints on the images, like shown below (similar but not necessarily the same):
Part 3: Homography
For this part, you must write your own code for computing the homography matrix and transforming an image.
1. Download h1.jpg ( and h2.jpg (
2. Provide a GUI where the user can click 4 points on an image
3. Let the user to choose 4 points on h1.jpg and 4 points on h2.jpg
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4. Compute the homography matrix from h1.jpg to h2.jpg, and show the homography matrix in your report.
5. Use the homography matrix to tranform h1.jpg to h2.jpg, and show the result in your report:
6. Compute the homography matrix from h2.jpg to h1.jpg, and show the homography matrix in your report.
7. Use the second homography matrix to tranform h2.jpg to h1.jpg, and show the result in your report:
Part 4: Manual Homography + Sticthing
1. Load im01.jpg and im02.jpg
2. Let the user to choose 4 points on im01.jpg and 4 points on im02.jpg
3. Compute the homograhy matrix
4. Stitch the images together using the computed homography matrix and show the result in your report:
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5. Explain in your report, why there is an effect of double edges in the overlapping regions between im01.jpg and im02.jpg
Part 5: Homography + RANSAC
1. Load im01.jpg and im02.jpg
2. Based on SIFT, find matches between the two images
3. In your report, show all the matches:
4. Compute the best homography matrix using RANSAC
5. In your reprt, show all the inlier matches (matches that support your best homography matrix):
6. Stitch the images together using the best homography matrix and show the result in your report:
Part 6: Basic Panoramic Image
For this part and the next part, you can use any set of images (even images taken by yourself) that support your implementation. You must include the images
in your submission.
1. Using SIFT and RANSAC for computing the homography matrices, create a program to generate panoramic images given ordered images
2. In your report, using as many provided images as you can, show the output of your panoramic image.
3. The figure below is generated from 3 images and is just an example. You must use as many images as you can.
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Part 7: Advanced Panoramic Image
You will receive more scores if you include the following implementation in your submission (the score depends on the complexity of the problems and your
solutions). To be graded, you must provide some explanation about your implementation and results in your report.
1. Handling unordered images
2. Showing the error accumulation problem and implementing the bundle adjustment for solving the problem
3. Warping, straigthening, gain compensation and multiband blending
4. Other problems that are beyond the basic panoramic image in Part 6.
Note, for the first three problems, see paper 1 (Automatic Panoramic Image Stitching using Invariant Features)
( and for the paralax problem see paper 2 (Parallax-tolerant Image Stitching)
Submit your codes and report via LumiNUS. Again, your codes must be grouped/separated based on the parts above. The report must be in a PDF format.