
CMPS 12B Lab 1: Recursion solved

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Introduction Tracery ( is a simple text-expansion language made by one of your TAs as a homework assignment for one of Prof. Mateas’s previous courses. It now has tens of thousands of users, and runs about 7000 chatbots on Twitter (you never know where a homework will take you!). Tracery uses context-free grammars ( to store information about how to expand rules. A Tracery grammar is a set of keys, each of which has some set of expansions that can replace it. In our version, the line “beverage:tea|coffee|cola|milk” means that the symbol “beverage” can be replaced with any of those four options. You replace a symbol whenever you see it in hashtags. This rule “#name# drank a glass of #beverage#” will have the “name” and “beverage” symbols replaced with expansions associated with those symbols. In the case of the “beverage” rule above, which has four possible expansions, one will be picked at random. If the replacement rule also has hashtags in it, we replace those, and if those replacements have hashtags…. we keep replacing things until all the hashtags are gone, recursively. In this assignment, you will be implementing a simplified version of Tracery in Java, and then using it to generate generative text. You will also be writing your own grammar to generate new texts (hipster cocktails, emoji stories, or nonsense poems). Outline ● Compile and run a Java program ● Save all the arguments ● Load the Tracery files ● Output all the rules ● Expand rules and print them to the screen Compile and run a Java program This program has several files (, and We can’t run these files as code, as we would with other “interpreted” languages (like Javascript or Python). For Java, we need the computer to put them all together and translate it to machine code, in a process called “compiling”. You will compile and run your Java program from the command line. When you see $, this means that it is a command that you will enter in the command line. Windows and Unix (such as Linux or the Mac terminal) command lines are a little different, be sure you know the basics of navigating the one you are using. Do you have Java installed on your machine? What version? Let’s find out! Type the following into your command line: $ javac -version $ java -version You should have at least Javac 1.8 and Java 1.8 (often called “Java 8”) installed. If that’s not the case, this is a good time to fix that by updating your Java. We will be using some features of Java 8 in this class. Compile your java program. $ javac So far, it will compile without errors. Look in the folder, and you will see that you have a new file TraceryRecursion.class. This is the compiled version of your file. You can now run this file by typing: $ java TraceryRecursion You should get the output Running TraceryRecursion…. Try typing javac TraceryRecursion or java Both of these should give your errors. Compiling requires the .java extension, and running requires not having it. But it’s easy and common to misremember that, so look at what there errors look like, so that when it happens later, you know what caused it. You can compile and run in separate steps. But sometimes you want to compile and run with one line, and you can combine them like this: $ javac && java TraceryRecursion. Store arguments Many java programs need outside information provided by the user. This lets users change the behavior of the program (or tell it which data to use) without having to modify the source code. The main method of TraceryRecursion will be the first method called when running the program. This method is static, meaning that the method is associated directly with a class and can thus be called without creating an object that is an instance of the class, and its return type is void, meaning that it won’t return anything. It also has parameters, an array of Strings called args (you could call this parameter anything, but the tradition is to call it args or arguments). Our program will take 0-4 arguments: ● the name of the file containing the grammar (e.g.: “grammar.txt”) ● the starting symbol to begin the grammar expansion (e.g.: “#story#”) ● the number of times we want to perform that expansion (e.g: “5”) ● a seed value for the random number generator (e.g: “123”) (Seeded random values allow us to make the random generator predictable) You can see that in main, each variable is given a default value. For example, if no seed value is given in the arguments, the seed value will be the current time (this means you will get different random results each time you run the program, unless a specific seed is specified in the arguments). TODO #1 For each of these parameters, test whether enough arguments have been specified to set that parameter. For example, to set the grammarFile parameter there would have to be at least one argument given. You can test the length of the args array to determine how many arguments have been passed in. Override each of these default parameters with its argument override. For the numbers, you will need to use Integer.parseInt and Long.parseLong to turn the arguments from Strings into numbers. NOTE: Do not add or remove code outside of the START and END comments. Keeping all your code between those two comments will help us grade your work. Load a Tracery file Java has many helpful built-in data structures: Lists, Arrays, and Hashtables are only a few of them. In this assignment, we will be loading and storing a Tracery grammar as a Hashtable. The Hashtable has a list of keys, and each key has some data associated with it, much like a dictionary stores words with their definition. Hashtables come with some helpful methods included: ● table.get(String s) returns the data for that key, but it will throw an error if that key is not in the table. ● table.put(String s, DATA) creates an entry for that key (or replaces it) and stores the data there. In this part of the assignment, we will implement loadGrammar, which takes a String representing a file path, then loads a file, parses it (breaking it into sections), and stores it in our grammar object. In the loadGrammar method, we have already added the line that creates the Hashtable. You can see that the data type has a weird ending <String, Rule[]>, which tells Java that this Hashtable uses Strings to look up arrays of Rules, so if we try to use numbers as look up values, or store Strings instead of arrays of Rules, Java knows to throw an error. We also included a basic way to load a file. Loading files might cause an IO exception (for example, if the file does not exist), so for complex reasons, we need to have the loading line new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(path))) wrapped in a try/catch block. We will talk more about throwing and catching exceptions later this quarter. For right now, this loads a whole file as a string. By appending .split(‘\\r?\\n’) on the end, we take the resulting string and splits it into an array of lines. TODO #2 For each line in the array of lines, store the data in the grammar hashtable. You can use either a familiar for (int i = 0…) loop, or use the newer for (String line: lines) loop, if you don’t need to see the index value. We used the split String method above to split apart the file into lines. Use split again, but splitting on the character “:”. Everything before the “:” is the key. Store it in a variable named key. Everything after it is the rule expansion(s). First split apart the rules into an array of Strings. For each line in the file, this will give you a String array of length 2, where the first element of the array is an expandable symbol (which will be a key in the grammar hashtable), and the second element of the array is the expansion(s) for this symbol. But there is possibly more than one expansion for a symbol. If you look at the grammar files, you can see where there is more than one expansion for a symbol when there’s a comma-delimited list of expansions after a symbol. So we have to further split the expansions into an array of Strings, one for each expansion (by splitting on “,”). Once you have an array of Strings (of expansions) we have to turn it into an array of Rules. Initialize an array, Rule[], of the right size. Use another loop (inside the loop iterating through lines) to iterate through your array of strings and, for each expansion, create a Rule (it takes a single string as a parameter), and add it to your array of Rules. You now have the right kind of data (Rule[]) to store in the hashtable. Store your data in grammar. What was that method that stores data in a grammar (hint: we describe it above)? In the main() method there’s already a call to outputGrammar; this prints your grammar to the console, so you can verify that it loaded it correctly (that the correct expansions are associated with the correct symbols). Implementing Recursion Now that you have successfully loaded a file and stored it as a Hashtable<String, Rule[]> grammar, we can implement the method that generates the generative text! Open up, and look at the constructor for this class: Rule(String raw). This constructor takes the string that you passed to it in TODO #2 and splits it into sections (using “#”). The even indexed entries of sections are plain text (ie. the zeroth, second, fourth, etc.), and the odd indexed entries of the variable sections are symbols for expanding (ie. the first, third, fifth, etc.). This might seem a bit confusing at first. In an expansion like “once #character# and #character# went to a #place#” it’s clear that splitting on # will cause the zeroth, second and fourth elements (the even elements) to be plain text (i.e. “once”, “and” and “went to a”) and the first, third and fifth elements (the odd elements) to be symbols (i.e. “#character#”, “#character#”, “#place#”). But consider the expansion “#name# the #adjective# #animal#”. Won’t this even and odd approach get reversed, since the expansion starts with a symbol? It turns out it won’t because, if there’s a symbol at the beginning, or two symbols right next to each other, splitting on “#” produces two strings, the empty string (which is what is before the “#”) and then the string with the symbol (which is what is after the “#”, minus the closing “#” since we’re splitting on “#”). So splitting this expansion on # will produce the following array: sections[0]: “” sections[1]: “name” sections[2]: “the” sections[3]: “adjective” sections[4]: “” sections[5]: “animal” So the even and odd relationship still works out, it’s just that two of our even entries are the empty string (which is still plain text), which, when we include it in the output of the expansion, won’t be visible, and so won’t cause us any problems. Phew! Now that we’ve explained that we can get back to actually writing the code in to expand the text. The method expand takes a grammar (the type is Hashtable<String, Rule[]>) as an argument, and returns the expanded String. But right now, it only returns a copy of its original expansion (with any symbols not expanded). We want it to instead recursively expand the odd sections. TODO #3 Create an array of Strings named results that is the same size as the rule sections (sections.length). This is where we will store the results of expanding each section. Create a for-loop that iterates down the sections array. Since we need to know whether each section is odd or even, you will need to use for (int i = 0…), rather than for (String section: sections) style loops. For each section, if it is even (i%2 == 0), copy the text from the rule section into the results array. If it is odd, then this is a symbol that we need to expand. Use the grammar to find the array of expansions for this symbol. We need to pick a “random” index in the array, but we will use the seeded random number generator (so we can reproduce our results using the same random seed). You can get a random int with random.nextInt(int bound). This will return a random integer between 0 (inclusive) and the bound argument you pass in (exclusive). Since you’re randomly picking from an array of possible expansions, what’s the largest random value you will want? Pick out an expansion, and save it as the variable Rule selectedExpansion. We want to store that new value in our results array, but since is is an expansion string we need to process it first because it might contain symbols that need to be expanded as well. What method should you call on selectedExpansion to do that? Store the resulting text in the results array. We now have results values for each section in this rule! Use String.join(“”, results) to join all of the results together into a single string (with no spaces between them), and return the results of that operation. This new return statement should replace the return statement that was in the starter code. That is, your new return statement should replace the line: return “[” + raw + “]”; Finishing up Run your program. It should now output however many outputs of the text you want (as specified by the count parameter). Try it with and without a seed value. Does it always output something new? Try out a few other grammars, we included grammar-recipe.txt which makes bad recipes, and grammar-emojistory.txt which tells stories with emoji. Now edit grammar-yourgrammar.txt. Create something interesting (of about equal complexity to grammar-story.txt). We won’t judge you on what it makes, consider this a freeplay exercise. Some inspirational twitterbots include @unicode_garden, @DUNSONnDRAGGAN, @orcish_insults, @GameIdeaGarden , @indulgine, @CombinationBot, @thinkpiecebot, @infinite_scream, FartingEmoji. Make sure your grammar generates without causing errors! We didn’t implement a graceful way to recover from bad formatting or missing symbols, so these grammars are brittle, they break easily. Turn in Wow, you’re done! Congrats on finishing your first 12B lab. Checklist: ● Works for no command‑line arguments, a few, or all of them ● If a random seed is specified, the output stays consistent. If not, it changes ● If you switch the grammar file, you get output from a different grammar ● You have edited grammar-yourgrammar.txt and it runs. To check that your code is right, compare it with the following output. This output assumes that you’re using Random.nextInt() to generate the random numbers (as described above). This is running TraceryRecursion with the following arguments: $ java TraceryRecursion grammar-story.txt “#origin#” 5 10 The output should be: Running TraceryRecursion… with grammar:’grammar-story.txt’ startsymbol:’#origin#’ count:5 seed:10 Set seed 10 animal:cat,emu,okapi emotion:happy,sad,elated,curious,sleepy color:red,green,blue name:emily,luis,otavio,anna,charlie character:#name# the #adjective# #animal# place:school,the beach,the zoo,Burning Man adjective:#color#,#emotion#, origin:once #character# and #character# went to #place# GRAMMAR: adjective: “#color#”,”#emotion#”, place: “school”,”the beach”,”the zoo”,”Burning Man”, emotion: “happy”,”sad”,”elated”,”curious”,”sleepy”, origin: “once #character# and #character# went to #place#”, color: “red”,”green”,”blue”, name: “emily”,”luis”,”otavio”,”anna”,”charlie”, character: “#name# the #adjective# #animal#”, animal: “cat”,”emu”,”okapi”, once anna the green emu and anna the sleepy emu went to the zoo once emily the green emu and anna the green cat went to school once charlie the blue okapi and otavio the blue emu went to school once emily the blue emu and otavio the blue cat went to the beach once emily the sad okapi and charlie the elated okapi went to the zoo To turn in your code: ● Create a directory with the following name: _lab1 where you replace with your actual student ID. For example, if your student ID is 1234567, then the directory name is 1234567_lab1. ● Put a copy of your edited, and grammar-yourgrammar.txt files in the directory. ● Compress the folder using zip to create. Zip is a compression utility available on mac, linux and windows that can compress a directory into a single file. This should result in a file named (with replaced with your real ID of course). ● Upload the zip file through the page for Lab 1 in canvas ( Additional resources ● How should I name things in Java?‑naming‑conventions ● Basic Java Syntax ● Need some in‑depth Java tutorials? There are free courses online:‑java,‑tutorial/ ● Command line basics:‑command‑line/ ● Get Linux/OSX style command line tools on Windows with Cygwin