
CS-UY 1114 Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving  Homework # 10 solved

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Question 1:
a. Write a function create_permutation(lst) that works in-place. Given a list lst,
this function returns a random permutation of items in lst.
For example, if lst = [2, 5, 0, -1, 4, 9], one run of the function may return
[5, -1, 9, 4, 0, 2], another run may return [0, -1, 2, 5, 9, 4].
For more detail on permutation, check this link:
b. Write a main() function that asks user for a positive integer, n, and prints a random
permutation of the integer sequence 1,2, …, n.
Your main() function should use the create_permutation(lst) function you
created in a.
For example, given n = 10, one run of your main() function may print [1, 4, 5, 2,
3, 9, 8, 7, 10, 6], another run may print [4, 2, 1, 10, 8, 7, 9, 5, 3,
Question 2:
Write a function add_list( lst1, lst2) that takes two lists of numbers of the
same length and returns a list consisting of the sum of the first numbers, the sum of the
second numbers, etc.
For example add_list([1,2,3], [4,5,6]) should return the list [5, 7, 9] since
1+ 4 == 5, 2 + 5 == 7, etc.
Your main program should prompt user for input. It should read a list of numbers, one
number per line, followed by “done”, then another list of numbers, one per line, followed
by done. If the lists have different lengths, your main program should print “Lists are
different lengths.” If they are the same length, the main program should call add_list
and print the resulting list, one number per line.
Note: you may define additional ‘helper’ functions in your program.
Question 3:
Implement the function create_prefix_lists(lst) that will return a sequence of
lists, each containing a prefix of lst. All of the lists should be collected as one big list. For
example for [2,4,6,8,10] the function should return [[], [2], [2,4],
[2,4,6], [2,4,6,8], [2,4,6,8,10]]
Question 4:
a) Write a function, read_menu() that prompts the user to enter a number n, followed
by n lines, each of which has the name of some food and a price. The food name and
the price are separated by a ‘:’ symbol.
read_menu() returns a list of tuples, each of which has a string as the first component
(representing a food name on the menu) and a float as the second component
(representing the price).
Example, when calling read_menu(), the following execution can occur:
How many items are on the menu? 4
Enter item in the form ‘name-price’: tomato soup:3.5
Enter item in the form ‘name-price’: pea soup:3.5
Enter item in the form ‘name-price’: ham sandwich:5
Enter item in the form ‘name-price’: cheese sandwich:4.5
Your function should returned list: [(‘tomato soup’, 3.50), (‘pea soup’, 3.50), (‘ham
sandwich’, 5.00), (‘cheese sandwich’, 4.50)]
Hint: You may use the split function with argument “:”
For example,
>>> “tomato soup:3.5”.split(“:”)
[‘tomato soup’, ‘3.5’]
b) Write a function read_customer_order() that prompts the user to enter a
sequence of items they would like to order, followed by the word “done”.
read_customer_order() returns a list of strings, one element for each food.
What would you like to order?
ham sandwich
pea soup
Your function should return [‘ham sandwich’, ‘pea soup’]
c) Write a function compute_price(menu_list, order_list) that takes a list of
tuples (item, price) representing the menu, and a list of strings representing the
customer’s order and returns the sum of the prices of the items the customer ordered.
For example, given the example inputs from a) and b), your function should return 8.5.
d) Write a main()function that calls the other functions to prompt the user to enter the
menu, then prompts three customers to enter their orders and prints the total price for
each of them (along with 8.5% tax and 15% tip).