
CSCI 561: Foundations of Artificial Intelligence  Homework #2 solved

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Thanks to your battle planner, the wise Master Yoda
made some crucial strategic decisions, and led his
brave squirrel warriors to win a series of decisive battles
against their opponent. The Viterbi Fluffy Hackers family
controls all territories in the USC campus, and has
eradicated the treacherous Leavey Ninja Squirrels
family for good.
Uniting the whole USC campus, Master Yoda now set
his sight on other campuses in the Los Angeles galaxy,
rumored to have fruitful production of tree nuts. As an
ancient prophecy reveals, some squirrel families from
other campuses (e.g. The squirrel family from UCLA
campus led by family patriarch Darth Sidious) have
fallen into the dark side, and a galaxy war is imminent.
Unfortunately, Master Yoda has found out some squirrels from his own family are also tempted
by the dark side, constantly revealing strategic secrets to their enemy via SquirrelChat. Using
the power of the force (a.k.a. the Great Firewall), Master Yoda can take control of all
SquirrelChat message traffic. However, due to the large volume of messages, he again
requested you, the Chosen One, to design a logical system to find out the family traitors.
To help you develop your system, Master
Yoda has provided you with some
knowledge bases he already learned. The
knowledge bases contain first­order
definite clauseswith the following defined
X AND Y X && Y
The wise Master Yoda advises you to use
backward­chainingto develop the
You will be given a knowledge base and a query sentence. You need to determine if the query
can be inferred from the information given in the knowledge base. You are required to use
backward­chaining(AIMA Figure 9.6) to solve this problem.
A simple backward­chaining algorithm for first­order knowledge bases: AIMA Figure 9.6
You will be given a knowledge base and the query in a text file ending with a .txtextension.
The first line of the input file contains the query. The query can have three forms:
1) as a fact with a single atomic sentence:
e.g. Traitor(Anakin)
2) as several facts with multiple atomic sentences, separated by ‘ && ’:
e.g. Knows(Sidious, Pine) && Traitor(Anakin)
3) as a single predicate with one unknown variable:
e.g. Traitor(x)
The second line contains an integer n specifying the number of clauses in the knowledge base.
The remaining lines contain the clauses in the knowledge base, one per line. Each clause is
written in one of the following forms:
1) as an implication of the form p1 ∧ p2 ∧ … ∧ pn ⇒ q, whose premise is a conjunction
of atomic sentences and whose conclusion is a single atomic sentence.
2) as a fact with a single atomic sentence: q. Each atomic sentence is a predicate applied
to a certain number of arguments.
The example below illustrates the format of the input file:
ViterbiSquirrel(x) && Secret(y) && Tells(x, y, z) && Hostile(z) =>
Knows(Sidious, Pine)
Resource(x) && Knows(Sidious, x) => Tells(Anakin, x, Sidious)
Resource(x) => Secret(x)
Enemy(x, USC) => Hostile(x)
Enemy(Sidious, USC)
● && denotes the AND operator. => denotes the implication operator. No other operators
besides && and => are used.
● Conjunctions will be separated by and operator ‘ && ‘ (whitespace on the both sides).
Multiple arguments in a predicate will be separated by ‘, ’ (whitespace on the right side).
Implication operator (‘ => ’) is surrounded by whitespace on the both sides.
● Variables are denoted by a single lowercaseletter.
● All predicates (such as Secret) and constants (such as Anakin) begin with uppercase
letters. You can assume that all predicate names or constant names have at most 20 letters.
● All predicate names and constant names consist of only uppercase (‘A’ ­ ‘Z’) or lowercase
(‘a’ ­ ‘z’) letters. There is no number or symbol (e.g. no ‘_’, ‘­’, etc.) in the names.
● A query will have at most one unknown variable, but it may contain other constants as
arguments. There won’t be a query with multiple atomic sentences containing unknown
variables. In other words, if && is in the query, there won’t be an unknown variable.
● Query will not contain implication.
● You can assume that all implications have at most five predicates in the premise (on the left
side of =>).
● You can assume that all predicates have at least one and at most three arguments.
● Argument of a predicate can only be constant or variable. There is no number or compound
expression (e.g. no Tells(x, y, Hostile(z))) .
● In the Knowledge Base, a single atomic sentence (without implication) is always a fact with
no variable.
● There is NO overloaded predicate. In other words, predicate with the same name always have the
same number of arguments.
● Each input file is independent. There is no need to save knowledge base for other test
● The input file given to your program will not contain any formatting errors, so it is not
necessary to check for those.
The process of backward­chaining should be printed to a file called output.txt. Given the
sample input above, the output content should be as follows:
Ask: Traitor(Anakin)
Ask: ViterbiSquirrel(Anakin)
True: ViterbiSquirrel(Anakin)
Ask: Secret(_)
Ask: Resource(_)
True: Resource(Pine)
True: Secret(Pine)
Ask: Tells(Anakin, Pine, _)
Ask: Resource(Pine)
True: Resource(Pine)
Ask: Knows(Sidious, Pine)
True: Knows(Sidious, Pine)
True: Tells(Anakin, Pine, Sidious)
Ask: Hostile(Sidious)
Ask: Enemy(Sidious, USC)
True: Enemy(Sidious, USC)
True: Hostile(Sidious)
True: Traitor(Anakin)
In each line, a colon (with a whitespace on its right side) separates the action/reply (left side)
and the query (right side). There are only 3 possible action/reply: Ask, True, and False. Taking
the example above, we first ‘Ask’ the knowledge base (KB) whether Anakin is a traitor (line 1 in
output), which triggered a rule (line 3 in input). Based on the rule, whose first literal is
ViterbiSquirrel(x) , the KB ‘Ask’ whether Anakin is from ViterbiSquirrel(line 2 in output). The KB
found Anakin is indeed from ViterbiSquirrel(line 9 in input), so it replied ‘True’ (line 3 in output).
Next, the KB checked the 2nd literal, Secret(y), of the rule. Because variable y was unknown, it
replaced y with an underscore, and ‘Ask’ what is the resource. The process continued until the
initial query was proved (True), disproved (False), or unprovable (False). The last line of the
output file should be the conclusion (either True or False).
If the query is changed to Traitor(Frodo), then the output should be as follows. (Note: with
False meaning that you either disprove the query, or the query is unprovable.)
Ask: Traitor(Frodo)
Ask: ViterbiSquirrel(Frodo)
False: ViterbiSquirrel(Frodo)
False: Traitor(Frodo)
For the 3 different types of query:
1) If the query is a fact with a single atomic sentence, then print the log, ending with a
conclusion True / False.
e.g. The example above.
2) If the query is several facts with multiple atomic sentences, then ask the knowledge
base about each fact one­by­one from left to right. If any fact is disproved or
unprovable, end the query and print False. If all facts are proved, print True. Only print
True / False in the end for the whole query, not individual facts.
e.g. If the query for the input example is changed to:
Knows(Sidious, Pine) && Traitor(Anakin)
Then output example will have two more lines in the beginning:
Ask: Knows(Sidious, Pine)
True: Knows(Sidious, Pine)
Please also refer to sample04.txtfor this kind of query.
3) If the query is a single predicate with one unknown variable, ask the knowledge base
until a variable substitution is found so that the predicate is proved, and print True, or if
no such substitution can be found, print False. There are possibly more than one valid
substitution, but you only need to find one, and you should search in the order of the
input file (first line to the last line), and from left to right for each sentence to find
the same one as in the solution. As the other types of queries, you only need to print
True / False in the end. Don’t print any extra line for variable substitution.
e.g. If the query for the input example is changed to:
Then the first two lines of the output example will be changed to:
Ask: Traitor(_)
Ask: ViterbiSquirrel(_)
Please also refer to sample02.txtand sample03.txtfor this kind of query.
● Process backward­chaining in the order of the input file (first line to the last line), and
from left to right for each sentenceso that your output has the same order as the
● Action and reply should be separated by ‘: ’ (whitespace on the right side). Multiple
arguments in a predicate should be separated by ‘, ’ (whitespace on the right side).
● Replace all unknown variables as an underscorein the output file. Don’t output any
unknown variable as lowercase letter.
● The conclusion should be False if you either disprove the query, or the query is unprovable.
● Please follow the format of sample output carefully, including the location and number of
● You will get zero grade if you don’t follow the output format exactly.Any regrading
request about this will be ignored. E.g. if you print “Correct” instead of “True”, you will get
zero grade for all affected test cases, even if your program is actually correct.
● With the given description, we don’t believe that multiple outputs are possible for any test
case. If you are able to think of any such case, please let us know and we will make the
necessary changes in the grading guidelines.
● The final test cases will be different from the sample test cases provided. Your assignment
will be graded based on the performance on the final test cases only.
Additional Rules for Outputs
● These rules are defined to make the output file more reasonable and readable, and also to
ensure it’s unique. Please read and follow them very carefully.
● To begin with, here are the input and output of sample05.txtas example, please pay
attention to the bolded lines:
Aunt(Jane, Shelly)
Parent(Kevin, Peter)
Parent(Kevin, Gary)
Parent(Kevin, Jane)
Parent(May, Shelly)
Parent(p, a) && Parent(p, b) => Siblings(a, b)
Man(u) && Siblings(u, p) && Parent(p, n) => Uncle(u, n)
Woman(a) && Siblings(a, p) && Parent(p, n) => Aunt(a, n)
Ask: Aunt(Jane, Shelly)
Ask: Woman(Jane)
True: Woman(Jane)
Ask: Siblings(Jane, _)
Ask: Parent(_, Jane)
True: Parent(Kevin, Jane)
Ask: Parent(Kevin, _)
True: Parent(Kevin, Peter)
True: Siblings(Jane, Peter)
Ask: Parent(Peter, Shelly)
False: Parent(Peter, Shelly)
Ask: Parent(Kevin, _)
True: Parent(Kevin, Gary)
True: Siblings(Jane, Gary)
Ask: Parent(Gary, Shelly)
False: Parent(Gary, Shelly)
Ask: Parent(Kevin, _)
True: Parent(Kevin, Jane)
True: Siblings(Jane, Jane)
Ask: Parent(Jane, Shelly)
False: Parent(Jane, Shelly)
False: Aunt(Jane, Shelly)
● For “Ask”: If there are multiple valid unification for an “Ask”, you should print one “Ask”
every time for each unification(e.g. “Ask: Parent(Kevin, _)” in the above sample).
But also remember that the latter ones are only visited if the previous ones do not work out
in the end (in the following recursive levels), and you should visit them in the order of the
knowledge base. If none of the unification work out in the end, you don’t need to print
another “Ask” (e.g. there’s no additional “Ask: Parent(Kevin, _)” before the conclusion
● For “False”(in the log, not conclusion): According to the pesudocode, the query is solved
in a recursive process. However, if an “Ask”ed predicate is ever proved to be “True”, even in
the followed recursive calls other predicate cannot be proved and returned, this proved
predicate should never print a “False”. For example, in the above example, there’s an
implication knowledge:
Woman(a) && Siblings(a, p) && Parent(p, n) => Aunt(a, n)
In the end of the logs, after “False: Parent(Jane, Shelly)”, the next log is “False:
Aunt(Jane, Shelly)”, but no “False” for “Woman()” or “Siblings()”, because they are
already proved in early process.
Similarly, for queries with multiple predicates, if the first predicate is proved but the second
one is disproved, only print “False” log for the second predicate, then the “False” conclusion.
Please refer to sample04.txtfor an example.
● For simplicity, in an implication sentence with variables, different variables can be
substituted with the same constant, e.g. “True: Siblings(Jane, Jane)” is also
checked in the above example (sample05.output.txt).
● Don’t save any proved new knowledge to the KB.If the same knowledge is asked again
during the same test case, you should treat it as an unknown knowledge and enter the
recursive process as normal. E.g. if the query of sample01.txtis changed to:
Traitor(Anakin) && Tells(Anakin, Pine, Sidious)
Even though “Tells(Anakin, Pine, Sidious)” is already proved when querying
“Traitor(Anakin)”, the output should still have these extra logs in the end:
True: Traitor(Anakin) (the same as in sample01.output.txt)
Ask: Tells(Anakin, Pine, Sidious)
Ask: Resource(Pine)
True: Resource(Pine)
Ask: Knows(Sidious, Pine)
True: Knows(Sidious, Pine)
True: Tells(Anakin, Pine, Sidious)
True (the same as in sample01.output.txt)
Grading Notice
● Please follow the instructions carefully. Any deviations from the instructions will lead
your grade to be zero for the assignment. If you have any doubts, please use the
discussion board. Do not assume anything that is not explicitly stated.
● You must use PYTHON(Python 2.7) to implement your code. You are allowed to use
standard libraries only. You have to implement any other functions or methods by yourself.
● You need to create a file named “”. The command to run your program
would be as follows: (When you submit the homework on, the following
commands will be executed.)
python –i inputFile
● You will use to submit your code. Please refer to­getting­started­students to get started with the system.
Please only upload your code to the “/work” directory. Don’t create any subfolder or upload
any other files.
● If we are unable to execute your code successfully, you will not receive any credits.
● When you press “Submit” on Vocareum, your code will be run against the grading
script and the sample input/output files. You will receive feedback on where your
code is making errors, if any. You can click “Submit” to test new versions of your
code as many times as you like up until the deadline. Your last submission will be
graded. The sample input/output files are designed to cover many basic situations of
the problem and rules of the output log, so please utilize them as much as you can.
● Some details about grades:
○ For each test case, your output file (“output.txt”) should contain two parts: conclusion
(True / False) in the final line, and log in all remaining lines.
○ Please make sure you print a conclusion in the final line of your output, and don’t
print any extra line break after the conclusion).
○ If you end up print more than one conclusion in one output file, only the final one is
counted, and the others will be considered as part of the log (and thus you won’t get any
points for the log).
● Your program should handle all test cases within a reasonable time (not more than a few
seconds for each sample test case). The complexity of test cases is similar to, but not
necessarily the same as, the ones provided in the homework.
● The deadline for this assignment is Mar 9, 2016 at 11:59 PM PST. No late homework will
be accepted.Any late submission will not be graded. Any email for late submission will be