
B555 Programming Project 1 solved

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1 Overview
In this assignment you will implement the Naive Bayes algorithm with maximum likelihood and
MAP solutions and evaluate it using cross validation on the task of sentiment analysis (as in
identifying positive/negative product reviews).
2 Text Data for Sentiment Analysis
We will be using the “Sentiment Labelled Sentences Data Set”1
that includes sentences labelled with
sentiment (1 for positive and 0 for negative) extracted from three domains,, These form 3 datasets for the assignment.
Each dataset is given in a single file, where each example is in one line of that file. Each such
example is given as a list of space separated words, followed by a tab character (\t), followed by
the label, and then by a newline (\n). Here is an example from the yelp dataset:
Crust is not good. 0
The data, which is hosted by the UCI machine learning repository, is linked through the course
web page.
3 Implementation
3.1 Naive Bayes for Text Categorization
In this assignment you will implement “Naive Bayes for text categorization” as discussed in class.
In our application every “document” is one sentence as explained above. The description in this
section assumes that a dataset has been split into separate train and test sets.
Given a training set for Naive Bayes you need to parse each example and record the counts for
class and for word given class for all the necessary combinations. These counts constitute the
learning process since they determine the prediction of Naive Bayes (for both maximum likelihood
and MAP solutions).
Now, given the test set, you parse each example, calculate the scores for each class and test the
prediction. Note that products of small numbers (probabilities) will quickly lead to underflow problems. Due to that you should work with sum of log probabilities instead of product of probabilities.
Recall that a · b · c > d · e · f iff log a + log b + log c > log d + log e + log f so that working with the
logarithms is sufficient. However, note that unless your programming environment handles infinity
natively, will need to handle ln(0) , −∞ as a special case in your code.
Important point for prediction: If a word in a test example did not appear in the training set
at all (i.e. in any of the classes), then simply skip that word when calculating the score for this
example. However, if the word did appear with some class but not the other then use the counts
you have (zero for one class but non zero for the other).
3.2 Maximum Likelihood and MAP Solutions
Recall that we are using the feature of type “token in document is word w”, so that each “token
feature” has as many values as words in the vocabulary (all words in training files). The maximum
likelihood (and MAP) estimates of parameters are given by the solution for a Discrete distribution
(with a Dirichlet prior) for its parameters.
The maximum likelihood estimate of p(w|c) for word w and class c is #(w∧c)
#(c) where #(w ∧ c) is the
number of word tokens in examples of class c that are the word w and #(c) is the number of word
tokens in examples of class c.
If we use a prior with parameter vector where all entries are equal to m + 1, that is, (m + 1)1, the
effect is that of adding a pseudo count of m to all entries. In this case, the MAP estimate of p(w|c)
is #(w∧c)+m
#(c)+mV where V is the vocabulary size and other parameters are as above. For example, if
m = 1 and V = 1000, and out of 10000 word locations in examples of class c the word w appeared
100 times, the probability is estimated to be 100+1
10000+1000 .
This estimate is often referred to as “smoothing” in the literature because it smoothes out the
maximum likelihood values and avoids 0/1 extreme solutions. Note that the maximum likelihood
solution is simply the special case of smoothing with m=0.
3.3 Cross Validation
Implement code to read and parse a dataset and prepare it for 10-fold stratified cross validation.
The pseudo-code for generating such folds is given in the lecture slides, and briefly explained here.
The simplest way to get random folds is to randomly permute the order of examples and then
split the permuted indices sequentially. To get stratified folds you need to do this for each class
separately and then put together the different portions. For example, assume the initial classes
are 1, . . . , 10 (positive examples) and 11, . . . , 20 (negative examples) and that our permutations
are [3, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 1, 9, 6, 10] and [17, 13, 14, 18, 11, 15, 12, 16, 19, 20]. Then for 2-fold cross validation
we produce the folds [3, 2, 4, 5, 7, 17, 13, 14, 18, 11] and [8, 1, 9, 6, 10, 15, 12, 16, 19, 20]. In k-fold cross
validation we generate k train/test splits where the ith split is given by training on all but the ith
portion and testing on the ith portion.
It is important to randomize the ordering in the final training sets in case the algorithm is sensitive to example ordering. While Naive Bayes is not sensitive to ordering, our learning curve
experiment of the next section is sensitive. For example, if we use initial portions of the fold
[3, 2, 4, 5, 7, 17, 13, 14, 18, 11] in that order it will only include positive examples, which will skew
the results.
3.4 Learning Curves with Cross Validation
Learning curves evaluate how the predictions improve with increasing train set size. To measure this
with cross validation we follows the following procedure. First generate the folds for cross validation,
call these traini, testi, for i = 1, . . . , k. Say traini has N examples. Then use subsamples of traini
(you can use an initial portion if the data was randomized) of sizes 0.1N, 0.2N, . . . , 0.9N, N as train
sets and evaluate the prediction on testi measuring the accuracy in each case. Repeat this for each
i and then calculate the average and standard deviation for each size. This constitutes the learning
4 Experiments
Once all the above is implemented please run the following tests and report the results. You are
requested to run Naive Bayes many times on combinations of datasets, parameters, and folds. With
a reasonable implementation the overall run time should not be high (≤ 1min). But please plan
ahead to make sure you can complete the assignment on time.
• For each of the 3 datasets run stratified cross validation to generate learning curves for Naive
Bayes with m = 0 and with m = 1. For each dataset, plot averages of the accuracy and
standard deviations (as error bars) as a function of train set size. It is insightful to put both
m = 0 and m = 1 together in the same plot. What observations can you make about the
• Run stratified cross validation for Naive Bayes with smoothing parameter m = 0, 0.1, 0.2, . . . , 0.9
and 1, 2, 3, . . . , 10 (i.e., 20 values overall). Plot the cross validation accuracy and standard
deviations as a function of the smoothing parameter. What observations can you make about
the results?
Please submit two separate items via Canvas:
(1) A zip file with all your work and the report. The zip file should include: (1a) Please
write a report on the experiments, their results, and your conclusions as requested above. Prepare
a PDF file with this report. (1b) Your code for the assignment, including a README file that
explains how to run it. When run your code should produce all the results and plots as requested
above. Your code should assume that the data files will have names as specified above and will
reside in sub-directory pp1data/ of the directory where the code is executed. We will read your
code as part of the grading – please make sure the code is well structured and easy to follow (i.e.,
document it as needed). This portion can be a single file or multiple files.
(2) One PDF “printout” of all contents in 1a,1b: call this YourName-pp1-everything.pdf. One
PDF file which includes the report, a printout of the code and the README file. We will use
this file as a primary point for reading your submission and providing feedback so please include
anything pertinent here.
Your assignment will be graded based on (1) the clarity of the code, (2) its correctness, (3) the
presentation and discussion of the results, (4) our ability to test the code.