
C 343 Project 3 – Intersecting Lines and Search Trees solved

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1 Project Description
For the project, the user can draw arbitrary lines on the board, some of which might intersect
with each other. Once the user presses the ’Go’ button, the program should highlight in red
the leftmost intersecting lines.
We have provided you with the driver code that contains three modes:
• interactive: the user is shown the board. They can draw multiple lines on the board,
some of which might intersect. All the drawn lines are colored with blue. The user
then presses the ’Go’ button, after which the leftmost intersecting lines will be colored
red. To invoke this mode, run ’python’.
• gentests: here one can generate tests on a number of board sizes. The test files are
stored in the tests directory. To invoke this mode, run ’python gentests’.
• test: in this mode, your code will be tested using the tests we generated. To invoke
this mode, run ’python test’.
There are other supporting files, segment,, which
help the driver run your code.
2 Task 1: Unbalanced Search Trees
You have to modify There are two classes in that file, BSTNode and BinarySearchTree. The constructor for BinarySearchTree takes a function less as an argument. This method is used to compare keys in the tree. This is a way to make the class
work with key types that support comparison like integers, floats, pairs of int or floats and
so on. There is also a root argument which should be an instance of BSTNode. The root
denotes the root of the tree. A BSTNode instance contains three fields:
• key – also known as value to be inserted in the tree
• left – left child of this node (another BSTNode instance) if present, None if there is
no left child
• right – right child of this node (another BSTNode instance) if present, None if there
is no right child
• parent – parent of this node or None if this node is the root.
Your task is to implement the following methods for BinarySearchTree:
• insert(k) – inserts a key (aka value) in the tree by creating a node for that key and
it returns the new node. The less comparator provided in the constructor is used to
determine the position of the new node in the tree.
• successor(n) – returns the successor of n in the tree
• predecessor(n) – returns the predecessor of n in the tree
• search(k) – returns node with value k if found else None.
• delete node(n) – deletes the node n from the tree if present.
3 Task 2: Balanced Search Trees
You have to modify Implement the search tree interface (same as for BinarySearchTree), but this time keep your tree balanced using the AVL approach.
4 Deliverables
Your github project3 folder should contain all the files from the zip. These are the ones
you need to modify:
• – your implementation of a binary search tree
• – your implementation of a AVL search tree
• A graph with two lines representing the execution times for running segment intersection in batch mode, comparing your BST and AVL implementations.
• – where you explain your code
5 Driver
You can invoke the driver by running ’python’.